Finding resonance frequency of non ideal inductor

In summary, The conversation discusses finding the expression for the quotient of u(in)/u(out) and the resonance frequency for a given circuit. The circuit contains a capacitor, an inductor, a resistor, and an added resistance at the inductor. The expression for H(j \omega) is found to be H(j \omega) = \frac{j\omega RC}{1+j\omega R_{tot} C -\omega^2 LC}. Simplifying this expression further by writing it in Bode form and considering |H(j \omega)|, the resonance frequency can be calculated by setting this expression equal to 0 and solving for \omega.
  • #1
Gauss M.D.

Homework Statement

We have this circuit:


(resistor of value R connecting the two lines at their o's here)


Find an expression for the quotient of u(in)/u(out), and then find the resonance frequency.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

Uout/Uin = R/(R+RL + jωL + 1/(jωC)) = jωRC/(jωC(R + RL2CL + 1)

Without the added resistance at the inductor, the resonance is 1/√LC but the expression I get when trying to find when this denominator goes to zero is just extremely sticky. Have I done something wrong or is this to be expected?
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  • #2
I'm afraid to say that the title is a bit misleading, since your actual problem is finding the resonance frequency of an ideal circuit for which you have the expression of [itex]H(j \omega)[/itex]. The fact that you started with a non-ideal inductor, a non-ideal capacitor or "non-ideal anything" (for that matter) doesn't anymore have a role to play in your equations.

I didn't precisely understand your schematic (can you find a picture of it?), thus I will have to assume that you got the right expression for [itex]H(j \omega)[/itex] (but see below). If so, then you are dealing with a variation of the standard RLC circuit. I strongly suggest you to go back to your textbooks and see how the resonance frequency for RLC was calculated - it is almost exactly the same here! The calculations aren't actually harder, if you carefully deal with them. However, it seems to me you made some mistake in writing [itex]H(j \omega)[/itex] (assuming you got right the first expression). Defining [itex]R_{tot} = R+R_L[/itex], you should get:
[tex]H(j \omega) = \frac{j\omega RC}{1+j\omega R_{tot} C -\omega^2 LC}[/tex]
Now, it is customary to simplify this expression further by explicitly writing it in Bode form. In other words, you write it as:
[tex]H(j \omega)=\frac{j2\zeta' \frac{\omega}{\omega_0}}{1+j2\zeta \frac{\omega}{\omega_0} - \frac{\omega^2}{\omega_0^2}}[/tex]
where [itex]\zeta' , \zeta , \omega_0[/itex] are all known. At this point, we are half-way. Now, we must consider: [itex]|H(j \omega)|[/itex] (question: can we, instead, consider [itex]|H(j \omega)|^2[/itex] to simplify things? If so, why?). To calculate it, I suggest you to use: [itex]x=\frac{\omega^2}{\omega_0^2}[/itex] and do all the math with respect to [itex]x[/itex]. Stated this way, you should be able to conclude it.

FAQ: Finding resonance frequency of non ideal inductor

1. What is resonance frequency?

Resonance frequency is the natural frequency at which an object or system vibrates with the greatest amplitude when excited by an external force. In the case of an inductor, it is the frequency at which the inductive reactance cancels out the capacitive reactance, resulting in a purely resistive impedance.

2. Why is it important to find the resonance frequency of a non-ideal inductor?

Finding the resonance frequency of a non-ideal inductor is important for designing and optimizing electronic circuits. It allows us to accurately predict the behavior of the circuit at a specific frequency and ensure that the inductor is functioning properly.

3. How is the resonance frequency of a non-ideal inductor calculated?

The resonance frequency of a non-ideal inductor can be calculated using the formula f = 1/(2π√(LC)), where f is the resonance frequency, L is the inductance, and C is the capacitance. However, for non-ideal inductors, additional factors such as resistance and stray capacitance must also be considered in the calculation.

4. What factors affect the resonance frequency of a non-ideal inductor?

The main factors that affect the resonance frequency of a non-ideal inductor are its inductance, capacitance, resistance, and stray capacitance. Changes in any of these parameters can alter the resonance frequency. Additionally, the physical properties and construction of the inductor can also have an impact.

5. How can the resonance frequency of a non-ideal inductor be measured?

The resonance frequency of a non-ideal inductor can be measured using a variety of methods, such as using an oscilloscope and function generator, using a network analyzer, or using a resonant circuit. These methods involve exciting the inductor with a known frequency and measuring the resulting voltage or current to determine the resonance frequency.

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