Reading multiple books simultaneously on the same subject

In summary, the conversation discusses the benefits of reading multiple textbooks on the same topic at the same time. By doing so, the reader gains different insights from various authors, learns different definitions and theorems, and can compare and contrast different ways of proving the same concept. This method of learning is seen as more effective and efficient compared to reading only one textbook. Both individuals in the conversation agree that this is a good idea and plan to implement it in the future.
  • #1
I'm currently reading four textbooks in topology at the same time. When I read one topic, I don't move on to the next topic until I've read the same topic from the other books first. This may seem weird and a waste of time but I've noticed some following benefits:
1) Different authors give different insights into each topic. I can read one topic, understand it, and then read the topic from another book and realize "Hey, I didn't think of it like that!"
2) Some definitions appear in one textbook but not in another.
3) Many theorems appear in one textbook and not in another.
4) Theorems that appear in all the books are often proved differently, allowing me to learn more ways to prove the same thing
5) Very often theorems in one book appears as exercise questions in another.

And the list goes on. I honestly feel that I'm learning much better than if I read only one book. Anyone tried doing this before? Do you think this is a good idea? By the way, it does not take me four times longer to read four books, because I only read slowly in the first book and breeze through the others in the same topic.
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  • #2
I do exactly the same thing as you do, I find that it is much better to get many different view points on the same thing and leads to a greater understanding.
  • #3
I've never thought about doing this, but it seems like a very good idea. I'll definitely try this in the future.

FAQ: Reading multiple books simultaneously on the same subject

1. Can reading multiple books on the same subject at the same time be beneficial?

Yes, reading multiple books on the same subject can be beneficial as it allows for a wider understanding and perspective on the topic. It also helps to fill in any gaps or missing information that may be present in one book.

2. Is it difficult to keep track of multiple books on the same subject?

It can be challenging to keep track of multiple books on the same subject, but it can be made easier by taking notes and organizing them by topic or key points. It is also helpful to set a schedule for reading each book to avoid confusion.

3. Is there a specific order in which multiple books on the same subject should be read?

There is no specific order in which multiple books on the same subject should be read. It ultimately depends on personal preference and what works best for the reader. Some may prefer to read one book at a time while others may alternate between books.

4. Will reading multiple books on the same subject cause confusion?

Reading multiple books on the same subject may cause some confusion, but it can also lead to a deeper understanding of the topic. It is important to take breaks and review key points to avoid becoming overwhelmed.

5. Are there any downsides to reading multiple books on the same subject?

One potential downside of reading multiple books on the same subject is that it may take longer to finish each book compared to reading them one at a time. It also requires more effort to keep track of the information from each book. However, the benefits of gaining a broader understanding often outweigh these downsides.

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