Exploring a Career Move in Nuclear or Aerospace?

In summary: NLs and not the larger NLs.It is definitely good to have information about the NLs in order to make an informed decision about where to apply/seek employment. However, it is important to remember that the postdoc experience is incredibly variable and does not necessarily lead to a permanent position at the NL.
  • #1
I have a question concerning a career move. I have a chance to switch from the nuclear industry to the aerospace industry. I am just wondering if this is smart or not. Based on the current events taking place in the world and the concern and threat of individuals acquiring and transporting nuclear materials illegally is it smart for me to change my profession. I have about five years experience performing nuclear measurements and NDA. I also hold a B.S. in physics, fully DOE and NRC cleared, and have about seven years experience in the nuclear industry. I cut my teeth on Pu-239 measurement and currently manage a HEU holdup program in a category one fuel manufacturing facility. I suspect with so many different types of detection equipment being developed and the need for experienced and qualified personnel to run them not to mention people that can train others, serve as a nuclear material inspectors, instrumentation developers, detector scientist, etc. It seems like there is going be a large need for anybody with experience measuring and quantifying nuclear materials every where. I suspect that most of the cold war people have retired and gone on and there are only a handful of people in the country that know how to measure, and quantify fissile grade materials. I am thinking I can name my ticket in a few years. Should I stick around or change career paths? Any thoughts?
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Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
It looks like you've answered your own question, i.e. stick to the nuclear field.
  • #3
One might check opportunities at various National Labs, particularly those affiliated with NNSA.

The aerospace industry is somewhat volatile jobwise. Alot depeneds on the budgets and priorities of NASA and DOD, particularly AF and Navy with respect of aircraft and missiles.
  • #4
Astronuc said:
One might check opportunities at various National Labs, particularly those affiliated with NNSA.

Right now may not be the best time for the NNSA labs; Los Alamos, Lawrence Livermore, and Sandia.

Both LANL and LLNL have recently changed management at the behest of Congress. The
University of California has been replaced by LLCs with the University of California and Bechtel as
the principal members. However, the management companies LANS - Los Alamos National Securiy,
and LLNS - Lawrence Livermore National Security are commercial companies, and are now subject to
a bunch of taxes that UC as a public institution was not; especially LANS being subject to
New Mexico's "gross receipts tax". The cost of running these labs has gone up - but Congress has not
covered those costs with additional revenue. The management at both labs are being required to plan
for economic downturns under Section 3161 of the National Defense Authorization Act of 1993 as
invoked by NNSA:


Dr. Gregory Greenman
  • #5
I heard the same from the national labs that were in attendance at the career fair my university hosted. It's a shame.
  • #6
theCandyman said:
I heard the same from the national labs that were in attendance at the career fair my university hosted. It's a shame.

Unfortunately, the current political climate is so acerbic; anything the current Administration asks
for in terms of budget for the labs is rejected by the Congress. Congress seems to want to wait
until a new President, more to their liking, takes office before funding these programs.

However, this is EXTREMELY short-sighted of the Congress. By the time they decide
what programs they want to fund after a new President takes office; many of the scientists
will have moved on to other jobs out of necessity. People can't be expected to put their lives
and their family's finances on hold while the Congress sorts out a partisan squabble.

When all these scientists are settled in new jobs, and the Congress decides it wants to fund
these programs and says "Come on back to the Labs!"; does anyone think that those once
"burned" by this partisan squabble will put their careers on the line again?

It took a half-century to build the great research institutions that are the USA's National Labs.

It's going to take Congress just a couple years to destroy it.

Dr. Gregory Greenman
  • #7
Morbius said:
When all these scientists are settled in new jobs, and the Congress decides it wants to fund these programs and says "Come on back to the Labs!"; does anyone think that those once
"burned" by this partisan squabble will put their careers on the line again?


since we are on the subject, i am curious:

doctoral grad students (at least at my school) have almost no information on what it is like to work at a national lab, since no one comes back. am i to interpret this as good or not? is it more like working in industry then?

more specifically, i have heard two things:

(1) postdocs at a NL pay very well and lead to permanent positions at that NL
(2) postdocs at a NL will lead to a good job there, but one that is always hindered in terms of "vertical" progress. however, if one does a good academic postdoc (i.e. top 20 school) then one has the possibility of joining a NL as "the boss", having broken the glass ceiling. (the analogy is made to the issue of having/not-having an MBA in business).

i am curious about this because a NL would seem to have the following benefits:

(a) great pay and benefits
(b) virtually guaranteed funding for projects
(c) no teaching responsibilities, only research

all of which i like.

i would be most grateful if you could confirm or deny any of the above, as a currently doctoral grad student looking for "life after graduation" rapidly approaching.


  • #8
quetzalcoatl9 said:
i would be most grateful if you could confirm or deny any of the above, as a currently doctoral grad student looking for "life after graduation" rapidly approaching.

Unfortunately, I don't have any information on what it is like for post docs.

Although we do have post docs in many of the programs here; we don't have many in the
program I work in. [If a new post doc didn't already have a clearance, their term of post doc
would be mostly over by the time they got one.]

Dr. Gregory Greenman
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  • #9
Morbius said:
Although we do have post docs in many of the programs here; we don't have many in the program I work in. [If a new post doc didn't already have a clearance, their term of post doc
would be mostly over by the time they got one.]

i guess i can understand that.

of the people that you work with though (staff scientists, not postdocs), do you at least know if any of them had previously done a postdoc at a NL?

  • #10
quetzalcoatl9 said:
of the people that you work with though (staff scientists, not postdocs), do you at least know if any of them had previously done a postdoc at a NL?

Yes - I have a co-worker that did a post doc here; but he had a clearance; and he did his post doc
about 22 years ago - so I don't think the experience is relevant to today's climate.

Dr. Gregory Greenman
  • #11
i see, thanks for the input.


FAQ: Exploring a Career Move in Nuclear or Aerospace?

1. What are the qualifications needed for a career in nuclear or aerospace?

In order to pursue a career in nuclear or aerospace, you will need a strong background in science and mathematics. A degree in engineering, physics, or a related field is typically required. Additionally, many positions in these fields may require specific certifications or licenses, such as a Professional Engineer (PE) license for engineering roles.

2. What types of job opportunities are available in the nuclear and aerospace industries?

Both industries offer a wide range of job opportunities, including engineering, research and development, project management, operations and maintenance, and support roles. These industries also provide opportunities for specialized positions in areas such as nuclear safety, radiation protection, and aerospace technology.

3. What skills are important to have for a career in nuclear or aerospace?

Some essential skills for a career in nuclear or aerospace include strong analytical and problem-solving abilities, attention to detail, and the ability to work well in a team. Technical skills such as computer programming, data analysis, and knowledge of industry-specific software are also highly valued.

4. What are the potential risks and challenges associated with working in nuclear or aerospace?

Working in nuclear or aerospace can involve some level of risk due to the nature of the industries. For example, nuclear workers may be exposed to radiation, and aerospace workers may face hazards related to space travel. Additionally, both industries require strict adherence to safety protocols and regulations, which can pose challenges in completing tasks efficiently.

5. How can I get started in exploring a career move in nuclear or aerospace?

The first step is to research and educate yourself on the industries and the types of roles available. You can also consider taking courses or obtaining certifications to build your knowledge and skills in these fields. Networking with professionals already working in nuclear or aerospace can also provide valuable insights and potential job opportunities.

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