Why did you choose to study science? Survey

In summary, the University of Western Australia is conducting a survey to understand why people choose to study science and science-related subjects. The survey is open to anyone who has completed tertiary science studies and is available online. The results will be published in 2011 and all responses are anonymous. The survey aims to gather data from a diverse group of respondents to better understand the issues related to students' selection of science. It is important for people to be scientifically literate and the survey will help in understanding this. The survey takes approximately 15 minutes to complete and is being promoted through various channels.
  • #1
I am conducting research at the University of Western Australia on why people chose to study in science and science-related areas. Part of this is an international on-line survey.

The survey is for anyone who completed tertiary science (and applied science) studies after leaving school – the greater the diversity of the respondents the better will be the results. You don't have to be currently working in science-related areas. If you want your country and discipline to be represented then please participate, and please send your friends and colleagues in science-related areas the survey link:


All responses are anonymous and the individual responses will remain confidential. Following statistical analysis the overall results will be published during 2011. The report will be available as a PDF at "[URL
If you would like to know more, then please contact Dr Colin Hanbury at colin.hanbury@uwa.edu.au (Phone +61 8 6488 2508), or Assoc. Prof. Nancy Longnecker at nancy.longnecker@uwa.edu.au (Phone +61 8 6488 3926).

Important points for you to consider
• Most developed countries are witnessing falls in school students opting for science subjects and for university science-based courses; however, the trend is opposite in developing countries.
• It is important for our combined social and economic future for people to be scientifically literate and for there to be sufficient well-qualified people to take up science-based occupations.
• This survey will help us understand the issues related to students’ selecting of science at school, and will enable comparisons across different cultures and countries.

Please answer the survey – it should take no longer than 15 minutes.

Colin Hanbury
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Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
This is an excellent survey! I just completed it and I think everyone that is either, a professor, working in industry, or currently studying science in school should finish it.

Thanks for informing us!
  • #3
the study is not representative of the world population. This is called a cluster sample because a limited demographic peruse these forums. If you want accurate results you should use stratified samples on physical campuses world wide
  • #4
Excuse me, "{~}", but this is undoubtedly not the only place where the survey has spread to and the idea is to have anyone who is in academics or who has studied science in the past anywhere in the world take the survey. Obviously there will be a qualitative analysis of the demographic, which is why certain questions like age and country of citizenship are asked.
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  • #5
As Caramon suggested, this is not the only place this survey is being promoted. Most of my personal connections are in agricultural sciences and plant biology. Accordingly, I am using forums, publications and colleagues etc to reach as broadly as possible across sciences and applied sciences. Feel free to send the link to colleagues and friends with science and applied science qualifications.
  • #6
or currently studying science in school should finish it.

I would as it seems like a good survey, however, I am not "qualified" as I have not received my degrees yet.

FAQ: Why did you choose to study science? Survey

1. Why did you choose to study science?

I have always been fascinated by how the natural world works and the endless possibilities that science offers for discovery and innovation. Studying science allows me to satisfy my curiosity and make a positive impact on the world.

2. What inspired you to pursue a career in science?

Growing up, I was always drawn to subjects like biology, chemistry, and physics. As I learned more about these fields, I became captivated by the intricate systems and processes that govern our world. This passion for understanding and uncovering the mysteries of the universe inspired me to pursue a career in science.

3. What do you find most rewarding about studying science?

The most rewarding aspect of studying science is being able to contribute to the advancement of human knowledge and make a positive impact on society. Whether it's through conducting research, developing new technologies, or solving real-world problems, science allows me to constantly learn and grow while making a difference.

4. How do you think studying science will benefit you in the future?

Studying science provides me with a strong foundation in critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills. These skills are highly transferable and can be applied to various industries, making me adaptable and marketable in the job market. Additionally, studying science also opens up opportunities for further education and specialization in a specific field.

5. What advice do you have for someone considering studying science?

My advice would be to keep an open mind and embrace the challenges that come with studying science. It may not always be easy, but the rewards and opportunities that come with a science education are endless. Also, don't be afraid to ask questions, seek out mentorship, and explore different areas of science to find your passion.
