Internal E-field of dielectric cylinder immersed in static E-field

In summary, the conversation discusses a problem involving an infinitely long cylinder with a radius a and relative dielectric constant Er immersed in a static electric field E=Eox. The question is how to find the electric field inside the cylinder. The suggestion is to use transmission and reflection coefficients, but these may not apply in this case. Further discussion involves the surface conditions and continuity of the electric and displacement fields. The conclusion is that the normal and tangential components of the D field and the E field are continuous across the boundary of the cylinder.
  • #1
I am having trouble with a homework problem assigned by my physics professor. An infinitely long cylinder of radius a and relative dielectric constant Er is immersed in a static electric field E=Eox where x is supposed to denote a unit vector in the x direction. The cylinder is alligned on the z direction. The question is how do I find the electric field inside of the cylinder. I thought about using transmission and reflection coefficients to determine how much of the field would be transmitted into the cylinder but these really only apply to incident wave equations. I am at a total loss here. Any input would help a lot.

Thanks in advance for anyone's input. This seems like it should be an easy problem but I must be failing to grasp some fundamental concept.

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  • #2
You need the surface conditions, i.e. which part (horizontal or vertical with respect to the surface) of the electric field [tex]\vec{E}[/tex] and the displacement field [tex]\vec{D}[/tex] are constant across the surface and which change.
  • #3
Th E-field is in the x-direction and the cylinder's axis is alligned along the z-axis. Therefore the E-field is normal to the cylinder. There is no tangential component to the E-field. The field is static everywhere, i.e. not propagating.
  • #4
Also the cylinder is infinitely long
  • #5
Ok, but what I meant was:
from the general theory of electromagnetism, is the normal component of the [tex]\vec{E}[/tex] field continuous across a surface or does it jump? And the parallel component? And what about the [tex]\vec{D}[/tex] field? If they jump, they do so by a well-defined amount, namely the quotient of the two dielectric constants before and behind the surface. Look it up in your course notes, this is what you need to solve the problem.

(I mean this:, but your professor should have it explained it a bit more)
  • #6
No the fields do not jump. The normal of the D-field and tangential components of the E field are continuous across the boundary of the cylinder
  • #7
Right. And what about the tangential of the D field and the normal component of the E field?

FAQ: Internal E-field of dielectric cylinder immersed in static E-field

What is an internal E-field of a dielectric cylinder?

The internal E-field of a dielectric cylinder refers to the electric field that exists within the cylinder itself, as opposed to the external electric field that surrounds the cylinder. It is generated by the polarization of the dielectric material within the cylinder.

How is the internal E-field affected by an external static E-field?

The external static E-field will induce a polarization of the dielectric material within the cylinder, resulting in an internal E-field. The strength and direction of the induced internal E-field will depend on the strength and direction of the external E-field, as well as the properties of the dielectric material.

What factors affect the magnitude of the internal E-field?

The magnitude of the internal E-field is affected by several factors, including the dielectric constant of the material, the geometry and dimensions of the cylinder, and the strength and direction of the external E-field. It is also influenced by any charges present on the surface of the cylinder.

How is the internal E-field related to the polarization of the dielectric material?

The internal E-field is directly related to the polarization of the dielectric material within the cylinder. As the external E-field induces a polarization in the material, the resulting internal E-field is proportional to the polarization and is in the same direction.

Can the internal E-field be shielded or cancelled out?

Yes, the internal E-field can be shielded or cancelled out by using a conducting material or by applying an external E-field in the opposite direction. This is known as electrostatic shielding and is commonly used in electronic devices to prevent interference from external electric fields.
