Why Does She Avoid Eye Contact After Our Great Conversation?

  • Thread starter Robert Mak
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In summary: Well I am in the first (university) year, so i met a girl called "beta". So i introduced myself to beta and we talked like 1 hour and she laugh, etc. so we had a good conversation.And in the next days, we crossed sometimes in the path, and she just go away without saying nothing. WTF is that...So i had the courage again to go and talk to her again, so when i talked to her she just talk, but not seeing my eyes...What should i do?her behaviour is a shy girl, likes to study, silent in the class, and in the class she only had 1 friend.I need help quicky
  • #1
Robert Mak
WTF GIRLS please help!

Well I am in the first (university) year, so i met a girl called "beta". So i introduced myself to beta and we talked like 1 hour and she laugh, etc. so we had a good conversation.

And in the next days, we crossed sometimes in the path, and she just go away without saying nothing. WTF is that...

So i had the courage again to go and talk to her again, so when i talked to her she just talk, but not seeing my eyes...

What should i do?
her behaviour is a shy girl, likes to study, silent in the class, and in the class she only had 1 friend.

I need help quicky! (i had 18 years old and she too)
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Is this the Dating Forums?.........:rolleyes:

Edit: Why is the rolleyes smiley not working?
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  • #3
Wasn't there a thread about physics pickup lines somewhere around here? :biggrin:
  • #4
cyrusabdollahi said:
Is this the Dating Forums?.........:rolleyes:
Yes, the radio-carbon type. :-p
  • #5
Robert Mak said:
Well I am in the first (university) year, so i met a girl called "beta". So i introduced myself to beta and we talked like 1 hour and she laugh, etc. so we had a good conversation.

And in the next days, we crossed sometimes in the path, and she just go away without saying nothing. WTF is that...

So i had the courage again to go and talk to her again, so when i talked to her she just talk, but not seeing my eyes...

What should i do?
her behaviour is a shy girl, likes to study, silent in the class, and in the class she only had 1 friend.

I need help quicky! (i had 18 years old and she too)

There's always problems with the beta version.

But, don't worry, it gets better: http://www.annoyances.org/exec/show/article09-132
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  • #6
BobG said:
There's always problems with the beta version.

But, don't worry, it gets better: http://www.annoyances.org/exec/show/article09-132

Thats a good one :smile:
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  • #7
BobG said:
There's always problems with the beta version.

But, don't worry, it gets better: http://www.annoyances.org/exec/show/article09-132

zinggggggggg! :smile:
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  • #8
Robert Mak said:
Well I am in the first (university) year, so i met a girl called "beta". So i introduced myself to beta and we talked like 1 hour and she laugh, etc. so we had a good conversation.

And in the next days, we crossed sometimes in the path, and she just go away without saying nothing. WTF is that...

So i had the courage again to go and talk to her again, so when i talked to her she just talk, but not seeing my eyes...

What should i do?
her behaviour is a shy girl, likes to study, silent in the class, and in the class she only had 1 friend.

I need help quicky! (i had 18 years old and she too)

You just had a/one conversation. It is not like you have all rights reserved on her. Relax. Don't obsess.
  • #9
Just continue to talk with her, and let nature take its course.
  • #10
Let's see, she's shy and you sound a bit shy too...so, why are you surprised she's a little quiet and timid about making eye contact when you talk to her? Start worrying if everytime she sees you heading her way, she runs the other way. :biggrin:

You asked what should you do, but all I can ask back is, what do you want to do? Are you interested in just being friends, or asking her out on a date? If it's the former, you're already heading that way. If the latter, well, then ask. If she's so shy, she's probably not going to ask you, so it's up to you if you want to do it. Keep in mind, if she's very shy and has few friends, she also might not take you up on your offer immediately...too surprised someone is interested in her, or unaccustomed to being asked out, or maybe just very reserved about dating or socializing in general.
  • #11
Robert Mak said:
Well I am in the first (university) year, so i met a girl called "beta".
Maybe you need to forget about this one over Katie.
  • #12
BobG said:
But, don't worry, it gets better: http://www.annoyances.org/exec/show/article09-132
The only problem with upgrading is the periodic maitenance fees.
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  • #13
BobG said:
There's always problems with the beta version.

