Investigating Mass & Period Relationship: Slope Meaning?

  • Thread starter MJC8719
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In summary, the conversation revolved around a lab on oscillations and simple harmonic motion. The participants used an air cart with two springs attached to investigate the relationship between mass and period. They then graphed the relationship between total mass and time squared and wondered what the slope of the resulting line represented. They speculated that it may be the spring constant, but were unsure. They were reminded to rearrange the period equation y = mx + b to find the slope, m.
  • #1

We have been working on a lab that dealt with oscillations and simple harmonic motion. We attached two springs to an air cart, placed it on an air track, and released a distance of 10cm from the equilibirum point. To investigate the relationship between mass and the period, we added 50 g masses to the cart and performed various trials and timed the period.

We then were instructed to graph the m vs T^2 with m being the total mass and T^2 being the time of the period squared. My question is, what does the slope of this line represent. The line increases linerly, and i believe that the relevant equation is
T of period = 2pi SwRt(m/k)...or is it k/m...i can't remember right now as I am at work...

but anyways...what could the slope of the line represent...i first thought it might be the spring constant...but I do not believe that is correct anymore...

any ideas would be greatly appreciated
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  • #2
Remember the equation of a straight line y = ax + b, where m is the gradient or the slope. If y = m and x = T2 then what is a?

Hint: Try rearranging your period equation.
  • #3


Thank you for sharing your experiment and question. The relationship between mass and period in simple harmonic motion is a well-known one, and it is represented by the equation T = 2π√(m/k), where T is the period, m is the mass, and k is the spring constant. When graphed, this relationship should result in a straight line with a positive slope.

The slope of this line represents the square root of the spring constant divided by 2π. In other words, it represents the relationship between the mass and the force required to produce simple harmonic motion. This means that the steeper the slope, the higher the spring constant and the stronger the force needed to produce the same period of oscillation.

I hope this helps clarify the meaning of the slope in your experiment. Keep up the good work in your scientific investigations!

FAQ: Investigating Mass & Period Relationship: Slope Meaning?

1. What is the relationship between mass and period?

The relationship between mass and period is an inverse square relationship. This means that as the mass of an object increases, the period of its motion (i.e. the time it takes to complete one full cycle) decreases, and vice versa.

2. How is the slope of a mass-period graph related to this relationship?

The slope of a mass-period graph represents the acceleration due to gravity, which is constant for a given location. This means that the steeper the slope of the graph, the greater the acceleration due to gravity, and therefore the smaller the period for a given mass.

3. What does a positive slope on a mass-period graph mean?

A positive slope on a mass-period graph means that as the mass increases, the period also increases. This is not the expected relationship, as we know that the period should decrease as mass increases. This could be due to experimental error or other factors affecting the data.

4. How can we use this relationship to make predictions?

We can use the inverse square relationship between mass and period to make predictions about the motion of objects. For example, if we know the mass of an object and its period of motion, we can use the slope of the mass-period graph to calculate the acceleration due to gravity, which can then be used to predict the motion of other objects with similar masses.

5. How does this relationship apply to real-world scenarios?

The relationship between mass and period is a fundamental concept in physics and can be applied to many real-world scenarios. For example, it is used to calculate the orbital periods of planets and moons, as well as the period of a pendulum. Understanding this relationship can also help in designing and testing new technologies, such as satellites and rockets.
