Can a Charged Particle Lose its Charge While Moving at Different Speeds?

In summary, a charged particle will not lose its charge when travelling at close to the speed of light. However, you may have to put work into the system to keep the particle moving, either because it's moving against an electric field or shedding energy by emitting electromagnetic radiation.
  • #1
hi PF, i got a question in my mind while studying electrostatics that
Will a charged particle loose its charge if it travels with a speed
a) Less than speed of light?
b) Close to speed of light?
Physics news on
  • #2
dev70 said:
hi PF, i got a question in my mind while studying electrostatics that
Will a charged particle loose its charge if it travels with a speed
a) Less than speed of light?
b) Close to speed of light?

No and no (They're actually the same question).
However, you may have to put work into the system to keep the particle moving, either because it's moving against an electric field or shedding energy by emitting electromagnetic radiation.
  • #3
dev70 said:
hi PF, i got a question in my mind while studying electrostatics that
Will a charged particle loose its charge if it travels with a speed
a) Less than speed of light?
b) Close to speed of light?

No, charge is an intrinsic property of certain particles. They cannot lose it much like they cannot lose their mass or spin.
  • #4
Charge is a conserved quantity!
  • #5
thank you all..but the way inertial mass increases of a body when it travels close to speed of light, will anything similar happen?
  • #6
dev70 said:
thank you all..but the way inertial mass increases of a body when it travels close to speed of light, will anything similar happen?

Not with charge, no.
  • #7
Neither charge nor mass increase in relativistic motion, because mass and charge are both relativistic invariants, i.e., scalar quantities.
  • #8
dev70 said:
inertial mass increases of a body when it travels close to speed of light, will anything similar happen?

this is a somewhat old-fashioned view of mass, that is now considered to complicate matters unnecessarily.

it's better to use the word 'mass' to simply refer to the rest mass of an object, which is invariant, and get rid of this idea of mass changing with velocity.

mass is invariant, and so is charge.
  • #9
ok...i know that rest mass is constant and invariant. but if we consider a charged particle moving in a medium say gas won't it ionize the gas particles? And if it does it should loose charge i guess?
  • #10
dev70 said:
ok...i know that rest mass is constant and invariant. but if we consider a charged particle moving in a medium say gas won't it ionize the gas particles? And if it does it should loose charge i guess?

Yes, it can ionize the atoms of the gas it moves through, but no, it will not lose charge. Ions are formed when the particle collides with the atoms in the gas and knocks electrons out of them; we start with the charged particle and a neutral atom, and we end up with exact same charged particle, a positive-charged ion, and a stray electron.
  • #11
The only way a particle can ''lose'' it's charge, in some sense of the word, is by screening. This can happen in a material, like any ole dielectric. There charge is hidden by the material being weakly conductive.

Oddly enough, the QED vacuum can be considered a dielectric, and so measured charge and the mass of a electron, say, are ''screened'' by virtual particle, anti-particle pair production. The ''bare'' charge and mass of a particle is never truly known, and in fact, becomes silly to talk about, since it is unphysical since it can't be measured.
  • #12
well..jfy4..would you please tell more about it. i just couldn't understand what you meant?

FAQ: Can a Charged Particle Lose its Charge While Moving at Different Speeds?

1. What is a charged particle?

A charged particle is an object that has an electric charge, either positive or negative. This charge is a fundamental property of matter and can be either stationary or in motion.

2. How does a charged particle move?

A charged particle can be influenced by electric and magnetic fields, causing it to move in a particular direction. The direction and speed of its motion are determined by the strength of the fields and the charge of the particle.

3. What is the difference between a positive and negative charged particle?

A positive charged particle has a net positive charge, meaning it has more protons than electrons. A negative charged particle has a net negative charge, meaning it has more electrons than protons. This difference in charge affects how the particles interact with electric and magnetic fields.

4. How does the motion of a charged particle contribute to electricity?

The motion of charged particles is essential in the production and transfer of electricity. When a charged particle moves, it creates an electric current, which is the flow of electric charge. This movement of particles is what powers electronic devices and allows for the transmission of electricity through wires.

5. Can a charged particle change its motion?

Yes, a charged particle can change its motion if it encounters a different type of electric or magnetic field. For example, the particle's motion may change if it enters a region with a stronger or weaker field, or if the direction of the field changes. Additionally, charged particles can also interact with other charged particles, causing changes in their motion.
