RL circuit fun am I drawing this circuit correct at different times?

In summary: L = 100mH = 0.1H...then...x = 240 ohm = 240V/1A (not 240 A)...and then...C_1 = 10 mA...and then...C_2 = -C_1 = -10 mAIn summary, the circuit shown has been in the same form for a long time and the switch opens at t=0. I_R is found at t=(a)0-, (b)0+, (c)infinity, and (d)1.5. The wire at t=0 acts as an ideal wire and the current will go through it with no resistance. At t=0+,
  • #1
Hello eveeryone! exam time monday! Just doing some last checks to make sure I'm understanding this correctly. Here is the directions and circuit:
THe circuit shown below has beeen in the form shown for a very long time. THe switchopens at t =0. FInd iR at t equal to (a)0-, (b) 0+, (c) infinity, and (d) 1.5

I'm showing u my work for (a) and (b).

FOr par (a)
WHat I'm confused on is, U see that wire that says at time t =0, its going to switch open. At time t < 0, does that mean there is just a wire there?

Does that mean all the current is going to go through that wire and say screw all the other compoents like the 60, and 40 ohm resistors? THe answer in the back of the book is iR = 0;

But is it 0 because all the current will go into that wire with no resistance?
I remember the professor said, if the inductor is shorted(in this case it would be because the circuit has been sitting there for a long time) then anything in parellel with that shorted inductor is also shorted out?

For part (b)
iR = 10mA
Is this iR 10mA because when that wire is opened that means the conductor isn't shorted but acts as a huge resistor. Not wanting any current to go through it, so it makes all the current go through the 60 ohm resistor?

For partt (d) 1.5ms

I need to find x = L/Req,
to find Req, ur suppose to "look" into the inductor and take out all power supplies, in this case I think you would be left with 60 and 40 in parellel, so i got Req = 4mA, L = .1H

I know I'm going to use the equation:
iL(t) = io*e^t/x, where x = L/R, L being the indcutor, R being the equivlent resistance, but what io do i use? io is the initial current i though, usually i use the io i found at time i(0-) but in this case its 0!

The book is getting an answer of 5.34mA.


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  • #2
mr_coffee said:
Hello eveeryone! exam time monday! Just doing some last checks to make sure I'm understanding this correctly. Here is the directions and circuit:
THe circuit shown below has beeen in the form shown for a very long time. THe switchopens at t =0. FInd iR at t equal to (a)0-, (b) 0+, (c) infinity, and (d) 1.5

I'm showing u my work for (a) and (b).

FOr par (a)
WHat I'm confused on is, U see that wire that says at time t =0, its going to switch open. At time t < 0, does that mean there is just a wire there?
Yes. The switch is closed which means it acts as an ideal wire.
Does that mean all the current is going to go through that wire and say screw all the other compoents like the 60, and 40 ohm resistors? THe answer in the back of the book is iR = 0;
well, yes...but please be careful with the language. I might not be the only one who is easily offended :frown:
But is it 0 because all the current will go into that wire with no resistance?
I remember the professor said, if the inductor is shorted(in this case it would be because the circuit has been sitting there for a long time) then anything in parellel with that shorted inductor is also shorted out?
Yes, anything parallel with a wire with no resistance is shorted

For part (b)
iR = 10mA
Is this iR 10mA because when that wire is opened that means the conductor isn't shorted but acts as a huge resistor. Not wanting any current to go through it, so it makes all the current go through the 60 ohm resistor?
For partt (d) 1.5ms

I need to find x = L/Req,
to find Req, ur suppose to "look" into the inductor and take out all power supplies, in this case I think you would be left with 60 and 40 in parellel, so i got Req = 4mA, L = .1H

I know I'm going to use the equation:
iL(t) = io*e^t/x, where x = L/R, L being the indcutor, R being the equivlent resistance, but what io do i use? io is the initial current i though, usually i use the io i found at time i(0-) but in this case its 0!

The book is getting an answer of 5.34mA.


