What is the Impact of Derivatives on US Banks?

  • Thread starter LaurieAG
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In summary, The Office of the US Currency Comptroller has released an executive summary stating that the notional amount of derivatives held by insured U.S. commercial banks has increased by $5.3 trillion, or 2.2%, from the first quarter of 2011 to $249 trillion. This is a 11.6% increase from the previous year. The top five banks, including Bank of America, Citibank, GoldmanSachs Bank, JPMorgan Chase Bank, and HSBC Bank, hold 96% of all derivatives contracts, while the largest 25 banks hold almost 100%. There is concern over how these assets will affect the balance sheets of banks and whether they will be included in the calculation of
  • #1
The Office of the US Currency Comptroller has an interesting chart 4 titled '5 Banks Dominate in Derivatives, Insured U.S. Commercial Banks, Second Quarter 2011'.


I'm speechless!
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
LaurieAG said:
The Office of the US Currency Comptroller has an interesting chart 4 titled '5 Banks Dominate in Derivatives, Insured U.S. Commercial Banks, Second Quarter 2011'.


I'm speechless!

Reading the executive summary the only line that concerns me is:

"The notional amount of derivatives held by insured U.S. commercial banks increased $5.3 trillion, or 2.2%, from the first quarter of 2011 to $249 trillion. Notional derivatives are 11.6% higher than a year ago."

I'll read the article in full when I get home.

What concerns me most about this statement is how these assets will show up in the balance sheets of banks and whether any part of these fictitious assets will show up in the calculation of their capital for the purposes of their capital adequacy requirements. If leverage is allowed based capital comprised of derivative assets (I’m not sure if it is), then this means that banks can expand the money supply based largely on assets that have no relation to any physical capital. Well, some money is required for liquidity for trading these derivitive assets, I don’t believe it should directly impact the money supply in the real economy. Derivative contracts should not get any precedence in the event of a bankruptcy. That is when there isn’t enough real money/capital to cover the loans/bets, lending based on real assets should take precedence.
  • #3
Graph 5A gives the top five in terms of involvement with derivatives:

Bank of America
GoldmanSachs Bank
JPMorgan Chase Bank

Graph 4 shows their involvement is overwhelmingly more than all the other banks put together.

The heading on Graph 5A is "Percentage of Total Credit Exposure to Risk Based Capital
Top 5 Insured U.S. Commercial Banks by Derivative Holdings"

It shows how each of the bank's credit exposure to stuff like derivs. has changed from year to year. HSBC shows a gradual decline. the others not.

Thanks for finding this. And thank you both for commenting!
  • #4
you have to take numbers like $249 trillion (over 4x global GDP) with a grain of salt

the calculations generally do not net out offsetting exposures, which is much of what banks do when they underwrite derivatives

For example, they might offer one client an currency swap where bank receives Euros and pays dollars and then offer another client the opposite swap - paying Euros and receiving dollars. The bank makes a small spread on the notional value and the risks are offset, but the full notional values of both swaps show up in these derivative numbers.
  • #5
BWV said:
you have to take numbers like $249 trillion (over 4x global GDP) with a grain of salt

the calculations generally do not net out offsetting exposures, which is much of what banks do when they underwrite derivatives

For example, they might offer one client an currency swap where bank receives Euros and pays dollars and then offer another client the opposite swap - paying Euros and receiving dollars. The bank makes a small spread on the notional value and the risks are offset, but the full notional values of both swaps show up in these derivative numbers.

If they are offering clients swaps they are selling futures not holding derivatives as assets. Additionally, in the case you mentioned until the contract expires there is still a liability (assuming the bank is the counter party ) because only one party is going to exercise the swap.
  • #6
LaurieAG said:
I'm speechless!

I consider that a healthy response.

my bold

Changes in notional volumes are generally reasonable reflections of business activity, and therefore can provide insight into potential revenue and operational issues. However, the notional amount of derivatives contracts does not provide a useful measure of either market or credit risks.

The notional amount of derivatives contracts held by insured U.S. commercial banks in the second quarter increased by $5.3 trillion (2.2%) to $249 trillion from first quarter 2011. The notional amount of derivatives is 11.6% higher than a year ago.

The five banks with the most derivatives activity hold 96% of all derivatives
, while the largest 25 banks account for nearly 100% of all contracts."

I take very little comfort in knowing the top 5 banks hold 96% of the contracts and that activity is up 11.6% - that (IMO) infers they might be scrambling to balance their portfolios.
  • #7
John Creighto said:
If they are offering clients swaps they are selling futures not holding derivatives as assets. Additionally, in the case you mentioned until the contract expires there is still a liability (assuming the bank is the counter party ) because only one party is going to exercise the swap.

