The General Linear Group as a basis for all nxn matrices

In summary, the conversation discusses the possibility of proving that every nxn matrix can be written as a linear combination of matrices in GL(n,F). The group GL(n,F) consists of invertible matrices with linearly independent columns and rows. The idea is to find a joint basis for the n-dimensional column and row spaces, which would have a dimension of n^2. Another suggestion is to use the matrices with a one as one entry and zeros elsewhere as the easiest basis for the space of nxn matrices. It is also important to note that the general linear group is a group of isomorphisms of vector spaces, so depending on the bases, one isomorphism can have different matrices.
  • #1
I'm trying to prove that every nxn matrix can be written as a linear combination of matrices in GL(n,F).

I know all matrices in GL(n,F) are invertible and hence have linearly independent columns and rows. I was thinking perhaps there is something about the joint bases for the n-dimensional column and row spaces, respectively, that could provide a basis for M_{nxn}(F), which has dimension of n^2.

Is this on the right track?
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  • #2
The easiest bases for the space of nxn matrices is just the matrices with a one as one entry and zeros everywhere else. If you can show that there is a way to make all of these matrice as linear combinations of invertible nxn matrices (just do it explicitly) you are done.

Also remember that the general linear group is not a group of matrices but of isomorphisms of vector spaces. depending on the bases one isomorphism can have different matrices.

FAQ: The General Linear Group as a basis for all nxn matrices

1. What is the General Linear Group?

The General Linear Group (GL(n)) is a mathematical group consisting of all invertible n x n matrices over a field. In other words, it is the set of all n x n matrices that have a unique solution for every linear equation.

2. Why is the General Linear Group important?

The General Linear Group serves as a basis for all n x n matrices because every invertible matrix can be written as a product of elementary matrices, which are elements of GL(n). This allows for the simplification and generalization of various mathematical concepts and calculations involving matrices.

3. How is the General Linear Group related to linear transformations?

The General Linear Group is closely related to linear transformations because each n x n matrix in GL(n) represents a unique linear transformation on a vector space of dimension n. This means that every element of GL(n) can be used to map a set of vectors to another set of vectors.

4. Can the General Linear Group be extended to non-square matrices?

No, the General Linear Group is defined specifically for invertible n x n matrices. Non-square matrices do not have a unique solution for every linear equation, so they cannot be elements of GL(n).

5. How is the General Linear Group used in applications?

The General Linear Group has various applications in fields such as physics, engineering, and computer science. It is used to solve systems of linear equations, perform transformations on vectors, and generalize concepts such as rotations and reflections in higher dimensions.
