Help with thermodynamic potentials

In summary, the two cylinders are in equilibrium, but if we lower the temperature, then heat is transferred from cylinder 1 to cylinder 2.
  • #1
Dear friends,

I’m having trouble with this thermodynamic problem. I apologise if you don’t understand my poor English (I’m writing to you from Spain!)

We’ve got two cylinders (1 is adiabatically isolated from 2 but not from the outside, where Pressure P and Tº are constant) and cylinder 1 can move inside cylinder 2. Cylinder 2 is isolated from the outside but it is connected to a heat pump
Suppose both cylinders contain IDEAL GAS.
Everything is in equilibrium but now we lower Tº and make it (T-C).Therefore Q1 heat will be delivered from cylinder 1. As said, Cylinder 2 is connected to a Carnot HEAT PUMP (that is maximum efficiency) and we use Q1 to heat up cylinder 2.

I need to calculate the volume of the gas in cylinder 2, entropy change in both systems and many other things I don’t want to bore you with.

Does this problem have to do with thermodynamic potentials? I’d be very grateful if you could help me.
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  • #2
Cylinder 2 contains Cylinder 1, or is it a separate container?
  • #3
Yes, cylinder 2 contains cylinder 1. cylinder 1 can move in cylinder 2, that is, if the gas in cylinder 2 expands, then cylinder 1 moves it's position. However, cylinder 2 is adiabatically isolated with respect to cylinder 1.
  • #4
OK then why the need for two "cylinders". Don't you just have one cylidner, with two chambers ?

Let me see if I can restate your problem

You have a cylinder of gas that is partitioned into two chambers by an adiabatic (no heat exchange ) piston. At one end of the cylinder, changes are both isothermal and isobaric (constant pressure). The other end of the cylinder is closed.

Well if one pressure and temperature cannot change in one of the cylinders, then neither can molar volume so no work can be done!
  • #5
I don't think it's that easy. There's heat transfer between gas in cylinder 1 and the outside (because we've lowered the outside T) all this heat is used (through a carnot heat pump and work source) to heat up cylinder 2.

Cylinder 1 is inside cylinder 2 and you can take it out of it if you want. This doesn't mean that we have a single cylinder partitioned by a piston. And I forgot to tell you about the work source that works along the Carnot heat pump in order to transfer all the heat from the process mentioned in cylinder 1 to cylinder 2.

Thanks for your help
  • #6
So cylinder 2 can be heated from the outside. If cylinder 2 is rigid then its pressure must change and not be the same as the external pressure.

You need to know how much heat has been transferred by the heat pump, or at least what the initial and final temperatures are of cylinder 2. Are any of these given?
  • #7
I know it's hard to understand the problem. No initial values are given. I only know that at first everything is in equilibrium. Then we lower the temperature and everything starts. It's the same ideal gas in both cylinders.
In the picture I can see the heat pump next to a work source (don't know what it is) Q1 (from cylinder1+outside) and W enter the pump to give Q2, which enters cylinder2.
  • #8
OK if no initial values are given, they want you to express the volume of the gas and the entropy change in terms of the change in temperature in cylinder 1, or what ?
  • #9
Exactly. You can name V1, V2 etc. all initial values, knowing that everything is in equilibrium, until you change the temperature source.
  • #10
I'm still confused. If you were to post a diagram somehow it would really help out.
  • #11

See if this diagram makes it clearer.

Thanks for your interest. I hope you can help me out of this. I have to give it tomorrow.


  • diagram.GIF
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FAQ: Help with thermodynamic potentials

What is a thermodynamic potential?

A thermodynamic potential is a quantity used to describe the state of a thermodynamic system. It is defined in terms of the system's thermodynamic variables, such as temperature, pressure, and volume, and is used to determine the system's equilibrium conditions and predict its behavior.

What are the different types of thermodynamic potentials?

There are several types of thermodynamic potentials, including internal energy, enthalpy, Helmholtz free energy, and Gibbs free energy. Each potential is used to describe different aspects of a thermodynamic system, such as its total energy, its ability to do work, and its tendency to undergo chemical reactions.

How are thermodynamic potentials related to each other?

The different thermodynamic potentials are related to each other through mathematical relationships, known as thermodynamic identities. These identities allow for the conversion of one potential to another, making it easier to analyze and understand a system's behavior.

How can thermodynamic potentials be used in practical applications?

Thermodynamic potentials have many practical applications, such as in the design and optimization of chemical reactions and processes, the development of new materials, and the study of phase transitions. They are also used in thermodynamic modeling and simulations, which are important tools in many industries.

What are some common misconceptions about thermodynamic potentials?

One common misconception is that thermodynamic potentials are physical quantities that can be measured directly. In reality, they are theoretical constructs that are used to describe a system's behavior. Another misconception is that all thermodynamic potentials are independent, when in fact, they are interrelated and cannot be considered in isolation.
