Creative Geniusness: A Constant Flow of Ideas?

  • Thread starter tribdog
  • Start date
In summary: I'm not a writer, but I am a comedian. I often think of funny things to say when I'm talking to people, but I don't usually write them down. I think it would be really funny if I did start writing, because I would be able to come up with even more are speaking in english, but the words make no sense to me. someone pulled the door shut? I can't comprehend.:smile: Tribdog, have you ever thought about trying your hand as a playwright, starting off with tv perhaps? You are...
  • #1
I think of something funny EVERY time I read a post. Most of the time is isn't funny enough to bother writing, but I filter several jokes a second in my head almost continuously while I'm awake. Definately whenever I read something or hear something. I know I focus on humor, but I'm curious as to whether everyone experiences this constant flow of ideas (I'm not calling them good ideas, just ideas). They come so fast, and whenever someone asks me a question I think of several funny responses and a few serious ones and somehow choose one to say before a noticable pause has occured.
Physics news on
  • #2
2 hours later, I guess that answers my question
  • #3
I think of various ways to phrase responses, but I don't focus on humor; therefore, I am constantly thinking. While I do possesses a sense of humor I rarely bother to implement it online.
  • #4
Dooga Blackrazor said:
I think of various ways to phrase responses, but I don't focus on humor; therefore, I am constantly thinking. While I do possesses a sense of humor I rarely bother to implement it online.

I agree with not implementing it online. Nothing comes across as funny online. It's very rare that something actually makes me laugh outloud.

To answer your question: Yes, I always get a constant flow of stupid/humorous stuff. Sometimes its rude, but funny anyways. I can't help it for the most part, but like Dooga said, I don't really implement it online.

Note: My post in Worst Chat Up Line were all made up in 3 seconds. Like I said, easy.
  • #5
Wow, that's amazing.
I'm sort of the opposite though. I'm really smart, but I rarely implement it online.
  • #6
tribdog said:
Wow, that's amazing.
I'm sort of the opposite though. I'm really smart, but I rarely implement it online.

Now, that's actually funny.

Note: It's only funny because thinking of you as being smart... :smile: .
  • #7
I know, I feel the same way about you not being a dick
  • #8

I'm glad we are on the same page.
  • #9
I'm one of those who thinks of the good comeback line 10 min after I walk away from the person who I desperately needed a witty comeback for. But, it does seem that almost everything I read here reminds me of something else...another story, something someone told me, etc., not necessarily directly related to what is being posted, just something else it triggers in my mind. I'm known for shifting topics quite rapidly in a conversation. I had one friend in college who kept up with me on that (she was the same way), and someone walked in on us talking in the kitchen in the dorm one night, stood and watched for a while and then finally interrupted to tell us how amazed she was at just how many topics we could discuss in such a short time and actually managed to come back to the original topic eventually. One of my other friends describes this habit perfectly...I don't go off on tangents, I go off on secants! But I don't think of multiple responses and then choose one, usually just one thing pops into mind and I go with it. I guess that's why I don't get a pink ribbon under my name. :biggrin:
  • #10
JasonRox said:
Nothing comes across as funny online.
I think tribdog is hysterical! Obviously most people here agree since he won funniest PF member.

Tribdog has quite a talent, I am often amazed.
  • #11
Evo said:
I think tribdog is hysterical! Obviously most people here agree since he won funniest PF member.

Tribdog has quite a talent, I am often amazed.

I agree! Tonight was such a long night at work, and I'm finally sitting at home, and really glad that he's here being his entertaining self. I really needed to laugh tonight, and he's definitely doing a good job of it! :approve:
  • #12
Moonbear said:
(she was the same way), and someone walked in on us
this was almost such a good story
  • #13
tribdog said:
this was almost such a good story

No, that was the room down the hall...they always left the door open a crack too! :eek: Had it been a co-ed dorm, I'd have roped off an area outside the door and charged admission. Being an all-women's dorm, usually someone pulled the door shut as they walked by.
  • #14
Moonbear said:
No, that was the room down the hall...they always left the door open a crack too! :eek: Had it been a co-ed dorm, I'd have roped off an area outside the door and charged admission. Being an all-women's dorm, usually someone pulled the door shut as they walked by.
you are speaking in english, but the words make no sense to me. someone pulled the door shut? I can't comprehend.
  • #15
:smile: Tribdog, have you ever thought about trying your hand as a playwright, starting off with tv perhaps? You are obviously gifted and you are popular with people.
  • #16
I've always thought about it. I don't think I'm seriously funny though, I'm more of a one-liner comic than someone who writes longer pieces. and to tell the truth I don't think I'm funny enough for TV. I'm actually very critical, and even the pink ribbon doesn't convince me that other people think I'm funny.
  • #17
I think you doubt yourself too much, your are certifiably funny. If I have your talent and your popularity I would not hesitate to write to every network to recommend myself. :biggrin: Need I remind you as well the industry has the highest concentration of pretty girls?

FAQ: Creative Geniusness: A Constant Flow of Ideas?

1. What is creative geniusness?

Creative geniusness is the ability to consistently generate new and innovative ideas. It is the capacity to think outside the box and come up with unique and original solutions to problems.

2. Is creative geniusness something that can be learned?

Yes, creative geniusness can be developed and honed through various practices such as brainstorming, mind mapping, and engaging in activities that promote creative thinking.

3. Is there a specific formula for achieving creative geniusness?

There is no one-size-fits-all formula for achieving creative geniusness as it is a highly individualized process. However, some common strategies include being curious, open-minded, and constantly challenging oneself to think differently.

4. Can anyone become a creative genius?

Yes, anyone has the potential to become a creative genius. It is a skill that can be developed and nurtured through practice and persistence.

5. How can creative geniusness be beneficial in different fields?

Creative geniusness can be beneficial in various fields such as science, art, business, and technology. It can lead to groundbreaking discoveries, innovative products and services, and new perspectives on complex problems.

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