What is the force and tension needed to hold a swinging ball?

  • Thread starter sphykik
  • Start date
In summary: Thanks!We can't help you if you don't show the equation... Im sorry, i thought you wanted me to write one... ok, so, in the x direction, i have Tsin57.9-F=main the y direction, F-Tcos57.9=0is that right?Yes, that looks good. Now, what is the value of 'a' in each equation?Also, what is the value of F?so, in the x direction, i have Tsin57.9-F=main the y direction, F-Tcos57.9=0so now find 'a' in each equation and also find F.Remember,
  • #1
Help! Force/Tension Problem

Homework Statement

A 2.4 kg ball tied to a string fixed to the ceiling is pulled to one side by a force F to an angle of 32.1° from the ceiling.

(a) Just before the ball is released and allowed to swing back and forth, how large is the force F that is holding the ball in position?

(b) Just before the ball is released and allowed to swing back and forth, what is the tension in the string?

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

Hi all, I am new to physics, and this homework is kicking my butt! haha, so first I tried to convert the 2.4kg to Newtons (9.8N/kg), and then use sin and cos to find the force in the x and y directions. I get 19.9 in the x direction, and 12.5 in the y direction. Our homework is submitted electronically, though, and it doesn't think my answer for a) is right... I really don't know how to do b) :cry:

If someone could help me that would very much appreciated, this is due at 7 in the morning!

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  • #2
Did you draw a freebody diagram? What are the forces acting on the ball? What are the forces acting in the y-direction? In the x-direction?
  • #3
I drew a diagram, and I thought I found the forces in the x and y directions (by using sin and cos), but I can't seem to think of anything else. My professor very quickly went over this, and I am really stuck (i have work on it for about a half hour...). Any other suggestions to point me in the right direction?

  • #4
sphykik said:
I drew a diagram, and I thought I found the forces in the x and y directions (by using sin and cos), but I can't seem to think of anything else.

Can you describe exactly the forces you found and what you did? We will help you along from there...
  • #5
Ok, since you are pulling the ball back, and supporting it in the air, you would have to apply a force "backward" (or in the x direction, as I drew it), and I think there has to be a force in the y direction, since the ball would move up some as you support it. i took the sin of 32.1, and multiplied it by 23.52 (which would be the force on the string, converted from kg, i think... ;) to find the y force, and i got 12.5. i did the same with the cosine, to find the x force, and i got 19.92.

I know there are several areas in which i could be wrong. for one, maybe 2.4kg should not be converted to Newtons like that... also, i could be wrong about the force on the hypotenuse, or the string, being 23.52...

beyond that, i really don't know what to do :(

  • #6
sphykik said:
Ok, since you are pulling the ball back, and supporting it in the air, you would have to apply a force "backward" (or in the x direction, as I drew it), and I think there has to be a force in the y direction, since the ball would move up some as you support it. i took the sin of 32.1, and multiplied it by 23.52 (which would be the force on the string, converted from kg, i think... ;) to find the y force, and i got 12.5. i did the same with the cosine, to find the x force, and i got 19.92.

I know there are several areas in which i could be wrong. for one, maybe 2.4kg should not be converted to Newtons like that... also, i could be wrong about the force on the hypotenuse, or the string, being 23.52...

beyond that, i really don't know what to do :(


I think the important step where you are going wrong is getting the components of the tension... Suppose the tension is T. Now 32.1 is the angle with the horizontal?

So what is the vertical component of T... what is the horizontal component of T? just give the answer in terms of T, sin, cos etc.
  • #7

So the tension, T, is what I am trying to find, along with the x and y values? so sin(57.9) would be y/t

and cos(57.9) would be x/t ?

do i have it right so far?
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  • #8
Yes, looks good. So what is the horizontal component of T? What is the vertical componen of T?

