What causes Venus to be hotter than Mercury despite being farther from the Sun?

In summary, the dense atmosphere on Venus causes electromagnetic waves to travel slower, resulting in more refraction and potential for total internal reflection. This also affects the peak wavelength of a black body, which is dependent on the composition of the atmosphere. The specific composition of Venus' atmosphere compared to Earth's may also play a role in the planet's high temperature, potentially due to the greenhouse effect.
  • #1
The dense atmosphere on the planet Venus makes Venus the hottest planet in the solar system, even hotter than Mercury the closest planet to the Sun. suggest an explanation for this anomaly that involves the electromagnetic spectrum.

- Electromagnetic waves travel slower in denser mediums, and also there will be more refraction and chances of total internal reflection increases the EM waves within the atmosphere at one time.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
What does the peak wavelenght of a black body depend on?
Think of the peak wavelengths emitted by a star and a planet.
What wavelengths get absorbed by an atmosphere?
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  • #3
It may also be an idea to consider how Venus' atmosphere differs to Earth (by compound).
  • #4
I was pretty sure it had to do with the greenhouse effect.

FAQ: What causes Venus to be hotter than Mercury despite being farther from the Sun?

What makes Venus the hottest planet?

Venus is the hottest planet because it has a thick atmosphere that traps heat from the sun, causing a runaway greenhouse effect. This results in surface temperatures reaching up to 864 degrees Fahrenheit.

How does Venus compare to Earth in terms of temperature?

Venus is significantly hotter than Earth, with an average temperature of 864 degrees Fahrenheit compared to Earth's average of 59 degrees Fahrenheit.

What is the composition of Venus' atmosphere?

Venus' atmosphere is mostly made up of carbon dioxide, with small amounts of nitrogen and sulfur dioxide. This composition is what causes the extreme greenhouse effect on the planet.

Is it possible for life to exist on Venus?

Due to its extremely high temperatures and toxic atmosphere, it is highly unlikely that any form of life could survive on Venus.

How does Venus' distance from the sun contribute to its high temperatures?

Venus' distance from the sun does not directly contribute to its high temperatures. It is the thick atmosphere and greenhouse effect that are the main factors in making it the hottest planet.
