If you transfer schools does your GPA get reset?

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  • Thread starter mr_coffee
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    Gpa Schools
In summary, transferring credits from one school to another can lead to a difference in your GPA. It depends on the individual school's policies.
  • #1
Hello everyone...

I'm transferring from Penn State to NC State and I currently have 92.5 credits, 85.5 of the credits transferred and I had a 3.64 at Penn State, and now it says I have a 3.68 because a few of the credits that didn't transfer must have highered my gpa.

But one of my friends at NC state said your GPA is whatever you get your first semester at your new school (in my case NC State) is this true?

Anyone have experience with this?

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  • #2
Schools are businesses. They have their own policies regarding the credits they will accept from other schools and how they will evaluate them, and they use those policies to optimize profit. Schools are businesses. I don't want to be pedantic about this, but SCHOOLS ARE BUSINESSES. Sorry for the all-caps, but you've got to understand this when you contemplate transfers.:smile:
  • #3
contact the school.
  • #4
I transferred from University of Regina to McGill after my freshman year. I got credits for most of the courses I did, but my grades did not carry over (GPA was 'reset'). However, it probably depends school by school.
  • #5
When I transferred, I got credit toward my degree for the course work taken (passed with sufficient grades)... however, my none of those grades contributed to my GPA at the new school. Of course, when applying to grad school, I submitted both transcripts...each with GPAs [as well as number of credits earned] computed from courses taken at the corresponding institutions.
  • #6
Depends on individual school. Check with the school that YOU ARE TRANSFORING TO.
  • #7
Yes, there is virtually no point in asking this here, since it will depend on the school.
  • #8
robphy said:
When I transferred, I got credit toward my degree for the course work taken (passed with sufficient grades)... however, my none of those grades contributed to my GPA at the new school.

That's the policy where I teach, also. We accept credit hours for courses taken elsewhere, subject to various restrictions, but we don't include those courses in our GPA.
  • #9
mr_coffee said:
But one of my friends at NC state said your GPA is whatever you get your first semester at your new school (in my case NC State) is this true?

A few minutes' of browsing through the NCSU Web site looking for "academic regulations" led me to this page:


which states:

Credit accepted for transfer from another institution is shown only as credit hours and is not included in the computation of the grade point average.
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  • #10
ahh thanks guys for the help!
  • #11
So it turns out, I'm not going to transfer!

I found out that It would take 6 semesters to graduate from NC State's Computer Science Degree from the credits that transfered. Its insane.

I had 95.2 credits, 85.2 transfered, sounds pretty good right? False!

It seems that Penn State's Comp Sci Degree is closer match to NC State's computer engineering degree not their Comp Sci.

They also would have made me taken calc 3 all over again and linear algebra! F that.

So I'm just going to deal with the suck of Penn State for 3 more semesters starting in the Spring, then work for IBM in the summer again, then only 2 more semesters and I'm graduated! weee.
  • #12
Some schools allow you to repeat a course and substitute the new grade for the old. Contact your advisor for details.
  • #13
Chronos said:
Some schools allow you to repeat a course and substitute the new grade for the old. Contact your advisor for details.

After transferring, this is just not possible. Your new institution can't overwrite the contents of another institution's transcripts. However, if they include your old grades in computing your GPA (seems very uncommon) then they may allow you to "overwrite" it for purposes of their GPA computation. Even at the same school, there are usually a list of conditions for doing this...usually you have to have failed the class the first time - which makes C grades particularly annoying.
  • #14
I don't want to repeat anything, my main goal was to take my core computer science courses at NC State because they are very good but in the end the transfering of credits from PA to NC was just to different.

I could take exams to prove my knowledge but I don't feel like taking calc 3/linear algebra/Quatum Physics I don't even know if I remember anything from those courses. I mean if you give me a problem, I can refresh myself on the topic and solve it but I don't know about you guys, I can't just recall everything even if I did take a course on it and got an A.

I'm glad this happened actually, I can stop beating around the bush and finally graduate!

I'll get more experience working on the job anyways than I would by going to college for 6 more semesters.

FAQ: If you transfer schools does your GPA get reset?

1. Does my GPA start over when I transfer to a new school?

No, your GPA does not reset when you transfer to a new school. Your GPA is a cumulative measure of your academic performance and will continue to reflect all the grades you have earned, regardless of the school you attended.

2. Will my previous grades from my old school still count towards my GPA at the new school?

Yes, your previous grades will still count towards your GPA at the new school. When you transfer, your old school will send your official transcript to the new school, and your new school will include those grades in your GPA calculation.

3. Can I improve my GPA by transferring to a new school?

It is possible to improve your GPA by transferring to a new school, but it is not guaranteed. Your new school may have different grading policies and requirements, which could potentially benefit or hurt your GPA. It is important to research and understand the academic expectations at your new school before transferring.

4. Are there any circumstances where my GPA might be reset when I transfer schools?

There are a few rare circumstances where a GPA might be reset when transferring schools. For example, if you transfer from a non-accredited institution to an accredited one, your previous grades may not be accepted and your GPA could start over. It is important to check with your new school about their policies on transferring credits and GPA calculations.

5. Will my GPA from my previous school show up on my transcript at my new school?

Yes, your GPA from your previous school will show up on your transcript at your new school. This is important for future employers or graduate schools to see your academic history and performance. Your new school will also calculate and display your cumulative GPA, which includes your previous grades.

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