Why are there no right-wing-wacko threads?

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  • Thread starter Jonathan
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In summary, the conversation touches on various topics such as the spelling of "wacko," the presence of conservative and liberal voices on the internet, and the political leanings of the members on the forum. There is also a discussion about the perceived anti-Bush and anti-Jewish sentiment on the forum. The conversation ends with a link to an article about the beliefs of Ariel Sharon and his relationship with Vladimir Jabotinsky, which is seen as a reflection of the current state of affairs in Israel. Overall, the conversation showcases a range of opinions and perspectives on the forum.
  • #1
Or should 'wacko' be spelled 'Waco'? (As in Texas, LOL.) Anyway, I haven't read most of the threads here, but there seems to be a striking lack of those types of threads, judging by the titles. Is it because they are all out in the boonies of Texas readying themselves for when the gov't comes after their hord of munitions and don't have time for or access to a computer because of it? Or are they here (not on the wesite, in our neighborhoods) amoung us but again are spending money on guns instead of computers?
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  • #2
Rationality and right-wingers don't mix... These forums sponsor rationality(they are science forums). Also, the traditional right winger cannot survive on the internet. The internet is full of youth, which are generally liberal.

Now this isn't to say that some liberals arent irrational, I can attest to the fact that many liberals from all parts of the liberal spectrum are far from pragmatic.
  • #3
Originally posted by Mattius_
Rationality and right-wingers don't mix... These forums sponsor rationality(they are science forums). Also, the traditional right winger cannot survive on the internet. The internet is full of youth, which are generally liberal.
I'll let you off the hook by pointing out that 'right-winger' is poorly defined, but that attitude is really not appropriate.

The prevailing attitude on the internet is probably better described as techno-libertarian. (For all of the rational people who pretend that the political spectrum is one-dimensional.)

Academics tend to be 'liberals' and this is an academically oriented site. Moreover, the 'right-wing' causes that clash with mainstream science are doing so in biology, not physics. Finally, I doubt that political trolling is tolerated here.
  • #4
Originally posted by NateTG
Finally, I doubt that political trolling is tolerated here.

Ah, man, that's rich. Thanks.

Jonathan, just out of curiousity, were you implying that you DID see a lot of irrational posts by liberals and a lot of rational posts by conservatives?
  • #5
I think we take whackos on a case-by-case basis.
  • #6
Russ: What are these 'conservatives' you speak of?
My point was that I think it is unusal that there does seem to be a slight anti-Bush/Jew lean in this whole forum, but I was trying to justify this seemingly disproportionate amount of liberal BS as being due to the weirdness of the right-wing-Wacos rather than the theoretically possible but infinitely less likely occurence of Zero just deleting the threads that he doesn't like.
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  • #7
I VERY RARELY delete entire threads. The only time I would delete a thread is if it were in support of the KKK or something like that. I allow as much conservative BS as I do liberal BS, and equal measure of smart comments by both sides. You obviously have a bias by labeling wholesome American liberal ideas(that most Americans agree with, BTW) as 'BS', but I don't. I also don't think that 'conservative' is the same as what passes for conservatism in today's climate. There's nothing 'sonservative' about deficit spending, gay bashing, or being against religious fredom, for just a few instances.
  • #8
Originally posted by Jonathan
Russ: What are these 'conservatives' you speak of?
My point was that I think it is unusal that there does seem to be a slight anti-Bush/Jew lean in this whole forum, but I was trying to justify this seemingly disproportionate amount of liberal BS as being due to the weirdness of the right-wing-Wacos rather than the theoretically possible but infinitely less likely occurence of Zero just deleting the threads that he doesn't like.
I was just trying to get a clarification from you, Jonathan.

There are a few conservatives here, but the threads are simply a product of the numbers - most here are liberal. Also, it seems that many of the conservatives are like me - mostly just responding to the "liberal BS" rather than starting new threads.
  • #9
Originally posted by Jonathan
Russ: What are these 'conservatives' you speak of?
My point was that I think it is unusal that there does seem to be a slight anti-Bush/Jew lean in this whole forum, but I was trying to justify this seemingly disproportionate amount of liberal BS as being due to the weirdness of the right-wing-Wacos rather than the theoretically possible but infinitely less likely occurence of Zero just deleting the threads that he doesn't like.
Hallo Jonathan,
I believe it's to strong to say 'slight anti-Bush/Jew lean in this whole forum'. There are indeed strong critics on Bush but most are non-emotional. To me the lack of integrity of him and the group he represents and demonstrates is the most important. Bush simply does a number of things a 'real' President should not do. He plays inside US a number of political games, financial games, favors friends, all mixed with religious generalizations. He acts not at all as a Christian which he pretends to be. He reduced also the individual liberties. In Europe USA is seen by 53% of the population a 'danger for world peace', and that's due to Bush and his newcon's.
Since Internet becomes on full power these misrepresentations can be pointed easy. That's happening today.

Now anti-Jews is not correct. I am in no way an anti-Semitist, I have a lot of Jewish friends. But I am anti-Sharon or anti-Likud, I am pro-(Rabin) Peres.

http://www.schillerinstitute.org/strategic/hcs_rabin_v_sharon122101.html :
For years, Sharon has been a devoted follower of the fascist doctrine of Vladimir Jabotinsky, who was a self-professed admirer of Mussolini. Jabotinsky, called "Vlad Hitler" by Israeli founding father David Ben-Gurion, set out a doctrine for relations between Israeli Jews and Palestinian Arabs in a 1923 document, "On the Iron Wall." He wrote that the prospect for peace between the Palestinian Arabs and the Jews depended on Arab acceptance of Zionism.