I don't understand the comment - futures are derivatives and swaps are not futures (although you can replicate vanilla swap economics with futures). Furthermore there is no "exercising" a swap - it is not an option. A swap is active the moment the contract is signed and there are penalties to exiting it prematurely.
  • #8
BWV said:
I don't understand the comment - futures are derivatives and swaps are not futures (although you can replicate vanilla swap economics with futures). Furthermore there is no "exercising" a swap - it is not an option. A swap is active the moment the contract is signed and there are penalties to exiting it prematurely.

Oh. I thought they were like options. My bad.
  • #9
John Creighto said:
Oh. I thought they were like options. My bad.

When ever the topic of derivatives comes up - I like to remind everyone the most successful investor in the history of the modern world (Warren Buffet) explained in a letter to his shareholders a few years ago that his choice (basically) was not to participate.
  • #10
Aside from the discussion about derivatives there is an interesting discussion in the document about risk management using VaR (Value at risk). I am unclear what assumptions are made about the statistics and sample space, in trying to inductively determine the risks.

I do know the statistics of financial events are tail heavy but the central limit theorem tells us that even tail heavy statistics should average out eventually to Gaussian statistics provided the statistics are ergodic stationary and bounded. However, there is no limit to the number of measurements required to get a degree of confidence in the estimate of the statistics.

Var's measure the maximum risk one is likely to see for a given confidence interval. This is from the article:

VaR. For example, JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley calculate VaR using a 95% confidence interval. If those firms used a 99% confidence interval, as does Bank of America and Citigroup, their VaR estimates would be meaningfully higher. The data series used to measure risk also is an important factor in the calculated risk measure. Firms using a longer period over which to measure risk may include the higher volatility period of the financial crisis, and therefore their measured VaR will be higher than firms that use a less volatile data series. Indeed, one major reason for the decline in VaR at large trading firms is the lower volatility environment that has prevailed since the end of the financial crisis. The VaR measure for a single portfolio of exposures will be different if the time period used to measure risk is not the same. To test the effectiveness of VaR measurement systems, trading institutions track the number of times that daily losses exceed VaR estimates. Under the Market Risk Rule that establishes regulatory capital requirements for U.S. commercial banks with significant trading activities, a bank?s capital requirement for market risk is based on its VaR measured at a 99% confidence level and assuming a 10-day holding period.Banks back-test their VaR measure by comparing the actual daily profit or loss to the VaR measure. The results of the back-test determine the size of the multiplier applied to the VaR measure in the risk-based capital calculation. The multiplier adds a safety factor to the capital requirements. An "exception" occurs when a dealer has a daily loss in excess of its VaR measure. Some banks disclose the number of such "exceptions" in their published financial reports. Because of the unusually high market volatility and large write-downs in CDOs during the financial crisis, as well as poor market liquidity, a number of banks experienced back-test exceptions and therefore an increase in their capital multiplier.

This suggests that most firms are computing their VaR purely based on the historical data of the firm. Well this may be okay since typically a VaRs predict the expected maximum loss within a confidence interval over a short period of time (one to two days typically but 10 days for capital requirement risk assessment) it is only valid if the recent past statistics of the firm give a good measure of future performance of the firm.

This is likely not the case in an irrational market and as a consequence sampling should be done over a long enough period of time to account for short term market irrationality. Well, over a long period of time the volatility of a firms stock could change significantly one would hope that there are metrics of a firms performance (such as price to earnings and leverage) whose statistics better corrolate too loss risk over longer intervals of time.

Additionally, in the grand scheme of things 95% confidence bounds on daily risk may not be relevant because in two days our confidence of an not seeing an event that falls outside of these bounds drops to 90.25 % and after about 14 days we can't even be 50% confident. In other words 95% confidence says, in one day we are probably safe but in about two weeks it's a crap shoot. Of course, I'm presuming successive days as independent events if but if there is a lot of low frequency noise (auto regressive) the confidence won't fall off so quickly.

Finally pay attention to the parts I bolded. Banks are risk weighting their capital based on purely inductive statistics but do back test their models and add a multiplier to try to give a safety factor for errors. They use a 99% confidence level and a 10 day holding period for their capital requirements. I would like to dive into the statistics of this further but perhaps in another thread. But before I do, does anyone beside me think it's odd that financial firms are reporting their Var's with less robust confidence levels and time frames then is required to meet capital requirement regulations.
  • #11
John Creighto said:
Aside from the discussion about derivatives there is an interesting discussion in the document about risk management using VaR (Value at risk). I am unclear what assumptions are made about the statistics and sample space, in trying to inductively determine the risks.

I do know the statistics of financial events are tail heavy but the central limit theorem tells us that even tail heavy statistics should average out eventually to Gaussian statistics provided the statistics are ergodic stationary and bounded. However, there is no limit to the number of measurements required to get a degree of confidence in the estimate of the statistics.