Use upwards as positive. Down as negative. Right as positive. Left as negative.
  • #9
so, assuming that my 2.4kg to 23.52N conversion is right, and T is 23.52, y would be +19.9, and x would be -12.50 ?

edit: oops, i switched x and y on my diagram...
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  • #10
sphykik said:
so, assuming that my 2.4kg to 23.52N conversion is right, and T is 23.52, y would be +19.9, and x would be -12.50 ?

edit: oops, i switched x and y on my diagram...

wait... you're jumping too far ahead... you don't know T yet... in terms of T, what is the horizontal component of T and the vertical component of T...
  • #11


oh, and i don't think i mentioned it before, but they want the answer in Newtons,

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  • #12
sphykik said:



If you have a vector with magnitude R, acting at an angle theta from the positive x axis... what is the x-component of this vector?
  • #13
(R)(cos(theta)) ?
  • #14
sphykik said:
(R)(cos(theta)) ?

exactly. The x component is R cos theta. The y component is Rsin theta.

Do the same type of thing here... except instead of R we have T...
  • #15



  • #16
sphykik said:





Now write the [tex]\Sigma{F} = ma[/tex] in the x-direction. Also write the f=ma equation in the y-direction.
  • #17
im sorry, but i don't think we went over this in class, i can't find reference to it in the book either. could you explain? sorry to be so stupid :(
  • #18
so if force equals mass * acceleration, than the force would be zero, wouldn't it?
  • #19
sphykik said:
im sorry, but i don't think we went over this in class, i can't find reference to it in the book either. could you explain? sorry to be so stupid :(

No prob. don't feel bad. this stuff takes time to get used to.

Looking at the diagram... I'm going to assume the F force acts on the ball towards the right... the two forces in the horizontal direction are, F acting to the right, and Tsin57.9 acting to the left.

So [tex]F - Tsin(57.9) = ma_x[/tex] (where ax is the acceleration horizontally)

but ax =0, so:

F - Tsin(57.9) = 0

Try doing the same type of thing vertically to get another equation.
  • #20
wouldn't it be F-T cos(57.9) = 0 for the vertical direction?
  • #21
sphykik said:
wouldn't it be F-T cos(57.9) = 0 for the vertical direction?

No because F doesn't act vertically... also you need to take gravity into account.
  • #22
would you have T(cos57.9)+23.52, the 23.52 being (2.4)(9.8) to account for gravity?
  • #23
sphykik said:
would you have T(cos57.9)+23.52, the 23.52 being (2.4)(9.8) to account for gravity?

Yes. But use upwards positive and downwards negative. ie: Tcos(57.9) - 23.52 = 0. Hope the directions make sense.

From these 2 equations you can solve for F.
  • #24

thanks so much for all of the help!

I got both parts right! WWOOOOOOHOOOO!
  • #25
sphykik said:

thanks so much for all of the help!

I got both parts right! WWOOOOOOHOOOO!

:smile: no prob.

FAQ: What is the force and tension needed to hold a swinging ball?

What is a help force/tension problem?

A help force/tension problem is a type of physics problem that involves calculating the forces acting on an object in equilibrium. This includes finding the tension in a rope or cable, as well as the forces exerted by other objects on the system.

How do I solve a help force/tension problem?

To solve a help force/tension problem, you must first identify all of the forces acting on the object. Then, use Newton's second law (F=ma) to set up equations using the sum of forces in the x and y directions. Finally, solve for the unknown forces by setting the equations equal to each other.

What are some common mistakes when solving help force/tension problems?

Some common mistakes when solving help force/tension problems include forgetting to include all forces acting on the object, using incorrect signs for the forces, and not using the correct units in calculations.

Can help force/tension problems be solved without calculus?

Yes, help force/tension problems can be solved without calculus. These types of problems typically involve simple algebra and trigonometry to solve for unknown forces.

How can I check if my answer to a help force/tension problem is correct?

You can check your answer by plugging it back into the original equations and making sure it satisfies all of the given conditions. You can also use a free-body diagram to visualize the forces and make sure they are in equilibrium.

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