Calculating Electric Field for Three Point Charges on Y-Axis

In summary: E=k \frac{q}{(y-a)^2} + k \frac{-2q}{y^2} + k \frac{q}{y^2} In summary, three point charges are placed on the y-axis. A change at q at y=a, a charge at -2q at the origin, and a charge q at y=-a. Find the magnitude and direction of the electrif field on the y-axis for y>a.
  • #1
Three point charges are placed on the y-axis. a chage at q at y=a, a charge at -2q at the origin, and a charge q at y=-a. find the magnitude and direction of the electrif field on the y-axis for y>a

I'm not sure where to begin at all. This is what I am thinking, but not completely sure. I could find the electric field the charges but I don't know how to encoporate the fact that there are two other charges that add to the electric field. any suggestions?
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  • #2
You can calculate the electric field for each charge individually at a point, then add the three fields together (keeping in mind that opposite direction fields subtract, not add).
  • #3

[tex]E=k \frac{-q}{4a^2} + k \frac{-2q}{a^2} [/tex]

[tex] E= k \left( \frac{-q}{4a^2} + k \frac{-8q}{4a^2} \right)[/tex]

[tex]E=k \left( \frac{-9q}{4a^2} \right) [/tex]

does this look right?
  • #4
you aren't taking into account the differences in distances to each charge. Let's say you are at a point b along the y axis. then the distance 'r' from the first charge q is b-a. the distance for the one at the orgin (the -2q) is b-0 or b. lastly the distance for the one at -a is b+a. these are the radii you need to plug into the general equation
  • #5
the -2q distance is a

the -q distance is 2a


that is what I have.
  • #6
the problem stated says 'find the magnitude and direction of the electrif field on the y-axis for y>a'. Therefore the distance is not a set value, but depends on where you want to look (for values greater than a). This is why I used b. b is just an arbitrary y value.
  • #7
then the solution can be infinite!?

actually, there is a second part to the problem. it asks me to use the binomial expansion to show that very far from the quadrupole the electric field is proportional to y^-4 which i, again, have no clue how to tackle.
  • #8
well the solution won't be infinite. as the radius goes to infinity the solution goes to zero since the radius is on the bottom.

also not sure about the second part... i might try setting y>>a so that the radii all just go towards y... but that doesn't give you y^-4
or try and use the taylor expansion and throw out small terms...
taylor expansion
(1+x)^r = 1 + rx + 1/2*r(r-1)x^2+1/6*r(r-1)(r-2)x^3...etc
  • #9
i see what you are saying


[tex]E=k \frac{-q}{(a+b)^2} + k \frac{-2q}{b^2} [/tex]
  • #10
close, but unless I am reading the problem wrong there are 3 charges. And two are positive q (with radii a-b and a+b). The last term is correct though.
  • #11
[tex]E=k \frac{q}{(b-a)^2} + k \frac{-2q}{b^2} + k \frac{q}{(a+b)^2} [/tex]
  • #12
yes, looks good
  • #13
dmoravec said:
well the solution won't be infinite. as the radius goes to infinity the solution goes to zero since the radius is on the bottom.

also not sure about the second part... i might try setting y>>a so that the radii all just go towards y... but that doesn't give you y^-4
or try and use the taylor expansion and throw out small terms...
taylor expansion
(1+x)^r = 1 + rx + 1/2*r(r-1)x^2+1/6*r(r-1)(r-2)x^3...etc

how do you tell if it goes towards y^-4 or not?
  • #14
my guess would be to attempt to combine all of the fractions into one and then go from there.
  • #15
Your original problem was "find the magnitude and direction of the electrif field on the y-axis for y>a". None of your formulas include "y"!

From the point at (0,y) to each of the charges, at (0, a), (0, 0), and (0, -a) the distances are |y-a|, |y|, and |y+a| respectively.
  • #16
thats my bad, i had started using b... b is y.
  • #17
the next part of the question asks: Use the binomial expansion to show that very far from the quadrupole, so that y>>a, the electric field is proportional to y^-4. Contrast the behavior to that of the eectric field of a point charge and that of the electric field of an electric dipole.

dmoravec said:
my guess would be to attempt to combine all of the fractions into one and then go from there.

[tex]E=k \frac{q}{(y-a)^2} + k \frac{-2q}{y^2} + k \frac{q}{(a+y)^2} [/tex]

when y>>a

[tex]E=k \frac{q}{y^2} + k \frac{-2q}{y^2} + k \frac{q}{y^2} [/tex]

so E=0

not really sure where to go from here
  • #18
before assuming that y>>a try moving the fractions into one.
for example, the first term would become:
[tex] k\frac{q y^2 (a+y)^2}{(y-a)^2y^2(y+a)^2} [/tex]
similarly try this with the other two fractions and then they can be added into one.
  • #19
[tex]E= kq \left( \frac{ y^2 (a+y)^2}{(y-a)^2y^2(y+a)^2} - \frac{2 (y-a)^2 (a+y)^2}{(y-a)^2y^2(y+a)^2}+ \frac{ y^2 (a-y)^2}{(y-a)^2y^2(y+a)^2} \right)[/tex]

assuming that y>>a

[tex]E=kq \frac{y^4-y^4+y^4}{y^6}[/tex]

I get the answer as y^-2

where am I going wrong? and why does the question as me to use the binomial expansion?

FAQ: Calculating Electric Field for Three Point Charges on Y-Axis

1. What is an electric field problem?

An electric field problem is a type of physics problem that involves calculating the strength and direction of the electric field at a given point in space. This field is created by electric charges and can affect the motion and behavior of other charges in the vicinity.

2. How do you calculate the electric field of a point charge?

To calculate the electric field of a point charge, you can use the equation E = kQ/r^2, where E is the electric field strength, k is the Coulomb's constant, Q is the charge of the point charge, and r is the distance from the point charge to the point where you want to calculate the field.

3. What is the difference between an electric field and an electric potential?

An electric field is a vector quantity that represents the force per unit charge experienced by a test charge in the presence of other charges. On the other hand, electric potential is a scalar quantity that represents the potential energy per unit charge at a given point in space. In simpler terms, electric potential tells us how much work is needed to move a charge from one point to another, while electric field tells us the force experienced by a charge at a given point.

4. How does the direction of the electric field relate to the direction of the electric force?

The direction of the electric field is always in the same direction as the electric force experienced by a positive test charge. This means that if the electric field points towards a positive charge, the electric force will also be in that direction. However, if the test charge is negative, the direction of the force will be opposite to the direction of the electric field.

5. What are some real-life applications of electric field problems?

Electric field problems have various real-life applications, such as in the design of electronic devices, understanding and improving power transmission and distribution systems, and in medical imaging techniques such as electrocardiograms and electroencephalograms. Additionally, electric field problems are important in the study of electromagnetism, which has many applications in technology and engineering.
