Sound Experiment: Dropping 4 Masses from a 3rd Floor Window

In summary, the extra credit project due Friday involves using a 3 meter string and hanging 4 masses on it with a distance of no less than 0.5m apart. The recommended masses to use are variations of 50kg, but using all 100kg masses is suggested. The goal is to drop the string from a 3rd floor window and measure the sound of the masses hitting the ground versus time. A correlation of 98% with a straight line must be achieved using a program called graphical analysis. The time between each mass hitting must be constant. Sources, such as a forum, are allowed to be used. Suggestions include arranging the masses in a way that allows for a smaller distance between the first masses to
  • #1
Hey everybody. We have this extra credit project due friday. The conditions are as such:

We use a 3 meter string and hang 4masses on it with the distance being no less that .5m apart. We can use masses in variations of 50kg, but he suggested we use all 100kg masses.

We drop the string from a 3rd floor window, and the sound of the masses hitting the ground is measured versus time. We use that graph with a program called graphical analysis, and we must achieve a correlation of 98% with a straight line.

Put simply, the time between the sound of each one hitting must be about constant.

I'm not really sure about anything else. We are allowed to use sources such as this fine forum, so I'm thankful for that. What suggestions do you guys have?

Thank you in advance. Love you guys.

Now, my idea was to have the masses arranged so that there is a smaller distance between the ones that will be hitting first and a larger between the last ones.
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  • #2
50 kg and 100 kg masses on a string?! Pretty tough piece of string!

Seriously though, have you thought about how you will measure time? Stopwatches probably won't cut it for a correlation of 98%. If you can solve that problem you should be ok.
  • #3
Originally posted by Decker

Now, my idea was to have the masses arranged so that there is a smaller distance between the ones that will be hitting first and a larger between the last ones.
On the right track, I think. and you can calculate how much longer weights 2 and 3 will be in freefall to determine how much faster each one will be going when it hits, this will tell you how much farther apart they need to be.

Or, you could hold the string perfectly horizontal and drop it. All three weights hit the ground simultaniously (from the lab's inertial frame of reference, of course), so the time interval between 1 and 2 = 0, and the time interval between 2 and 3 = 0. The success of this matheod depends on three main factors; 1) how precisely horizontal can you hold the string? 2) How precisely can you syncronise release of the two ends, and 3) The disposotion of your prof.

FAQ: Sound Experiment: Dropping 4 Masses from a 3rd Floor Window

What is the purpose of the "Sound Experiment: Dropping 4 Masses from a 3rd Floor Window"?

The purpose of this experiment is to observe the effect of dropping four different masses from a third floor window on the sound produced. This will help us better understand the relationship between mass and sound.

What materials are needed for this experiment?

For this experiment, you will need four different masses (such as a feather, a rock, a book, and a piece of paper), a third floor window, a stopwatch, and a sound recorder.

How do you conduct this experiment?

First, set up the sound recorder on the ground below the third floor window. Then, drop each of the four masses individually from the window and record the sound produced. Use the stopwatch to time how long it takes for each mass to hit the ground. Repeat the experiment multiple times for accurate results.

What results can be expected from this experiment?

This experiment is expected to show that the sound produced by a falling object is directly related to its mass. The heavier the object, the louder the sound it produces when dropped from the same height. This is because a heavier object has more energy and creates more vibrations upon impact.

What are the real-life applications of this experiment?

Understanding the relationship between mass and sound can have many real-life applications, such as in the field of engineering. It can help engineers design safer buildings and structures by predicting the sound levels of falling objects. It can also be useful in the study of acoustics and designing soundproofing materials.
