Understanding Euler's Number: Its Significance & Definition

In summary: Thank you for clarifying. In summary, Euler's number, denoted by the letter e, is a mathematical constant with two standard definitions. The first is the result of constructing a function that solves a differential equation using Euler's method, while the second is a power series solution of the same differential equation. The significance of this number lies in its ability to solve differential equations and its relationship with exponential functions. It is often used in various fields of science and engineering.
  • #1
Can anyone give me a good definition of Euler's number and its significance. I see it everywhere, it's prolific in science and engineering.
Mathematics news on Phys.org
  • #3
There are two standard definitions:

[itex] e = lim_{ n \to \infty} (1+\frac{1}{n})^n[/itex]

[itex] e = 1 + \frac{1}{2!} + \frac{1}{3!} + \frac{1}{4!} + \ldots [/itex]

The first one is the result of constructing a function, [itex]y = exp(t)[/itex] that solves the differential equation

[itex]y = y' [/itex]

with the initial condition

[itex]y(0) = 1[/itex]

using Euler's method with step size 1/n and taking the limit as n goes to infinity.

Euler's method is glorified name for following a slope field (or vector field if the dimension is greater than 1) along to approximate a solution.


You could call this solution [itex]y = exp(t)[/itex]. It then turns out that [itex]exp(a+b) = exp(a)exp(b)[/itex]. This gives us a lot of information about the function. For example, [itex]exp(5) = 5exp(1)[/itex] and [itex]1 = exp(1-1) = exp(1)exp(-1)[/itex], so [itex]exp(-1) = 1/exp(1)[/itex]. So, this is looking a lot like a function [itex]a^t[/itex]. If you argue further along these lines, you see that that is indeed the case. So, we define [itex]e = exp(1)[/itex]. It then follows that [itex]e^t = exp(t)[/itex], so this function, [itex]exp(t)[/itex] that solves the differential equation turns out to be some number, which we call e, raised to the power t.

You can also interpret the limit using compound interest (or any form of growth with constant relative rate, like population growth). Khan Academy explains it well from this point of view, for example.

The 2nd formula for e solves the same differential equation, using power series, rather than Euler's method. The differential equation with initial condition determines a power series for [itex]e^x[/itex] and when you plug in x = 1, you get the formula for e.
  • #4
homeomorphic said:
For example, [itex]exp(5) = 5exp(1)[/itex]

This can't be right...but I'm also not sure what you were going for with this equality...
  • #5
Oops, I meant exp(5) = exp(1)^5.
  • #6
homeomorphic said:
Oops, I meant exp(5) = exp(1)^5.

Ambiguous. You should write exp(5) = [exp(1)]^5

But there's nothing special about that since you're just saying x^5 = (x)^5
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  • #7
Curious3141 said:
Ambiguous. You should write exp(5) = [exp(1)]^5

The equality posted by homeomorphic is perfectly clear and unambiguous. I'm not sure how you would interpret it in any other way.

But there's nothing special about that since you're just saying x^5 = (x)^5

You're missing his point. He did not define the exponential as ##\textrm{exp}(x) = e^x##. He defined the exponential as the unique function ##y## such that ##y^\prime = y## and ##y(0) = 1##. As such, saying that ##\textrm{exp}(5) = \textrm{exp}(1)^5## is not as trivial and actually serves to proving that the exponential function is of the form ##e^x## for some ##e##.
  • #8
micromass said:
The equality posted by homeomorphic is perfectly clear and unambiguous. I'm not sure how you would interpret it in any other way.

You're missing his point. He did not define the exponential as ##\textrm{exp}(x) = e^x##. He defined the exponential as the unique function ##y## such that ##y^\prime = y## and ##y(0) = 1##. As such, saying that ##\textrm{exp}(5) = \textrm{exp}(1)^5## is not as trivial and actually serves to proving that the exponential function is of the form ##e^x## for some ##e##.

Yes, I see his point now.

FAQ: Understanding Euler's Number: Its Significance & Definition

1. What is Euler's number and why is it important?

Euler's number, also known as "e", is a mathematical constant that is approximately equal to 2.71828. It is important because it appears in many different areas of mathematics, including calculus, complex numbers, and probability theory. It is also used to calculate continuous growth and decay, making it relevant in fields such as finance and biology.

2. How is Euler's number calculated?

Euler's number is calculated using the formula e = (1 + 1/n)^n, where n is a large number. As n approaches infinity, the value of e approaches its limit of 2.71828. This formula can also be expressed as a series: e = 1 + 1/1! + 1/2! + 1/3! + ...

3. What is the significance of Euler's number in calculus?

In calculus, Euler's number is important because it is the base of the natural logarithm, which is used to find the slope of curves and calculate the area under curves. It also appears in the formula for compound interest, which is used to model continuously growing investments or loans.

4. How does Euler's number relate to complex numbers?

Euler's number is used in the definition of complex numbers, which are numbers that have both a real and imaginary component. The complex number e^(ix) is equal to cos(x) + i*sin(x), where i is the imaginary unit. This relationship is known as Euler's formula and is important in understanding the behavior of exponential functions.

5. What is the practical application of Euler's number?

Euler's number has many practical applications in fields such as finance, physics, and biology. It is used to model continuous growth and decay, such as population growth or radioactive decay. It is also used in calculating interest, predicting the behavior of waves, and analyzing data in statistics. In addition, it is used in many engineering and scientific calculations, making it a fundamental constant in many areas of study.

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