Var's measure the maximum risk one is likely to see for a given confidence interval. This is from the article:

This suggests that most firms are computing their VaR purely based on the historical data of the firm. Well this may be okay since typically a VaRs predict the expected maximum loss within a confidence interval over a short period of time (one to two days typically but 10 days for capital requirement risk assessment) it is only valid if the recent past statistics of the firm give a good measure of future performance of the firm.

This is likely not the case in an irrational market and as a consequence sampling should be done over a long enough period of time to account for short term market irrationality. Well, over a long period of time the volatility of a firms stock could change significantly one would hope that there are metrics of a firms performance (such as price to earnings and leverage) whose statistics better corrolate too loss risk over longer intervals of time.

Additionally, in the grand scheme of things 95% confidence bounds on daily risk may not be relevant because in two days our confidence of an not seeing an event that falls outside of these bounds drops to 90.25 % and after about 14 days we can't even be 50% confident. In other words 95% confidence says, in one day we are probably safe but in about two weeks it's a crap shoot. Of course, I'm presuming successive days as independent events if but if there is a lot of low frequency noise (auto regressive) the confidence won't fall off so quickly.

Finally pay attention to the parts I bolded. Banks are risk weighting their capital based on purely inductive statistics but do back test their models and add a multiplier to try to give a safety factor for errors. They use a 99% confidence level and a 10 day holding period for their capital requirements. I would like to dive into the statistics of this further but perhaps in another thread. But before I do, does anyone beside me think it's odd that financial firms are reporting their Var's with less robust confidence levels and time frames then is required to meet capital requirement regulations.

IMO - increased activity = risk mitigation.
  • #12
BWV said:
you have to take numbers like $249 trillion (over 4x global GDP) with a grain of salt.

Yeah, the total risk is only between 2 and 8 trillion dollars and the money is insured.
  • #13
LaurieAG said:
Yeah, the total risk is only between 2 and 8 trillion dollars and the money is insured. Great.

DEEP breaths Laurie AG - deep breaths!
  • #14
John Creighto said:
They use a 99% confidence level and a 10 day holding period for their capital requirements.

That reminds me of the ancient Greek roots of 95% confidence. After 19 years absence, the suitors and their girlfriends had 95% confidence that Odysseus would not return from the Trojan wars within 20 years. :wink:
  • #15
LaurieAG said:
That reminds me of the ancient Greek roots of 95% confidence. After 19 years absence, the suitors and their girlfriends had 95% confidence that Odysseus would not return from the Trojan wars within 20 years. :wink:

Look at it this way Laurie - as long as the rules of the game don't change- the players will tweak their positions just enough that nobody will understand their condition.
  • #16
John Creighto said:
Reading the executive summary the only line that concerns me is:

"The notional amount of derivatives held by insured U.S. commercial banks increased $5.3 trillion, or 2.2%, from the first quarter of 2011 to $249 trillion. Notional derivatives are 11.6% higher than a year ago."

I wanted to put this in perspective. The total value of all wealth in the United States is 55 trillion:

So the notional amount of derivatives held by U.S. commercial banks is five times the total wealth of the united states.

Now with regards to my previous comment about swaps. Even though swaps aren't like options so if you hold two opposite positions some of the risk should cancel, there is a possibility that one of the parties can't pay so there is some counter party risk and consequently the bank should be required (if they aren't already) to represent some of this as a liability on their balance sheets and accurately weight the risk when doing capital adequacy calculations.
  • #17
John Creighto said:
I wanted to put this in perspective. The total value of all wealth in the United States is 55 trillion:

This is from Money Morning, who provided the original link.


The world's gross domestic product (GDP) is only about $65 trillion, or roughly 10.83% of the worldwide value of the global derivatives market, according to The Economist.
To be fair, the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) estimated the net notional value of uncollateralized derivatives risks is between $2 trillion and $8 trillion, which is still a staggering amount of money and well beyond the billions being talked about in Europe.

Because the US government has not required banks to separate their investment arms it will ultimately pay the price for these risks as the insurer if they go bad.
  • #18
BWV said:
you have to take numbers like $249 trillion (over 4x global GDP) with a grain of salt

the calculations generally do not net out offsetting exposures, which is much of what banks do when they underwrite derivatives

For example, they might offer one client an currency swap where bank receives Euros and pays dollars and then offer another client the opposite swap - paying Euros and receiving dollars. The bank makes a small spread on the notional value and the risks are offset, but the full notional values of both swaps show up in these derivative numbers.
Exactly. So in that sense these figures are more akin to stock market volume than asset value. For instance the annual dollar volume of the NYSE, just one exchange, is on the order of $10 trillion, the NASDAQ another $15 trillion, etc. Trading volume in the stock market is not the same as asset value either.
Last edited:
  • #19
John Creighto said:
I wanted to put this in perspective. The total value of all wealth in the United States is 55 trillion:

So the notional amount of derivatives held by U.S. commercial banks is five times the total wealth of the united states.
That takes the derivatives discussion out of perspective, comparing apples and oranges. The dollar value of those contracts amassed over time by those banks do not equate to the same dollar amount of wealth, or assets, or liabilities, and certainly not 5X that of the US's wealth or anything like it.

