Electric field around a current carrying wire

In summary: No, the wire is electrostatically neutral to begin with. Do you mean that passing a current through a wire will give it a static charge?No, only if the current is large enough will a static charge be built up on the wire.
  • #1
It is generally thought that no electric field exists around and outside of a current (DC) carrying wire as the electric field has no radial component and the wire as a whole remains electrically neutral.

However i came across information on the net regarding high voltage (HVDC) transmission lines that stated the existence of an electric field and its effects such as corona dicharges around these power lines.

I would like to know whether an electric field exists around low power DC wires. Is it just that the field is too weak to detect?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
You can consider a wire to be one plate of a capacitor with ground. Try googling "parasitic capacitance" and "self capacitance". As a capacitor it can become charged up and then have an E-field, but as you say this effect is small for low voltages.
  • #3
DaleSpam said:
You can consider a wire to be one plate of a capacitor with ground. Try googling "parasitic capacitance" and "self capacitance". As a capacitor it can become charged up and then have an E-field, but as you say this effect is small for low voltages.

I am also aware of a continuous electric discharge (similar to lightening) that is possible near HVDC lines. If the electric field is due to a build up of charge then a continuous discharge would not be possible. From what I have come across on the net, current flowing through a wire creats no external electric filed.
  • #4
arul_k said:
From what I have come across on the net, current flowing through a wire creats no external electric filed.
Only because a wire is usually idealized to have no capacitance and no resistance.
  • #5
We are confusing statics and dynamics. A wire carrying a dc current will have a manetic field only due to the current. It can have any electric field positive negative or zero depending on the net charge of the wire
  • #6
Antiphon said:
We are confusing statics and dynamics. A wire carrying a dc current will have a manetic field only due to the current. It can have any electric field positive negative or zero depending on the net charge of the wire

The wire is electrostatically neutral to begin with. Do you mean that passing a current through a wire will give it a static charge

FAQ: Electric field around a current carrying wire

1. What is an electric field?

An electric field is a region in space where an electric charge experiences a force. It is represented by a vector that indicates the direction and strength of the force at any given point in space.

2. How is an electric field created around a current carrying wire?

An electric field is created around a current carrying wire due to the movement of electric charges (electrons) in the wire. As the electrons flow, they create an electric field in the surrounding space.

3. What factors affect the strength of the electric field around a current carrying wire?

The strength of the electric field around a current carrying wire is affected by the magnitude of the current, the distance from the wire, and the material properties of the wire (such as its conductivity and shape).

4. How can the direction of the electric field be determined around a current carrying wire?

The direction of the electric field around a current carrying wire can be determined using the right hand rule. Pointing your thumb in the direction of the current, the direction of your fingers will indicate the direction of the electric field.

5. What are some practical applications of understanding the electric field around a current carrying wire?

Understanding the electric field around a current carrying wire is important in many fields, such as designing electrical circuits, calculating the strength of electromagnets, and predicting the behavior of lightning strikes. It is also crucial in the study of electromagnetic waves and the development of technology such as wireless communication.

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