I'm at a crossroads. Engineers/physicists share your exp

  • Thread starter Cvan
  • Start date
In summary, the first year of undergraduate engineering at Boston University went well, with a respectable low A or high B GPA. However, the student has recently come to the realization that they are not entirely sure what a mechanical engineer does on a day-to-day basis. They are interested in pursuing physics but are unsure if engineering is the right path for them. If they decide to stay in engineering, they would like advice on what a career in physics or engineering might consist of.
  • #1
I've just finished my first year of undergraduate engineering at Boston University (originally intent on becoming a mechanical engineer with aerospace concentration for electives) with a respectable low A or high B GPA. I can grasp the material, and have understood the lectures but tend to choke on tests and do stupid things like do wrong problems on homework since my eyes are so terrible.

Regardless, I have a deep and profound interest in physics and mathematics, and enjoy the problem solving that comes with engineering--the overall feeling of proactively getting things done, managing time, etc, but I've recently come to the realization that I'm not entirely sure what a mechanical engineer's job on a day to day basis consists of. I've begun to have slight doubts about engineering after a physics professor of mine saw some potential for me to pursue physics because of my ability to grasp concepts in regards to some issues in modern physics. Also, the idea of advancing physics and the overall wealth of knowledge available to humanity as a whole is incredibly appealing.

I realize the programs are much different, but I'm still only transitioning into a sophomore position, and could make the switch without too much difficulty. I'll most likely stick with my engineering program and just try to learn and keep up with modern physics, but I would love advice if anyone has been in a similar situation. Mostly though, I would be greatly appreciative if some engineers (mechanical, if you're out there) and physicists could give me a little glimpse into what their daily routine is like--so to speak.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
First the practicalities - transfering from 1st year engineerign to 1st year physics shouldn't be a big deal. They are so similair you probably only missed an intro E+M or waves course.

A couple of other random points.
You aren't going to push back the frontiers of knowledge as a physics prof. YOu are going to be either working on an small area that only you and your grad student care about, or you are going to be one of 500 people working on a high energy physics experiment. And this is if you are a success, get a PhD from a top10 uni and 'make it'.
If you want to save the world become a civil engineer and lay sewers.

If you want to enjoy your job and work on cool stuff then engineering is great, wether you come to it as an engineer or physicist might not matter that much.
My advice has always been to do a pure/general ugrad degree and then specialise, so do physics then an engineering masters for instance.
One exception to this might be if there is a particular industry you are interested in such as aerospace, in which case a ugradeng deg in that speciality and then straight to a company could be good.
Another exception is if you are in a country where engineers are licenced. Then it might be important to have a recognised eng degree to avoid a glass ceiling where you might be the smartest guy in the company with a double physics/maths PhD but can't sign off on a drawing and so can't be in charge of anything.
  • #3
The following assumes you want to be a career physicist/engineer and that you won't use your degree to go into law, medicine, high school teaching, etc (all respectable decisions in their own right).

Some questions:

1) Do you want to work in industry in a manufacturing/development setting or do you want to do cutting-edge research?
If it is the former, then you should stay in engineering. If it is the latter, you will probably have to go to grad school (engineering or physics).

2) Do you want to only be involved in other peoples' research or do you want to "lead" research?
If it is the former, an MS will suffice. If it the latter, you will need a PhD. (Still physics or engineering).

Now, some my disagree with me, but an MS in physics is not much sought after in the science/engineering-related fields. You don't have enough practical training to be an engineer but you do not have the advanced qualification to be an expert physicist. So with the assumption I made up top, the suggestion is to stay in engineering.

If you want to go the PhD route, then we have some more talking to do...

Physics is a broad field: atomic, condensed matter, elementary particles, astro, cosmology - just to name a few.
MechE, although concentrating on the mechanical aspect of technology can be just as broad: solid mechanics, fluids, nonlinear phenomena, materials science, heat transfer, etc.

So, the question now is: what do you see yourself doing? Do you see yourself working on a project to identify some fundamental aspect of nature or on a project to improve some aspect of technology?

There is also the fact that many physicists end up doing doing "applied physics." I use the term in the general sense that their research has direct application to technology and may even have that "engineering smell." These guys are mostly in condensed matter but I'm sure there are others.
  • #4
My two bits: see about getting glasses :smile: !

FAQ: I'm at a crossroads. Engineers/physicists share your exp

What does it mean to be at a crossroads in the field of engineering or physics?

Being at a crossroads in engineering or physics typically means that one is facing a decision or situation that will greatly impact their career path or research direction. It could involve choosing between different job opportunities, deciding on a new research project, or facing a major challenge in their current work.

How do engineers and physicists typically approach crossroads in their careers or research?

Engineers and physicists often use a combination of analytical thinking and problem-solving skills to approach crossroads in their careers or research. They may also consult with colleagues or mentors for advice and consider the potential consequences of each option.

What factors should be considered when making a decision at a crossroads in engineering or physics?

Some important factors to consider when facing a crossroads in engineering or physics include the individual's personal goals and values, their skills and strengths, the potential impact on their career trajectory, and the potential benefits and risks of each option.

How can one effectively manage the stress and uncertainty that comes with being at a crossroads in these fields?

Managing stress and uncertainty at a crossroads in engineering or physics can involve taking a step back and evaluating the situation objectively, seeking support and advice from others, and practicing self-care and mindfulness techniques. It can also be helpful to focus on the potential opportunities and growth that can come from making a decision at a crossroads.

What advice would you give to someone who is currently at a crossroads in the field of engineering or physics?

My advice would be to take the time to thoroughly evaluate all options, seek guidance and advice from trusted sources, and trust in your own abilities and instincts. Remember that there is no single "right" decision and that each path will bring its own challenges and opportunities for growth. Ultimately, make a decision that aligns with your goals and values and have confidence in your ability to navigate any challenges that may arise.