Good description of the difference between the two here:
  • #20
mheslep said:
That takes the derivatives discussion out of perspective, comparing apples and oranges.

the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) estimated the net notional value of uncollateralized derivatives risks is between $2 trillion and $8 trillion

First CERN and now BIS, do you want to let them know of their error?
  • #21
LaurieAG said:
First CERN and now BIS, do you want to let them know of their error?

This might help clarify a bit?

"After contracting by 4% in the first half of 2010, total notional amounts outstanding of over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives rose by 3% in the second half, reaching $601 trillion by the end of December 2010.
Notional amounts outstanding of credit default swaps (CDS) continued to contract, falling by 1% after the 7% decline in the first half. Gross market values of all OTC contracts fell by 14%, driven mainly by the 17% decline in the market value of interest rate contracts. CDS market values shrank by 19%.
Overall gross credit exposure dropped by 7% to $3.3 trillion, compared with a 2% increase in the first half of 2010."

full text
  • #22
LaurieAG said:
First CERN and now BIS, do you want to let them know of their error?
You misread. I did not say or imply the dollar value of all derivative contracts somehow netted out to zero, only that that they are not dollar for dollar in the same category as used when totaling US wealth. The BIS figure implies the same thing.
  • #23
mheslep said:
You misread. I did not say or imply the dollar value of all derivative contracts somehow netted out to zero, only that that they are not dollar for dollar in the same category as used when totaling US wealth. The BIS figure implies the same thing.

My apologies, I'm going to have to put :wink: whenever I'm being sarcastic.

How about calculating the LTCM exposure vs its loss to get a rough figure for a loss based on the current magnitude. The child of LTCM used less leverage but also used the same basic principles and recently had to fold after losing 44% of one fund.

From the LTCM wiki.

It had off-balance sheet derivative positions with a notional value of approximately $1.25 trillion, most of which were in interest rate derivatives such as interest rate swaps.
The total losses were found to be $4.6 billion.
After helping unwind LTCM, Meriwether launched JWM Partners. Haghani, Hilibrand, Leahy, and Rosenfeld all signed up as principals of the new firm. By December 1999, they had raised $250 million for a fund that would continue many of LTCM's strategies—this time, using less leverage.[31] With the Credit Crisis, JWM Partners LLC was hit with 44% loss from September 2007 to February 2009 in its Relative Value Opportunity II fund. As such, JWM Hedge Fund was shut down in July 2009
  • #24
WhoWee said:
This might help clarify a bit?

Thanks WhoWee, that's a good link.

The total notional amounts outstanding / gross market value = 28.4.

A gross market value of 21 Trillion is still huge.
  • #25
mheslep said:
You misread. I did not say or imply the dollar value of all derivative contracts somehow netted out to zero, only that that they are not dollar for dollar in the same category as used when totaling US wealth. The BIS figure implies the same thing.

to be clear, the dollar value of all derivative contracts in the global economy does net to zero by definition

- per the BIS it may not for a particular segment of the economy, such as US banks
  • #26
BWV said:
to be clear, the dollar value of all derivative contracts in the global economy does net to zero by definition

- per the BIS it may not for a particular segment of the economy, such as US banks
Yes point taken.

FAQ: What is the Impact of Derivatives on US Banks?

1. What are derivatives?

Derivatives are financial instruments that derive their value from an underlying asset, such as stocks, bonds, commodities, or currencies. They are used as a way to manage risk or speculate on future market movements.

2. How are derivatives used in the financial industry?

Derivatives are used by banks, investment firms, and other financial institutions for various purposes, including hedging against price fluctuations, managing risk, and generating profits through speculation.

3. What is the difference between futures and options?

Futures and options are both types of derivatives, but they have some key differences. Futures contracts obligate the buyer to purchase an asset at a predetermined price on a specific date, while options give the buyer the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell an asset at a predetermined price within a certain time frame.

4. What are some common types of derivatives?

Some common types of derivatives include futures contracts, options contracts, swaps, and forwards. These can be further categorized into sub-types, such as interest rate swaps, currency options, and commodity futures.

5. Are derivatives risky?

Derivatives can be risky, as their value is derived from the performance of an underlying asset. This means that there is a potential for significant gains or losses. However, when used appropriately, derivatives can also serve as a valuable tool for managing risk and diversifying a portfolio.

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