Conserved quantities for geodesics

In summary, the conservation of energy along geodesics in general relativity means that the Lagrangian L is a constant along the path of a freely falling particle. Since r is not explicitly present in L, \frac{dL}{d\frac{dr}{d\tau}} is constant. This is a consequence of the symmetry of the metric in comoving coordinates.
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Homework Statement

In comoving coordinates, a one dimensional expanding flat universe has a metric [tex]ds^2 = -c^2dt^2 + at(t)^2dr^2[/tex]. Derive an expression for a conserved quantity for geodesics in terms of [tex]a, \tau[/tex] and [tex]r[/tex], where [tex]\tau[/tex] is the time measured in the rest frame of the freely falling particle.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I have the answer to the question in front of me, I just don't follow one of the steps, so I just wondered if anyone could explain it to me.

After writing a Lagrangian as [tex]L = c^2(\frac{dt}{d\tau})^2 - a(t)^2(\frac{dr}{d\tau})^2[/tex]

it can be seen that since r does not appear explicitly that it has something to do with it a constant.

The next line in the answer goes onto say
[tex]\frac{dL}{d\frac{dr}{d\tau}}[/tex] is a constant, but I don't know why this is.

At a guess I would say this is because the [tex]\frac{dL}{dr}[/tex] term in the Euler Lagrange equations is zero (because of the lack of dependence on r), and as such you get [tex]\frac{d}{d\tau}\frac{dL}{d\frac{dr}{d\tau}} = 0[/tex], and so by integrating with respect to [tex]\tau[/tex] you'll get a constant on the right hand side right? Or am I scratching at the wrong tree?

Any help would be appreciated.
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You are on the right track! The reason why [tex]\frac{dL}{d\frac{dr}{d\tau}}[/tex] is a constant is because of the conservation of energy along geodesics in general relativity. This means that the Lagrangian L is a constant along the path of a freely falling particle. Since r is not explicitly present in L, [tex]\frac{dL}{d\frac{dr}{d\tau}}[/tex] is constant. In other words, the quantity [tex]\frac{dL}{d\frac{dr}{d\tau}}[/tex] remains the same no matter where the particle is along its path. This is a consequence of the symmetry of the metric in comoving coordinates.

Hope that helps clarify things for you!

FAQ: Conserved quantities for geodesics

1. What are conserved quantities for geodesics?

Conserved quantities for geodesics are physical quantities that remain constant along a geodesic, which is the shortest path between two points on a curved surface. These quantities are important in understanding the behavior of objects moving along geodesics in space and time.

2. Why are conserved quantities important in geodesics?

Conserved quantities play a crucial role in understanding the motion of objects along geodesics. They provide insights into the fundamental laws of physics, such as conservation of energy and momentum, and allow us to make predictions about the behavior of objects moving in curved space-time.

3. What are some examples of conserved quantities for geodesics?

Some examples of conserved quantities for geodesics include energy, momentum, angular momentum, and electric charge. These quantities are conserved because they do not change along the path of a geodesic, even as the path itself may be curved.

4. How are conserved quantities related to symmetries?

Conserved quantities are closely related to symmetries in the laws of physics. In fact, Noether's theorem states that for every continuous symmetry of a physical system, there exists a corresponding conserved quantity. This relationship helps us understand the underlying principles and structure of the universe.

5. Can conserved quantities for geodesics be violated?

In classical physics, conserved quantities for geodesics are considered to be absolute and cannot be violated. However, in quantum mechanics, there are instances where conserved quantities may not be strictly conserved due to quantum fluctuations. In general, conserved quantities are important guiding principles in understanding the behavior of objects in space and time.
