Need ASTM stainless technical article

  • Thread starter Gokul43201
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In summary, the conversation is discussing the search for an ASTM article from a handbook on wrought ferritic stainless steels. The citation for the article is conflicting, but it is believed at least one of them is correct. The article is found in a book called "The Handbook of Stainless Steels" and may also be available in the library or through a professor or grad student. The conversation then shifts to finding thermal conductivity data for stainless steel grades 304 and 347 at low temperatures, with suggestions for sources such as the cryogenic group at NASA Ames and a possible journal called Metallurgical Transactions. The conversation ends with the sharing of low quality images of the data in question.
  • #1
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I'm desperately seeking an ASTM article from a handbook, and can't seem to find it in the library (though the lib database says it's there). I have two (possibly conflicting) citations for the article, but I'm sure at least one of them is correct.

1. J. J. Demo, "Structure, constitution and general characteristics of wrought ferritic stainless steels", Philadelphia, ASTM, 1977, pp1164-1175

2. "Structure, constitution and general characteristics of wrought ferritic stainless steels", ASTM Special Technical Publication 619, Handbook of Stainless Steels (Ch. 6)

If anyone can find this and pass it on to me, I'd be very much obliged.
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  • #2
According to ASTM's Publications List - the Special Technical Publication -
"STP 619 - Structures, Constitution, and General Characteristics of Wrought Ferritic Stainless Steels" is out of print.

The library might have it, or some professor or grad student. If it's not on the stacks, it might be in the reference section, or perhaps the Materials Science department has it.

Check your PM inbox.
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  • #3

I have the paper you are looking for. It may be easier for you to get because it is in a book. The book is The Handbook of Stainless Steels by Pekner and Bernstein (McGraw-Hill) ISBN 0-07-049147-X, 1977. Chapter 5 is what you are looking for in this book.

Let me know if you need more info.
  • #4
That book is available in the 'used' condition on Amazon for ~$95-100.
  • #5
Thanks for the responses folks. I'll look about and get back with my progress in a little bit.
  • #6
Okay, I found the cited article in the handbook mentioned by Fred, but unfortunately...that wasn't the paper I was looking for. Sorry to have led you folks up the wrong path, but if you'll bear with me, I can now explain things a little better.

What I have is a set of photocopied pages (photocopies made by an old student who is long gone). The pages (1165, 66, 67, numberless page, 1174, 75, numberless page) I've got appear to be from a Journal, or a Technical Handbook - and these numbers seem to match the numbers in the citation so I suspect that the citation is probably partially correct. . The data contained in these pages includes thermal conductivity tables and curves for a bunch of stainless grades (importantly for us, including SS 304 and 347) from about 2K to 1000K.

We've used this data in some of our calculations and now need to include the correct citation for a paper that's being written.

So now, I've got to figure out where this data came from. :frown:
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  • #7
It's most likely an STP? Or did ASTM have journals back then :biggrin: ? With the number of STPs / year & journals shouldn't be that difficult to track, can swing by the ASTM section when visit our "manual" library if need to (frequent visitor so no trouble at all)... have all those neatly lined up.
  • #8
If that is the data you are looking for, that can be found in the same reference in chapter 19, page 19-17 thru 19-22. 304 and 347 are on page 19-18 (I can scan it if you'd like). I can also scan in the refereces cited for the charts.
  • #9
FredGarvin said:
If that is the data you are looking for, that can be found in the same reference in chapter 19, page 19-17 thru 19-22. 304 and 347 are on page 19-18 (I can scan it if you'd like). I can also scan in the refereces cited for the charts.
In the same Handbook, by Peckner and Bernstein? Yikes, I just took that back to the library!

Took it out again. 19-18 shows 304 (and 347) but only goes down to about 100F (or 300K, and about 200K for the 347). I need data from down at 2K ! Looking at references, nevertheless...
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  • #10
Gokul43201 said:
In the same Handbook, by Peckner and Bernstein? Yikes, I just took that back to the library!

Took it out again. 19-18 shows 304 (and 347) but only goes down to about 100F (or 300K, and about 200K for the 347). I need data from down at 2K ! Looking at references, nevertheless...
Ahh. You're right. It doesn't cover quite the range of temps. I'll keep looking here as well.
  • #11
The pages (1165, 66, 67, numberless page, 1174, 75, numberless page) I've got appear to be from a Journal
Maybe from a journal like Metallurgical Transactions (now Metallurgical and Materials Transactions). It was originally published by The Metallurgcial Society (TMS), but now is a joint publication of TMS and ASM (aka ASM International).

