Solving Newtons Law Problem for Hot Air Balloon Mass of Ballast

In summary: So the main thing was just to set the forces equal to each other and solve for the mass that way.In summary, the hot-air balloon, basket, and contents have a total mass of 315 kg and experience an acceleration of 1.10 m/s^2 [down]. The balloonist wants to reduce the acceleration to zero but has no fuel to heat the air in the balloon. By setting the gravitational force equal to the buoyant force, it is determined that the mass of ballast that must be discarded overboard is 35 kg.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A hot - air balloon experiences an acceleration of 1.10 m/s^2 [down]. The total mass of the balloon, the basket, and the contents of the basket is 315 kg.

The balloonist wishes to change the acceleration to zero. There is no fuel left to heat the air in the balloon. Determine the mass of the ballast that must be discarded overboard. [NEGLECT AIR RESISTANCE]

Homework Equations

Newtons second law equation : F = mA

Free body diagrams are also important

The Attempt at a Solution

I drew a free body diagram for the hot air balloon and I noticed there were two forces: The force of gravity and the upward (buoyant) force on the system. I calculated the upward force on the system to be approximately 2.7 * 10^3 N [up].

However I'm totally stuck on what to do next.
Please help and many thanks in advance!
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  • #2
Hello Ballox,

Welcome to Physics Forums!

I assume you know the gravitational force is equal to mg. The goal is to set the gravitational force equal to the buoyant force. "g" isn't about to change any time soon, so... :wink:
  • #3
I am not sure how buoyant forces work. Does this buoyant change when force of gravity changes? If so, what is the formula for buoyant force?
  • #4
collinsmark said:
Hello Ballox,

Welcome to Physics Forums!

I assume you know the gravitational force is equal to mg. The goal is to set the gravitational force equal to the buoyant force. "g" isn't about to change any time soon, so... :wink:

So setting the gravitational force equal to the buoyant force would be:

mG = 2.7 * 10^3 N [up] ( I rounded this, it really should be around 2740.5 N)

Which we would solve for m as : 279.6 kg.

But this gives us the mass when when the gravitational force is equal to the buoyant we have to subtract this mass from the mass of the entire system to determine the amount of mass that must be discarded overboard.

So I get :

315 KG - 279.6KG ~ 35 kg.

So I get the answer in the textbook! ^^;

Is this the right approach?
  • #5
Ballox said:
So I get :

315 KG - 279.6KG ~ 35 kg.

So I get the answer in the textbook! ^^;

Is this the right approach?

Looks good to me! :approve:
  • #6
collinsmark said:
Looks good to me! :approve:

Sweet. Thanks for your help.

FAQ: Solving Newtons Law Problem for Hot Air Balloon Mass of Ballast

1. What is Newton's Law and how does it relate to hot air balloon mass of ballast?

Newton's Law of Motion states that an object will remain at rest or continue to move at a constant velocity unless acted upon by an external force. In the case of a hot air balloon, the mass of ballast (or weight) is a crucial factor in determining the balloon's movement as it counteracts the force of the hot air lifting the balloon.

2. How do you calculate the mass of ballast needed for a hot air balloon to maintain a stable flight?

The mass of ballast needed for a hot air balloon depends on various factors such as the weight of the balloon, the weight of the occupants, and the outside temperature. To calculate, you would need to use the equation: Mass of Ballast = (Weight of Balloon + Weight of Occupants) - (Volume of Balloon x Density of Air x Temperature Difference).

3. What is the purpose of ballast in a hot air balloon?

The purpose of ballast in a hot air balloon is to control the altitude and speed of the balloon. By adding or removing ballast, the pilot can adjust the weight of the balloon and maintain a stable flight.

4. How does the outside temperature affect the mass of ballast needed for a hot air balloon?

The outside temperature has a significant impact on the mass of ballast needed for a hot air balloon. As the temperature rises, the air inside the balloon becomes less dense, causing the balloon to rise. To counteract this, more ballast is needed to maintain a stable flight. On the other hand, in colder temperatures, the air inside the balloon becomes denser, and the balloon may begin to descend, requiring less ballast.

5. How can you solve a Newton's Law problem for hot air balloon mass of ballast?

To solve a Newton's Law problem for hot air balloon mass of ballast, you would need to identify and understand all the forces acting on the balloon, including the weight of the balloon and occupants, the buoyancy force of the hot air, and the force of gravity. Then, you can use the appropriate equations to calculate the mass of ballast needed to maintain a stable flight.
