Newton's Variation of Kepler's third law

In summary, according to Kepler's third law, the period of the Earth's moon would be 26 days if the radius of its orbit was twice the actual value of 3.9 x 10^8 m. This is because the period, squared, is proportional to the cube of the radius of the orbit. Additionally, if the radius of the Earth is doubled but the mass remains the same, the acceleration due to gravity would be multiplied by 1/4, as the proportionality depends on the mass of the object being orbited.
  • #1
Calculate the period of the Earth's moon if the radius of orbit was twice the actual value of 3.9 x 10^8 m.

a. 1.13 x 10^6 s or 13 days
b. 2.3 x 10^6 s or 26 days
c. 5.14 x 10^6 s or 59 days
d. 6.85 x10^6 s or 79 days

So far I got: v=velocity; T=time; h= hieght from surface
re= 6.38 x 10^6
me= 5.97 x 10^24
G= 6.67 x 10^-11

Another question I have is, if the radius of Earth is doubled but the mass remains the same what would happen to the acceleration due to gravity. Would I divide 9.80 by 2, multiply by 2, or multiply by 1/4.
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  • #2
You titled this "Newton's variation on Kepler's third law"! How about using Kepler's third law? It states that the period of an orbit, squared, is proportional to the cube of the radius of the orbit: p2~ r3. Of course, the proportionality depends on the mass of the object being orbited (that was "Newton's variation") and so differs for objects orbiting the sum, objects orbiting the earth, etc. But here, we are talking about orbiting the Earth only. Use the present period and radius of the moon to find the constant of proportionality: [itex]k= \frac{p^2}{r^3}[/itex] then use the new radius (twice the old) with [itex]p^2= kr^3[/itex] to find the new period. Actually, with a little thought you don't need to actually find k: r is doubled so p2 is multiplied by ___ and so p is multiplied by ___
  • #3

The correct answer is c. 5.14 x 10^6 s or 59 days.

To calculate the period of the Earth's moon using Newton's variation of Kepler's third law, we can use the equation T^2 = (4π^2/GM) * r^3, where T is the period, G is the gravitational constant, M is the mass of the Earth, and r is the radius of the moon's orbit.

Plugging in the given values, we get T^2 = (4π^2/ (6.67 x 10^-11 * 5.97 x 10^24)) * (2 * 3.9 x 10^8)^3 = 5.14 x 10^6 s. Taking the square root of this value gives us a period of 59 days.

As for your second question, if the radius of the Earth is doubled but the mass remains the same, the acceleration due to gravity will be divided by 4. This is because the equation for gravitational acceleration is g = GM/r^2, so increasing the radius by a factor of 2 will decrease the acceleration by a factor of 2^2 or 4.

FAQ: Newton's Variation of Kepler's third law

1. What is Newton's Variation of Kepler's third law?

Newton's Variation of Kepler's third law is a mathematical equation that relates the orbital period of a planet around the sun to the distance between the planet and the sun. It is a modification of Johannes Kepler's third law of planetary motion, which states that the square of the orbital period is directly proportional to the cube of the semi-major axis of the orbit.

2. How is Newton's Variation of Kepler's third law different from Kepler's third law?

Newton's Variation of Kepler's third law takes into account the masses of the two objects in orbit, whereas Kepler's third law only considers the distance between them. This modification allows for more accurate predictions of the orbital period of objects in the solar system.

3. What is the equation for Newton's Variation of Kepler's third law?

The equation is T^2 = (4π^2/G(M+m)) * a^3, where T is the orbital period, G is the gravitational constant, M and m are the masses of the two objects in orbit, and a is the semi-major axis of the orbit.

4. How did Newton derive this variation of Kepler's third law?

Newton derived this variation by using his law of universal gravitation, which states that the force of gravity between two objects is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. He then applied this law to the orbital motion of planets around the sun and derived the above equation.

5. Why is Newton's Variation of Kepler's third law important?

Newton's Variation of Kepler's third law is important because it allows scientists to accurately calculate the orbital periods of objects in the solar system, which is crucial for understanding their movements and predicting future positions. It also provided evidence for the existence of the law of universal gravitation and helped to solidify Newton's theory of gravity.
