Magnetic fields from power lines

In summary, the conversation discusses how to steal electricity by placing a coil near a power line with alternating current, and how the orientation and placement of the coil affects the maximum voltage that can be induced. It is concluded that for maximum voltage, the coil should be placed perpendicular to the wire and near a high current wire. Suggestions are also made to consider specific dimensions and designs for the receiving coil.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Well I just want to make sure I am right on this one. The question is how to steal electricity by placing a coil near a power line that carries alternating current in which the current varies sinusoidally. A.) For a single wire how should the coil be oriented to induce the maximum voltage. B.) And should the coil be placed near a high voltage wire with low current or near a wire that has low voltage but high current and explain.

The Attempt at a Solution

Well for a.) I think that the coil should be placed perpendicular to the wire. This would line the coil up with the magnetic field going down the middle of the coil. This would induce the most current and current is proportional to voltage in V=IR so this should be right. For b.) I would want to place the coil next to a high current wire. This is because a high current wire has a greater magnetic field which would induce a higher current and the it would be easier to get more voltage. Could someone tell me if this is correct?
Physics news on
  • #2
Yes you are correct.
You could have some fun by putting numbers and formulas on that
try to find (on the net?) some typical lines dimensions (height, distance between cables, ...) and operating characteristics (voltage, current).
Consider some design for the "receiving" coil ...
  • #3

As a scientist, it is important to consider the ethical implications of such actions. Stealing electricity is illegal and can also be dangerous. In addition, attempting to manipulate a power line can cause disruptions to the electrical grid and potentially harm others. It is important to respect and follow the laws and regulations put in place to ensure the safe and fair distribution of electricity.

In terms of the technical aspects, your reasoning for the orientation of the coil and placement near a high current wire is correct. However, it is important to note that attempting to steal electricity in this manner is not a reliable or efficient method. The induced voltage would likely be very low and would not provide a significant amount of usable electricity. It would also require a significant amount of equipment and expertise to successfully implement, making it an impractical and risky endeavor. As scientists, we should focus on finding sustainable and ethical solutions for energy production and consumption, rather than attempting to manipulate existing systems for personal gain.

FAQ: Magnetic fields from power lines

What are magnetic fields from power lines?

Magnetic fields from power lines are invisible areas of energy that surround electrical wires or devices that carry electricity. They are created when electric current flows through a wire and can be affected by the amount of current, the voltage, and the distance from the source.

Are magnetic fields from power lines harmful?

There is currently no conclusive evidence that magnetic fields from power lines are harmful to human health. However, some studies have shown a possible link between exposure to high levels of magnetic fields and certain health effects, such as childhood leukemia. More research is needed to fully understand the potential risks.

How far do magnetic fields from power lines extend?

The strength of magnetic fields from power lines decreases rapidly as you move further away from the source. Generally, the strength of the field decreases by the square of the distance. This means that the further you are from the power line, the weaker the magnetic field will be.

Can magnetic fields from power lines be shielded or reduced?

Yes, there are several ways to reduce exposure to magnetic fields from power lines. These include increasing the distance between yourself and the power lines, using shielding materials such as metal or concrete barriers, and reducing the amount of time spent near power lines.

Why are magnetic fields from power lines a concern?

Magnetic fields from power lines have been a topic of concern due to their potential effects on human health. While the research is still inconclusive, some studies have suggested a possible link between high levels of magnetic field exposure and certain health effects. Additionally, aesthetically, power lines can be seen as disruptive to the natural landscape and can affect property values.
