Momentum of this rotating gear?

In summary, the large gear has mass and the small gear does not, so the Momentum required to turn the motor is greater for the large gear.
  • #36
Magnetic Prpulsion

If one had in space 2 (or more) perfectly aligned connected wheels with large magnets that were precisely set to spin effectively by alternating different polarities what, if anything, could this produce?
Physics news on
  • #37
tipsung said:
If one had in space 2 (or more) perfectly aligned connected wheels with large magnets that were precisely set to spin effectively by alternating different polarities what, if anything, could this produce?

Did you have anything in mind?
  • #38
Yes. Working off opposite repelling particles creating a sort of ion propulsion. I can vision this and draw it out but the mathematics behind it is not my strong suit. I just seem to daydream and come up with several different things all the time never knowing if things will function as I envision
  • #39
There are many designs for ion drive that do not involve 'moving parts'. Why involve extra complications?
  • #40
Point taken. Perhaps this magnetic alignment with a motor, coil, rotor and shaft could produce electrical energy and cause acceleration. As the motor accelerates the stronger magnetic field thus causing the motor to go faster and faster... Like I said it was just a thought. Thank you for the replies.
  • #41
My point is that it would not be a reactiionless drive.