But, don't worry, it gets better: http://www.annoyances.org/exec/show/article09-132
Better? From the description, it doesn't look that great to me... [ducks and covers]
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  • #14
russ_watters said:
Better? From the description, it doesn't look that great to me... [ducks and covers]

:smile: It's sort of like a Microsoft upgrade. Just when you think you've figured out how to use the thing and found work-arounds for the worst of the bugs, they upgrade you to a version with a whole new set of bugs. :biggrin:

Just be careful, because many are shipped infected with a virus that is hard to get rid of if you try to delete the entire program. You'll spend a fortune in monthly fees on the only virus protection software that works for it...
Alimony 2.6

  • #15
Just ask her out for coffee next time you see her.
  • #16
Physics_wiz said:
Just ask her out for coffee next time you see her.
Best answer yet :wink:
  • #17
My answer was was better.
  • #18
Physics_wiz said:
Just ask her out for coffee next time you see her.
Unless she's a keyboard!
  • #19
During the first conversation she was feeling gregarious and emotionally expansive. Something happened later that put her in the opposite mood, and she is embarrassed to interact with you when she can't live up to the previous energy she had. She may, in fact, be bipolar and not know it, or something rather extreme happened to change her mood in the meantime.

Best to leave her be unless she approaches you again. There should be plenty of other girls to talk to. Keep that in mind.
  • #20
zoobyshoe said:
During the first conversation she was feeling gregarious and emotionally expansive. Something happened later that put her in the opposite mood, and she is embarrassed to interact with you when she can't live up to the previous energy she had. She may, in fact, be bipolar and not know it, or something rather extreme happened to change her mood in the meantime.

Best to leave her be unless she approaches you again. There should be plenty of other girls to talk to. Keep that in mind.

Are you sane?!

If so, then zooby might be right: https://www.physicsforums.com/showthread.php?t=103272
  • #21
sometimes it happens, I know I have done it, the first time you meet someone you are an in an exceptional mood, and ou are talkative and stuff especially if you are tired. The you go home have a sleep and think to yourself why did I do that? I am not usually like that, then you get a bit shy. The shyness could come from the fact she is attracted to you. I know friends that are really chatty and then get all shy when they realize they have feelings for the person, especially if they are working hard on their studies, because having a boyfriend might distract them from their work and may jeopardize their marks. So instead of saying or doing anything about it they just don't do anything and hope itl all sort itself out
  • #22
no two women are the same though so advice on what it could be happening could be extremely inaccurate
Have you tried asking her what's up? Its never hurt anyone to ask
  • #23
I agree with rhuthwaite. No need to assume she has a mental disorder. She may have just had an exceptionally good day the first time you met her, or has since been swamped with her classes or something else that's been weighing on her mind and keeping her distracted. Or, maybe the first time you chatted with her, she didn't think too much about it, and then someone commented that you like her and that got her embarrassed and shy realizing there might be more to it than just chatting with someone on campus. There are a lot of perfectly normal explanations for her being really friendly at first and then getting more shy since then.
  • #24
My first impression is that anyone who refers to a girl as "beta" isn't likely to get beta any time soon :-p
  • #25
Doesn't the old trick with the chainsaw work anymore ? :biggrin: :blushing:
  • #26
This is only dealt with one way.

"Hey are you busy Sunday? Want to go do something?"

Most typical response is a slight pause, then "Like what?"

Have an answer.

Or she says "Im busy, I have to study etc..."

In that case write her off and don't waste a second more, you'll just drive yourself crazy. If, for whatever reason, she reinitiates conversation at a later date ask again.

The question isn't about what to do on Sunday, the underlying question is "I like, you let's date". Who cares about her behavior in one instance. The goal is to get her to go out. If not, find someone else.

Unless she's completley inexperienced she'll get the point.
  • #27
J77 said:
My first impression is that anyone who refers to a girl as "beta" isn't likely to get beta any time soon :-p

It's a known and well researched phenomenon of "beta decay" girls !

:smile: :wink:
  • #28
zoobyshoe said:
During the first conversation she was feeling gregarious and emotionally expansive. Something happened later that put her in the opposite mood, and she is embarrassed to interact with you when she can't live up to the previous energy she had. She may, in fact, be bipolar and not know it, or something rather extreme happened to change her mood in the meantime.

Best to leave her be unless she approaches you again. There should be plenty of other girls to talk to. Keep that in mind.

:smile: She may be bipolar :smile:

The best advice in this thread yet!...NOTTTTTT

Could it possibly be, maybe...just maybe... she's not interested in him?

Let's recap, he had one conversation with this chick and wants to ask her out and needs advice. Sounds like this was the first time he had a girl talk to him and he thought it meant 'she must want to go out with me!'
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  • #29
But let's not forget that they had a "good" time and she was laughing.
  • #30
So what, I have a good time laughing with girls too. That does not mean they want a date from you.
  • #31
cyrusabdollahi said:
So what, I have a good time laughing with girls too. That does not mean they want a date from you.

Ah crap, I need to work on my sarcasm jokes :biggrin: But you said my point exactly.
  • #32
Now I see it ...:wink:
  • #33
cyrusabdollahi said:
So what, I have a good time laughing with girls too. That does not mean they want a date from you.

Mmm, do you realize there's a difference between girls laughing with you and girls laughing at you?
  • #34
:smile: Zinggggggggggger.
  • #35
Oh, stop picking on him, will you?

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