How Has Participating in PF Transformed You?

  • Thread starter honestrosewater
  • Start date
In summary, PF has brought me Enlightenment and saved me a bunch of money on my car insurance. Other than the standard topics that PF is geared for (science, mathematics, and engineering), one thing did stand out. PF helped me on a sample AP government test.
  • #1
Gold Member
I've been here almost a year and a half, and looking over some of my older posts, I can hardly believe how much I've learned and changed! What have you learned, how have you changed as a result of joining PF?

I'll work on a list soon... more humility and patience for starters...
Physics news on
  • #2
honestrosewater said:
What have you learned
That, despite all previous opinions to the contrary, I'm not the weirdest person on the planet. :-p
  • #3
then who is? I say

(look for some of his posts )
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  • #4
PF brought me Enlightenment and saved me a bunch of money on my car insurance.

Seriously though: I haven't really learned anything per se. Rather, all the intelligent discussions seem to be refining my skills in areas like debate. And saving my brain from atrophy over the summer.
  • #5
why do people make forums in black? yuck..

Anyway, I guess I've learned a little bit from PF .. mostly reinforcing what I already knew by helping people on the homework forums .. but I could have learned a lot more by hitting the books instead of coming here. Oh well.
  • #6
I've learned quite a bit from PF, my grades have improved, and I've only been here 3 months
  • #7
yomamma said:
, my grades have improved, and I've only been here 3 months
That's because now you expend all of your smart-ass comments on us instead of doing it in class. :-p
  • #8
that's not entirely true. I'm still a smartass in my classroom
  • #9
honestrosewater said:
I've been here almost a year and a half, and looking over some of my older posts, I can hardly believe how much I've learned and changed! What have you learned, how have you changed as a result of joining PF?

I'll work on a list soon... more humility and patience for starters...

I joined four days after you. I've learned things in that time, but I'm not sure I can say whether I've learned anything that I wouldn't have learned without PF in my life. I may have discovered that I'm really not as interested in science as I thought I was.
  • #10
I've learned tons of stuff since I joined. Even in GD, I've learned many things, ok, a lot were kind of strange, but it broadened my horizons. :biggrin:

I've also met a LOT of incredible people here. My life is much richer thanks to PF. :approve:
  • #11
Other than the standard topics that PF is geared for (science, mathematics, and engineering), one thing did stand out.

For some reason PF helped me on a sample AP government test. I knew the basics of the military-industrial complex from the various postings in the political subforum a while ago.
  • #12
I couldn't pin down anything specifically but I have read up on quite a few topics that I may not have had I not been reading discussions on PF. I'm also always happy to hear/read other people's opinions on things. I've more refined my debating skills and am very happy to be able to debate on a forum where people tend to have better arguements than "You're stupid". Note I did say "tend". :wink:
  • #13
i learned to NEVER EVER post in GD if you want to remain sane.
  • #14
I am certainly catching up on the various aspects of particle physics and cosmology, which I put aside while studying and practicing nuclear engineering. The math and physics forums are invaluable.

Plus I really enjoy meeting new people, making new friends and sharing the mutual interest in science and technology, but also the social interactions in GD and politics forum.

And as for GD, I have learned things that I just really wished I hadn't :biggrin: :smile: , but having a brain that's somewhat like a sponge, which unfortunately absorbs the inane and trivial along with the profound and useful - well most you probably understand. :biggrin:
  • #15
I've learned that, while I am an insufferable nerd, I am really really insigificantly ignorant.
  • #16
PF has restored a globle view I once had, but lost somewhere along the way.
  • #17
I like the quick reply
  • #18
umm.., i guess one or two peple who created pf MUST know or already figured out this before, but think, they keep silent maybe becos of their pf,

that is it there to it that i leant from pf, many forums to read..
  • #19
Diencephalon said:
I've learned that, while I am an insufferable nerd, I am really really insigificantly ignorant.
But you have a good username, and really, that's all that counts.
  • #20
I am still waiting to learn what an orgasmatron is...


  • #21
marlon said:
I am still waiting to learn what an orgasmatron is...


Maybe you should ask him in private!
  • #22
Lisa! said:
Maybe you should ask him in private!
nono, that is too risky... :shy:

  • #23
marlon said:
nono, that is too risky... :shy:

And perhaps replying to your questios in public is too risky for him!
  • #24
PF had guided me into different directions which is great and shown me a few things I wasn't aware of which is better than great. Also, it's nice to chat to people who have similar interests and diverse opinions (as well as a bit of education to back it up :) )
  • #25
marlon said:
I am still waiting to learn what an orgasmatron is...
I think that's from Woody Allen's Sleeper. It's set in the future, and people have sex by going separately into enclosed pods called orgasmatrons. It's more sanitary and tidy than actually having physical contact with each other, I guess is the point.

And that's what you've learned at PF, Marlon.
  • #26
marlon said:
I am still waiting to learn what an orgasmatron is...



Electronic device that puts women in a pre-orgasmic state. The company that makes it doesn't actually call it an orgasmatron, but it is referred to by that name colloquially, in reference to a similar device in Woody Allen's Sleeper, as described here:
  • #27
zoobyshoe said:
I think that's from Woody Allen's Sleeper. It's set in the future, and people have sex by going separately into enclosed pods called orgasmatrons. It's more sanitary and tidy than actually having physical contact with each other, I guess is the point.

And that's what you've learned at PF, Marlon.
thanks for the knowledge

  • #28
And welcome to Physics Forums egodiot! :smile:
  • #29
I have been visitng and reading a couple of forums for a long time, but none of them has been of much profit as PF.

It is the best. I've learned a lot of things so far and ı hope that I will learn much more in the future.

Thank you all for contribution.

FAQ: How Has Participating in PF Transformed You?

1. What is PF and why is it important?

PF stands for Personal Finance, which is the management of an individual's financial resources. It is important because it helps individuals make informed decisions about their money and achieve their financial goals.

2. How does PF affect daily life?

PF affects daily life in many ways, such as budgeting, saving, investing, and making financial decisions. It also impacts our overall financial stability and well-being.

3. What are some key concepts of PF?

Some key concepts of PF include budgeting, saving, investing, debt management, and financial planning. It also involves understanding concepts like compound interest, inflation, and risk management.

4. How can PF help with long-term financial success?

PF can help with long-term financial success by providing tools and strategies to effectively manage money, create a budget, save for the future, and make wise financial decisions. It also helps individuals establish good financial habits that can lead to financial stability and security in the long run.

5. What are some common mistakes people make with PF?

Some common mistakes people make with PF include overspending, not having a budget, not saving for emergencies or retirement, and not understanding the impact of debt. It is also important to avoid get-rich-quick schemes and to continuously educate oneself about personal finance to avoid making costly mistakes.
