Is an Engineering Doctorate worth it? (esp in UK)

In summary, the conversation discusses the benefits and drawbacks of obtaining an EngD or PhD in Engineering. Some individuals feel that it has helped their career and has given them an advantage in the job market, while others see it as a time-consuming and expensive indulgence. The conversation also touches on the differences between academia and industry, and the varying opinions on the value of a PhD or EngD in these different fields. There is also a discussion on the differences between a PhD and a DEng, with some confusion on the definition of a DEng. Overall, the conversation highlights the different perspectives and experiences of those with or without an EngD or PhD in Engineering.
  • #1
Just a quick question for anyone here with a EngD or PhD in Engineering.

Has it helped your career at all?

Or is it an time-consuming, expensive, career-postponing indulgence?

I know that academically it's meant to improve your life and make you thinner and give you nicer hair but I have never spoken to anyone who actually has one

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  • #2
You haven't spoken to anyone who has an Eng PhD? What about your professors?
  • #3
I meant people who actually work in industry, not academics.

apols for confusion
  • #4
All of my professors that worked in industry said it was worth it because when you get sick of all the BS you can go into academics which they say is a LOT easier.
  • #5
I always thought it was harder to gain tenure than rise in industry.
  • #6
Defennder: It's a different set of office politics. In academia you need to produce and actually be smart, most coworkers are smart.

In industry they are greedy bastards that would sell their own mum. Or so they say. ;)

But seriously, it's a whole different experience according to alumi I've spoken to. Taking a doctorate is nice and all, but it postpones your salary somewhat, although you get more stimulating work. Like different things very often.
  • #7
disclaimer - I work in engineering with a physics PhD, I have never met anyone with a an eng PhD.
streeters said:
Has it helped your career at all?
Yes, it puts you above everyone else with a BSc - or at least gets you an interview.
Consultancy companies like it because "Dr." looks good on reports to clients.

Or is it an time-consuming, expensive, career-postponing indulgence?
Yes - and is this a bad thing?

I know that academically it's meant to improve your life and make you thinner and give you nicer hair but I have never spoken to anyone who actually has one
You forgot the irresistable to women/men/sheep (delete as appropriate)
Career-wise a CEng (or PEng) is probably more use, especially in Civils.
Doing a Phd because it's good for your career doesn't work - you aren't going to make back 5years of poverty and lack of experience. Doing it to become a world expert in a field you love might be worth it.
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  • #8
Cheers. That advice actually helped!
  • #9
Fearless said:
Defennder: It's a different set of office politics. In academia you need to produce and actually be smart, most coworkers are smart.

In my experience its the other way around. We have had a lot of difficulty working with academia. In industry, your job is to get things done and do it quickly. In academia, your job is to get it done eventually with a very high price tag.

mgb_phys, that's good advice. I'm looking to get my PhD in ME and there is always that little bit of uncertainty if your doing the right thing.
  • #10
Topher925: Of course industrial technologists will be more productive, it's in their scientific paradigm. My point being is that in industry you can be a total dunce and still be productive, of course being smart helps being productive. I am totally with you on your critique.
  • #11
mgb_phys said:
Yes, it puts you above everyone else with a BSc - or at least gets you an interview.
Consultancy companies like it because "Dr." looks good on reports to clients.
I work with several PhD engineers, one of whom worked at one of the national labs. Since they are probably all millionaires, I'd say it has worked for them. Many of the senior managers I know have PhD's, and that's more or less a requirement for the upper level spots in science and technology.

A PhD implies a certain originality in R&D, and that's what these guys have done. If one does something original, the more demand there is for that technology, the more economic potential there is.

I'd do a PhD over a DEng anyday, but I know guys who went the DEng route.
  • #12
What's the difference between a PhD in engineering and a DEng?
  • #13
My guess is that Deng is a Diploma engineer, that is a MSc, Phd is a doctorate. But astronuc could enlighten us but what he means :)
  • #14
Defennder said:
What's the difference between a PhD in engineering and a DEng?

DEng is a Doctor of Engineering (almost the same as a PhD).

DEng programs are designed for working engineers in an industry whereas PhD programs are geared toward academics.

  • #15
hehe, my guess was wrong then.

So Deng is actually what we call "industrial PhD" in europe? Where industry sponsor someone for doing very practical PhD-work?
  • #16
a D.Eng. might not have the same dissertation requirement as a Ph.D. I'm sure there is some independent research/design that is well documented (sometimes they call that an "independent study report"), there might even be some publication. but it's probably not as "scholarly" as a Ph.D.
  • #17
Of course, what each degree means depends upon which country you are in and also depends on precisely what degree you are talking about. Over here in the UK, degrees like D.Sc, D.Litt, D.Eng, etc.. are higher doctorate degrees which are usually presented to academics who have especially excelled in their field, and are thus the highest degrees that one can hold. However, the degree mentioned in the OP is an EngD degree, which is, according to wikipedia (and the sources referenced therein) is equivalent to a Ph.D.
  • #18
Fearless said:
My point being is that in industry you can be a total dunce and still be productive...

Thats how you get into upper management. :smile: Completely screw everything up so they promote you to a position where you can do more damage.

I've never heard of a "Doctorate of Engineering" before. Maybe its because I live in the US but all schools I have looked at only offer PhDs in Engineering and that's it. :confused:
  • #19
Topher925 said:
I've never heard of a "Doctorate of Engineering" before. Maybe its because I live in the US but all schools I have looked at only offer PhDs in Engineering and that's it. :confused:
According to wiki, Doctorates of Engineering are given out at "many US universities."

FAQ: Is an Engineering Doctorate worth it? (esp in UK)

1. Is an Engineering Doctorate worth the cost?

The value of an Engineering Doctorate can vary depending on individual circumstances, but in general, it is considered worth the cost due to the high level of specialized education and training it provides. It can also lead to higher salaries and career advancements in the engineering field.

2. How long does it take to complete an Engineering Doctorate?

The length of an Engineering Doctorate program can vary, but it typically takes around 4-5 years to complete. This includes coursework, research, and dissertation writing.

3. What are the benefits of getting an Engineering Doctorate?

An Engineering Doctorate can provide numerous benefits, such as advanced technical skills, a deep understanding of research methodologies, and the ability to solve complex engineering problems. It can also open up opportunities for leadership roles and higher-paying positions within the engineering industry.

4. Are there any specific career paths for those with an Engineering Doctorate?

Graduates with an Engineering Doctorate often go on to work in research and development, academia, or high-level engineering positions in various industries. Some may also choose to pursue entrepreneurial endeavors or consult for companies in their area of expertise.

5. Is an Engineering Doctorate necessary for career advancement in the UK?

While it is not a requirement for all engineering positions, having an Engineering Doctorate can give individuals a competitive edge in the job market. It also demonstrates a high level of expertise and dedication to the field, which can be attractive to employers looking to fill leadership or specialized roles.

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