A survey for an ankle brace project

In summary, the survey is designed to help in the development of a new ankle brace that is meant to prevent and rehabilitate ankle sprains. There are three key qualities that the user would like to see in the brace, and five that the user would not like to see.
  • #1
Hi everyone,
I'm working on a school project that is designing a new type of ankle brace.
Our design group would like to know what usually people think about what an ankle brace should be.
So if you can take a few minutes of your time to do this quite survey, that will be great!

This survey will aide in the design of a new ankle brace for prevention and rehabilitation of ankle sprains.

1)Have you ever sprained your ankle? (yes/no)

2)If you had to wear an ankle brace while playing a sport, what traits would you like to see in a brace? (Please list)

3)What qualities you would NOT like to see in a brace? (Please list)

Thank you very much!
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  • #2
1) Yes, I've sprained my ankle.

2 & 3) I'm not sure I understand how a brace would be used in sports to prevent an ankle sprain. The same motions you'd need to restrict to prevent an ankle sprain, you need to a lesser degree for running and turning and agility. And, you don't want to prevent an ankle sprain just to windup with a broken leg above the brace instead.

When I sprained my ankle, I just used a compression bandage on it. No brace required. If the sprain is bad enough to require a brace, you probably shouldn't be playing sports on it until you no longer require a brace (it probably means you also dislocated your ankle when you sprained it).

So, I guess overall, if you're thinking injury prevention, it has to allow a sufficient range of motion in all directions, and be comfortable enough for playing the sport. But, sports injuries usually involve enough force that if your ankle doesn't roll, you're likely to fracture your leg...or fracture it anyway. So, I think I'd want a built in failure on a brace to release before you reach enough force to snap your leg bones. Most people would prefer a bad ankle sprain over a broken leg.
  • #3
I don't know whether this project refers to a mechanical brace or the elastic type. The main problem that I had (with a sprained ankle among other things) was that the elastic ones cut off my circulation. That might just be on account of being diabetic, though.
I would like to see adjustable rigidity, so that various levels of support can be had without having to tighten the thing (perhaps some sort of tensioning spring).
  • #4
Thanks for the reply.
We've got the overall design done now. My designing group want to do the survey just to be sure that we haven't overlooked something that is essential to a user.

Please keep them coming!

Thanks a lot!

FAQ: A survey for an ankle brace project

1. What is the purpose of the survey?

The purpose of the survey is to gather information and feedback from potential users of the ankle brace in order to inform the design and development of the product.

2. Who is the target audience for the ankle brace project?

The target audience for the ankle brace project is individuals who may have experienced ankle injuries or have a higher risk for ankle injuries, such as athletes or individuals with certain medical conditions.

3. How will the data from the survey be used?

The data collected from the survey will be analyzed and used to identify common issues and needs among potential users. This information will then be used to improve the design and functionality of the ankle brace.

4. Is the survey anonymous?

Yes, the survey is anonymous. We do not collect any personal information from respondents and all data will be kept confidential.

5. When will the ankle brace be available for purchase?

The timeline for the availability of the ankle brace will depend on the results of the survey and the design and development process. We are committed to creating the best possible product, so the release date may vary. Please stay tuned for updates on the project.

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