The current will be of the general form C_1 + C_2 e^(-t/tau). You must impose that at t=0 this reproduces the result at t=0+, so 10 mA. At t=infinity, find the current by replacing the inductor by a wire. That gives you a second condition which will fix C_1 and C_2. Then you can find the current at any time.
  • #3
Thanks for the responce, sorry about the language somtimes when I type i don't realize what I'm actually typing :redface:

I had no idea there was another form like that. Makes sense though!
I used 10ma as C1, and C2, i used the value i got by evaulating the circuit at t(infinity) and i got the following value of iR = (10mA)(40)/(60+40) = 4mA. Which is what the book has. But when i put it into the forumla:
10E-3 + 4E-3*e^(-240*1.5E-3) = .012791A or 12.79mA
but the book has: 5.34mA.

Any idea where i misunderstood?
  • #4
mr_coffee said:
Thanks for the responce, sorry about the language somtimes when I type i don't realize what I'm actually typing :redface:
No problem, I am probably too sensitive
I had no idea there was another form like that. Makes sense though!
I used 10ma as C1, and C2, i used the value i got by evaulating the circuit at t(infinity) and i got the following value of iR = (10mA)(40)/(60+40) = 4mA. Which is what the book has. But when i put it into the forumla:
10E-3 + 4E-3*e^(-240*1.5E-3) = .012791A or 12.79mA
but the book has: 5.34mA.

Any idea where i misunderstood?

Watch out. If you set t=0 in the equation, you get C_1 + C_2 = 10 mA. If you set t= infinity, you get C_1 = 4 mA (the exponential is zero). So C_2 = 6 mA.

Don`t jump to the conclusion that C_1 is the current at t=0 and C_2 is the current at t=infinity!

  • #5
nrqed said:
No problem, I am probably too sensitive

Watch out. If you set t=0 in the equation, you get C_1 + C_2 = 10 mA. If you set t= infinity, you get C_1 = 4 mA (the exponential is zero). So C_2 = 6 mA.

Don`t jump to the conclusion that C_1 is the current at t=0 and C_2 is the current at t=infinity!

Also (I had not checked that part of your calculation) but if you take out all power sources as you said, the inductor will seetwo resistors in series so your equivalent resistance should be 1000 ohms.

Soyou get I(1.5 ms) = 4 mA + 6 mA e^(-100/.1 * 1.5E-3) = 5.34 mA

  • #6
ahh thanks again! it worked out nicely and great explanation! But I'm having problems visualing what happens when u "look" through a inductor and simpify from there. For example, in this case would it look like this?
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FAQ: RL circuit fun am I drawing this circuit correct at different times?

1. How does an RL circuit work?

An RL (resistor-inductor) circuit is a type of electrical circuit that contains both a resistor and an inductor. The resistor limits the flow of current, while the inductor stores energy in the form of a magnetic field. When the circuit is first turned on, the inductor resists the change in current and a temporary voltage spike is created. After this initial spike, the inductor allows current to flow through the circuit, while the resistor continues to limit the flow.

2. What is the purpose of drawing an RL circuit at different times?

Drawing an RL circuit at different times allows you to visualize how the current and voltage change over time. This can help you understand the behavior of the circuit and how it responds to changes in input.

3. How do you know if you are drawing an RL circuit correctly?

To ensure that you are drawing an RL circuit correctly, you should follow the general rules of circuit diagrams. The inductor should be represented by a coil, and the resistor by a zigzag line. The direction of the current flow should also be indicated with an arrow. Additionally, you can use circuit analysis techniques such as Kirchhoff's laws to verify the accuracy of your drawing.

4. What are some common mistakes when drawing an RL circuit?

Some common mistakes when drawing an RL circuit include forgetting to label the components, drawing the components in the wrong direction, or drawing the circuit in a way that does not accurately represent the physical layout. It is also important to make sure that the circuit is drawn in a clear and organized manner to avoid confusion.

5. Can you use a simulation tool to draw an RL circuit?

Yes, there are many simulation tools available that allow you to draw and analyze RL circuits. These tools use computer algorithms to simulate the behavior of the circuit and can provide valuable insights into its performance. However, it is still important to have a basic understanding of circuit analysis and drawing techniques in order to use these tools effectively.

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