Two Brainmelting Problems Save Me

  • Thread starter fizziksplaya
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation discusses two challenging physics problems related to circular motion and work-energy. The first problem involves finding the maximum radius for a car to remain in contact with a circular track given an initial speed, while the second problem involves determining the height of a hill for a skier to just lose contact with the crest of a circular hill. The conversation also includes helpful explanations and advice for solving these problems.
  • #1
These two are toughies for a first year rookie like me. I survived kinematics, and I thought I survived circular motion. But the work-energy chapter just threw 2 curveballs in my face. Any help would be more than appreciated:

1) The drawing shows a version of the loop-the-loop trip for a small car (the picture sucks. its basically a real circle, car goes straight ahead then up and around the loop and out the other side) If the car is given an inital speed of 4.0 m/s. What is the largest value that the radius can have if the car is to remain in contact with the circular track at all times? :cry:

2) A skier starts from rest at the top of a hill. The skier coasts down the hill and up a second hill, as the drawing illustrates (the skier starts from an unkown height above a horizontal, the slope goes downward under the horizontal, and comes back up on the second "circular" crest). The crest of the second hill is circular, with a radius of 36m. Neglect friction and air resistance. What must be the height of the first hill so that the skier just loses contact with the crest of the second hill?

The first one I've been struggling with for hours. The second one, I'm not sure i understand the question, so if you explained it to me, I could probably figure it out myself
Physics news on
  • #2
1. Adjust the centripetal force such that the force required to keep it moving in a circle is equal to the force of gravity at the top of the ramp (keep in mind the change in potential energy with the movement up the loop)

2. Same idea. Start off with expressing the potential energy of the object at the top (mgh). At the bottom of the hill, all of that potential energy is converted to kinetic energy and then partially converted back to potential energy partially. The remainder of the kinetic energy is just enough to cause gravity to simulate circular motion about that circular hill. I hope I made this clear enough.
  • #3
Thats exactly what i needed to hear. THanks a lot vsage
  • #4
Anytime :) Good luck with those.

FAQ: Two Brainmelting Problems Save Me

What are the two brainmelting problems in "Two Brainmelting Problems Save Me"?

The two brainmelting problems in "Two Brainmelting Problems Save Me" are the puzzles and challenges presented to the protagonist, as well as the internal struggle and conflict the protagonist faces in trying to solve them.

How do the brainmelting problems affect the story?

The brainmelting problems drive the plot and create tension and suspense in the story. They also serve as a catalyst for character development and growth.

What does the protagonist learn from the brainmelting problems?

The protagonist learns problem-solving skills, resilience, and the importance of perseverance and determination in the face of challenges. They also learn about themselves and their capabilities.

Are there any real-world applications of the brainmelting problems in the story?

While the specific problems in the story may be fictitious, the concept of facing and overcoming difficult challenges is relatable to real life situations. The skills and lessons learned by the protagonist can be applied to various areas of life.

What makes "Two Brainmelting Problems Save Me" a compelling read?

The combination of the brainmelting problems and the protagonist's journey to solve them make for a captivating and engaging story. The reader is drawn into the challenges and rooting for the protagonist's success, making for a compelling read.

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