Electrostatics - charges on spheres and work done in moving them

In summary, Adam Muncey has been working on a question about charges and spheres. He has come up with the following:1. The charge density p is equal to the charge Q divided by the sphere's radius.2. The total charge within a sphere of a given radius is found by multiplying the charge Q by the sphere's radius.3. The work done in moving charge from infinity to within a sphere is written as dW= ((3Q^2r^4)dr)/4 pi epsilon0 R^6.
  • #1
this is a great forum here and i was wondering if anyone could lend a helping hand , it would be great.

im currently studying at univercity for electronics engineering and have been given some physics questions to work onover the holidays. I ahve spend quite some time on this question. and got most of the way there (i believe).

question exactly as I've been presented it:

1.Consider a sphere of radius R containing a total charge Q, in which the charge is evenly distributed throughout the sphere.

i) what is the charge density p?

ii) calculate the total charge, Q1 within a sphere of radius r, and uniform charge density p, and express this in terms of Q.

iii) calculate the total charge Q2, within a spherical shell of radius r , thichkness dr and uniform charge density p, and express this in terms of Q

Now ,show that the work done in bringing Q2 from infinity to Q1 can be written:-

dW= ((3Q^2r^4)dr)/4 pi epsilon0 R^6


ive worked on this question anmd so far I've come up with the following

i)p = Q/(4/3)pi.R^3

ii)Q1=(4/3)pi.r^3.p (substituting the common p for both Q1 and Q)
---> Q1=(Q.r^3)/R^3

i gather the total charge Q2 on the shell is = p.vshell
where p is common to both Q1 and Q so
Q2=p.(4/3).pi(r^3-(r-dr)^3) i got this from Q2 = charge density x (voloume of sphere radius r - volume of sphere radius (r-dr))

but i just can't work ou the last part of the answer what Dw =?

i also tried using vshell= 4pir^2dr which is surface areax shell depth

so my question is , hve i gone wrong or if not how to i get the answer to part iii in their form?

Adam Muncey
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Can you simplify the expression for Q2? Do you know the formula for the voltage outside Q1? Do you know the formula for the work done?
  • #3
yes i meant to write:
as Q2=p.(4/3pi(r^3-(r-dr)^3)
--->and p= Q/(4/3)pi.R^3
therefore Q2= (Q(r^3-(r-dr)^3))/R^3
thats the simplified as it was meant to be written in terms of Q.

Im not sure of the formula but work done is = qQ/4pi epsilon0 a
where a would be the distance one charge has moved towards the other.
But the answer on the sheet does not contain a distance as it is not work done it has not yet been integrated, that's where I am lost!

the voltage outside Q1, would that be to work out the two potentials?
or is iot because change in potential is equal to the work done?

i.e if the potential has increased by 5j/c (5v) then does that mean 5 joules of work have been done?

im confuised here!

thats for the reply by the way!

Adam Muncey
  • #4
You need to simplify Q2 (or, maybe more appropriately, dQ) by expanding (r-dr)^3 and discarding all terms containing dr^2 or higher. Then the work done is the change in potential (where V=Q1/4πε0r outside the sphere) times the charge (Q2).
  • #5
thanks, but one last question, i can discard all terms of dr^2 or higher as they are significantly small, is that correct?

also I am confused in the potwential, arnt i moving one charge from infinity towards the other charge?

also how do i get this in the dw form?
  • #6
You can get rid of all the terms dr^2 and higher because, at the end, you'll be taking the limit as dr goes to zero, and so the only important term is dr. You are moving one charge (the infinitessimal one) in from infinity. And just think of dW as the change in W, so it will be related to dr, the change in the radius of the sphere.
  • #7
thants so far or the excellent help status, however I am still a little confused, why will dr go to zero? isn't that the thickness of the shell? why does that alter, am i looking at this in the wrong way, i though it was the shell moving from infinity ( infinitely small charge as it has thickness of dr) towards charge q1 a sphere of radius r.

im just confused why dr will decrease basically.
  • #8
dr is an infinitessimal. It is a shorthand way of expressing relations like this one. An equation like dW= ((3Q^2r^4)dr)/4 pi epsilon0 R^6 isn't really mathematically precise, but is a way of expressing dW/dr=((3Q^2r^4))/4 pi epsilon0 R^6. This is found by:

[tex]\frac{dW}{dr} = \mbox{lim}_{dr->0} \frac{W(r+dr)-W(r)}{dr}[/tex]

That's where dr is sent to zero.
  • #9
thanks very much, great help

FAQ: Electrostatics - charges on spheres and work done in moving them

1. What is electrostatics?

Electrostatics is the study of stationary electric charges and the forces and fields associated with them. It is a branch of physics that deals with the behavior of electric charges at rest.

2. How do charges behave on spheres?

Charges on spheres behave in such a way that they distribute themselves uniformly on the surface of the sphere. This is due to the repulsive forces between like charges and the attractive forces between opposite charges.

3. What is the work done in moving charges on spheres?

The work done in moving charges on spheres is equal to the change in potential energy. This can be calculated using the equation W = qΔV, where q is the charge and ΔV is the change in potential energy.

4. What is the relationship between work done and electric potential?

The work done in moving a charge from one point to another is equal to the difference in electric potential between those two points. This is because electric potential is a measure of the work done per unit charge in moving a charge from one point to another.

5. How do I calculate the electric potential on a sphere?

The electric potential on a sphere can be calculated using the equation V = kq/r, where k is the Coulomb's constant, q is the charge on the sphere, and r is the distance from the center of the sphere to the point at which the potential is being calculated.