I'll keep looking.

In the meantime, I happened to find this -

But they don't provide references or citations. :rolleyes:

Also, there is a cryogenic group at NASA Ames, and they might have what you're looking for.
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  • #13
The first image is rather fuzzy and the second image is blurred on the bottom.

Perhaps save it as gif or tif, and maybe scan it at 300 dpi or better, or maybe 150 dpi is OK. Browsers are apparently designed for 72 dpi.
  • #14
I'll get better quality pictures up later today. I put those up just for the purpose of identification - if you come across a graph that looks similar, it would help ring a bell. Meanwhile, here are some key terms and subtitles and such:

Fig 331R - Recommended Thermal Conductivity of Iron + Chromium + Nickel + [itex]\sum X_i [/itex]

Specification Table No. 331R - Recommended Thermal Conductivity of [Iron + Chromium + Nickel + [itex]\sum X_i [/itex]] Group II
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  • #15
It would help to know what the small text is on the borders of the figures.

Also, the rest of the text would be useful.

If there are references, what are the dates of the references?
  • #16
I found that there are lots of free books on various torrent sites...*cough* arrrrgh me hearty! :rolleyes: *cough*
  • #17
Astronuc said:
It would help to know what the small text is on the borders of the figures.
For the first picture, the small text includes the axes labels: "Thermal Conductivity, Watt cm^-1 K^-1" and "Temperature, K"; the figure number: "FIG 331R"; and a legend within the graph: "AISI 304: M.P. 1672-1728K" and "AISI 347: M.P. 1672-1700K"
  • #18
The second figure has the same axes labels and is "FIG 331" and has, in the top left: "Figure shows only 33 of the curves in the table".

The axes values range from 10^-3 to 1 for the y-axis (Conductivity) and from 1 to 5*10^3 for the x-axis (Temperature in K) in both figures.
  • #19
Finally, a likely solution. I got a call back from a prof at the Materials Science dept. who says the paper is from "Thermophysical Properties of Matter - The TPRC Data Series", edited by Touloukian.

I'll go check the library...<fingers crossed>
  • #20
This 17,000 page Data Series should form a necessary acquisition to all scientific and technological libraries and laboratories.

Wholly moley. That's a lot of reference. I wonder if we have it as well?
  • #21
That could be. If so, you want volume 1, "Thermal Conductivity of Metallic Solids". Library call no. QC 171 P83 13 VOLS

Many university libraries should have it. It was developed as part of CINDAS work from Purdue.

If you can't find it locally, someone at CINDAS might be able to confirm it.
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  • #22
Astronuc said:
That could be. If so, you want volume 1, "Thermal Conductivity of Metallic Solids".
Yup, that was it. This thing is quite a beauty. Guess the folks in the Mat Sci Dept know their stuff.

Thanks for the effort y'all!
  • #23
Some of the data are cited in Incropera and Dewitt, but not down to cryogenic temperatures.

I'd forgotten about that database. :rolleyes: We have our own for room temp to melting for various metals and alloys.

FAQ: Need ASTM stainless technical article

1. What is ASTM stainless?

ASTM stainless refers to a set of standards developed by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) for various grades of stainless steel. These standards specify the chemical composition, mechanical properties, and other characteristics of stainless steel to ensure consistent quality and performance.

2. What are the benefits of using ASTM stainless?

Using ASTM stainless steel provides several benefits, including high corrosion resistance, strength and durability, and ease of fabrication. It is also a cost-effective option for various applications due to its long lifespan and low maintenance requirements.

3. How is ASTM stainless steel different from other types of stainless steel?

ASTM stainless steel is different from other types of stainless steel due to its standardized composition and properties. It is evaluated and certified by the ASTM to meet specific requirements, making it a reliable and consistent choice for various industries and applications.

4. What industries commonly use ASTM stainless steel?

ASTM stainless steel is used in a variety of industries, including construction, automotive, aerospace, medical, and food and beverage. It is also common in household appliances, chemical processing, and marine applications due to its corrosion resistance properties.

5. How can I ensure I am using the correct ASTM stainless steel for my project?

To ensure you are using the correct ASTM stainless steel for your project, it is essential to refer to the specific ASTM standard for the grade and type of stainless steel needed. You can also consult with a metallurgist or stainless steel supplier for guidance and recommendations based on your project requirements.
