Can This Differential Equation Be Solved by Separation of Variables?

C= -\frac{1}{b} \frac{1}{n+1}(1-\frac{W}{b})^{n+1}+ C In summary, the conversation discusses the process of solving a separable differential equation using the traditional dW/W method. It also suggests using a different method involving the variable u to integrate the left side of the equation.
  • #1
Gold Member

Okay, so I tried to separate the (1-W/b) term by letting it go into the denominator. But then you can't really solve the equation by the traditional dW/W method, since W + constant is raised to a power of n. i could multiply both sides by (1-W/b) to a power of n-1, but then when i integrate, i don't get the desired answer. can anyone help? thanks
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  • #2
You have
[tex]\frac{dW}{dz}= \frac{M}{(1-\frac{z}{a})(1-\frac{W}{b})^n}[/tex] W(0)= 0

That separates as
[tex](1- \frac{W}{b})^n dW= \frac{M dz}{(1-\frac{z}{a})}[/tex]
I'm not sure what you mean by "the traditional dW/W method" but if you mean just integrating to get ln(W), that works in only a tiny fraction of such separable differential equations. To integrate the left side, I would recommend letting u= 1- W/b so that du= -dW/b and the integral becomes
[tex]\int (1- \frac{W}{b})^n dW= -\frac{1}{b}\int u^n du[/tex]

FAQ: Can This Differential Equation Be Solved by Separation of Variables?

1. How do you find the general solution to a differential equation?

The general solution to a differential equation can be found by first separating the variables, integrating both sides, and then solving for the constant of integration. This will give you an equation with an arbitrary constant which represents the general solution.

2. Can you solve a differential equation without initial conditions?

No, in order to find a particular solution to a differential equation, you need to have initial conditions. These initial conditions give you specific values to plug into the general solution and determine the values of the arbitrary constants.

3. What is the difference between an ordinary differential equation and a partial differential equation?

An ordinary differential equation involves only one independent variable, while a partial differential equation involves multiple independent variables. Additionally, the order of a partial differential equation refers to the highest order derivative present, while the order of an ordinary differential equation refers to the highest derivative that is explicitly present.

4. Can all differential equations be solved analytically?

No, not all differential equations have analytic solutions. Some may require numerical methods or approximations to find a solution.

5. How do boundary conditions affect the solution to a differential equation?

Boundary conditions are specific values or constraints that are applied to the solution of a differential equation at certain points or regions. These conditions help to narrow down the possible solutions and determine the unique solution that satisfies both the differential equation and the boundary conditions.
