Home-Made Liquid-Fuel Rocket Engine

In summary, the individual is looking to build a small liquid-fueled rocket engine and has determined that unleaded gasoline mixed with gas-state O2 is the best choice for fuel. They previously considered using hydrogen peroxide and high-grade kerosene but are now considering using H202 with gasoline. They are wondering where to find information on specific impulse, burn temperature, and burn pressure for this fuel combination. It is advised that they seek guidance from experienced individuals, as building a liquid-fueled rocket is dangerous and not suitable for an anonymous internet forum.
  • #1
So I'm looking and researching to build a small liquid-fueled rocket engine. So far I think my choice for fuel is definitely unleaded gasoline because of it's high impulse when mixed with Gas-state O2 and how easy it is to obtain.
Previously, I was looking at using Hydrogen Peroxide (H202) for oxidizer and high-grade Kerosene for fuel.
Now I was wondering, I'm speculating on making a rocket for the engine if it goes well, and I was wondering If I could use H202 for oxidizer with Gasoline for fuel. The reason for this is that H202 is so much more dense than air, so the fuel tank could be much smaller and still keep a good mass ratio (R, ratio of fuel mass to rocket mass) (Or I wouldn't have to make the walls thick enough to hold high-pressure O2).

In particular, I was wondering where it would be possible to come up with the numbers, such as the Specific Impulse, burn Temp, burn pressure, etc. of this fuel combination?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
I think by now you have realized that this project is not very realistic. I mean, if containing liquid oxygen is a problem for you technically, then no other part of a liquid bipropellent rocket is within your capability.
  • #3
Before you go any further, see if you can find a local chapter of the NAR: http://www.nar.org/

The folks there are who you want to be talking with.
  • #5
Nugatory said:
The folks there are who you want to be talking with.
And a corollary is that an anonymous internet forum like this one is not where you should be getting your guidance. Any rocket bigger than a toy, and any liquid-fueled rocket, is inherently dangerous - you need to find people with experience and learn from them.

This thread is closed, not because there's anything wrong with it, but because we're not set up to offer you the help you need.

FAQ: Home-Made Liquid-Fuel Rocket Engine

1. What materials are needed to build a home-made liquid-fuel rocket engine?

To build a home-made liquid-fuel rocket engine, you will need a combustion chamber, a nozzle, a fuel tank, a fuel pump, and various pipes and valves. You will also need a suitable fuel, such as kerosene or liquid hydrogen, and an oxidizer, such as liquid oxygen or nitrous oxide.

2. Is it safe to build and launch a home-made liquid-fuel rocket engine?

Building and launching a home-made liquid-fuel rocket engine can be dangerous and should only be done by experienced individuals. It involves working with highly flammable and potentially explosive materials, so proper safety precautions and equipment must be used at all times.

3. How much thrust can a home-made liquid-fuel rocket engine produce?

The amount of thrust produced by a home-made liquid-fuel rocket engine depends on various factors, such as the type of fuel used and the design of the engine. However, on average, a small home-made rocket engine can produce anywhere from a few hundred to a few thousand pounds of thrust.

4. Can a home-made liquid-fuel rocket engine be used for space travel?

Technically, a home-made liquid-fuel rocket engine could be used for space travel if it is designed and built properly. However, it would require extensive testing and modifications to ensure it is safe and reliable enough for such a journey.

5. Are there any regulations or permits needed to build and launch a home-made liquid-fuel rocket engine?

Yes, there are regulations and permits that need to be obtained before building and launching a home-made liquid-fuel rocket engine. These vary depending on your location, so it is important to research and comply with all applicable laws and regulations before beginning your project.