"A voluntary agreement between us and the Arabs of Palestine is inconceivable now or in the foreseeable future," he asserted. Therefore, Jewish settlement could develop only "under the protection of a force that is not dependent on the local population, behind an iron wall which they [the Arabs] will be powerless to break down." By "iron wall," Jabotinsky meant a Jewish military force strong enough to break Arab resistance to the Zionist presence in Palestine. Once the opposition was broken and acquiescence to Zionism was attained, it would be possible to negotiate with the Arab population. end of quote.
In Europe Israel is seen by 59% of the population a 'danger for world peace', and that's due to Sharon and his Likud and other fundamentalists. It's not anti-Semitism.
  • #10
I'll let you off the hook by pointing out that 'right-winger' is poorly defined, but that attitude is really not appropriate.

Read my post carefully, I did not represent conservativism as the opposite of liberatarianism. I did not make any correlation. I do not look at the political spectrum as a one dimensional body.

I VERY RARELY delete entire threads. The only time I would delete a thread is if it were in support of the KKK or something like that.

Why even delete these threads? Let the crackpots be shot down. Some claims made by the KKK are valid if you look at them from a certain perspective. Now please don't go ranting around these forums say I am an advocate for the KKK, I am simply saying that even the most extreme ideologies have the right to be exposed to the public, so that they can be examined, and properly filed into a given category. Many problems arise from the fact that people simply ignore these issues. If they are ignored, they are in some ways protected, and thus, preserved and given the ability to grow and eventually fester society.
  • #11
Actually, we are in a pretty unrepresentative period. Look back in the archives a bit, to say during/before the Iraq conflict, especially posts by Alias and some others, and there's plenty of flaming from both sides. I think that high level activity is subsiding a bit now, possibly (ducks) as the real hard rights are rather embarrased to be completely wrong. (Look out for posts proclaiming Iraq to lead to a domino effect in other Arab states, or talking about Iran/Korea/France as being "next", or placing rather high wagers on how quickly WMDs will be found...)
  • #12
Because anything posted that does not profess a leftist bent is summarily deleted.

Just like this reply is bound to be.

I haven't been able to post since the forum update without getting deleted, and I am a moderate, politically :P
  • #13
Ganshaunk, cite examples of when your posts have been deleted, that is a pretty outrageous claim... And ask yourself if you complied with the terms of use of physics forums in general.
  • #14
Originally posted by Mattius_
Ganshaunk, cite examples of when your posts have been deleted, that is a pretty outrageous claim... And ask yourself if you complied with the terms of use of physics forums in general.

I don't see any posts by the Ganshaunk. Who are you talking to?

The bitter blade of sarcastic humor claims another victim.
  • #15
Originally posted by Ganshauk
Because anything posted that does not profess a leftist bent is summarily deleted.

Just like this reply is bound to be.

I haven't been able to post since the forum update without getting deleted, and I am a moderate, politically :P
Not anything...I remember deleting some posts of your referring to Mexican immigrants as 'greasy wetbacks', that one got deleted pretty quickly.

Where did you get the idea that you were moderate? That weird online quiz thing we all did?
  • #16
You all, my post was meant to be at least slightly comical. though I did use the words 'slight' and 'seems' a couple times. As to someone's post about Europe thinking that America is a threat to the world, I have you know that I saw a(or the same) poll and though that is correct, that poll I hear also said that a majority of Europe IS antisemitic. Unfortunatly, this is a mute point because I don't remember by how much, or who did it, so it could be tremendously biased. As to Zero's accusation of my bias, you misunderstood, I didn't mean that average joe liberal's beliefs were BS, only that there is some liberal BS on this forum. I have to say that most of the time this forum is pretty well balanced, but it is my limited experience that it does have a general and slight lean to the left. The way I measure this lean is probably a bit different than the rest of you, and I haven't quantified it, it just seems this way and I am willing to agknowledge that it could just be in my head: I have the general feeling that there are more liberal posts in this forum than conservative or moderate. So far I think Zero is right though, that there are a lot of young people here and there tends to be more liberalism amoung the young, and this accounts for the lean. To be complete though, Zero, you have said some bizarre things: I will never forget that little comment you made about the lies of the Repugnicans and the "true lies" of the Democrats. It was the most blatant example ever of your intermittant incapability to preform simple logic.
EDIT: Just to be sure we are clear here, if something can be true and lie, then true=lie. Given true=lie, we can determine that true=(not*true), but this is an oxymoron, so therefore your mental calulator should now read "ERROR".
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  • #17
You are misreading my posts, apparently. Let me think if I know what you are referring to. What I think I was saying is that Al Gore told the truth about certain things, and was considered a liar for his honesty, based on right-wing lies, and a complicit mainstream media. On the other hand, during the debatesm Bush told some outright lies that went unchallenged. That's what I meant by 'true lies', if I remember correctly...
As far as the board...I think if you averaged us, we come out pretty moderate, with there being more moderate-to-liberal posters, a very few moderate conservatives, and some extreme far right people. There are VERY few "extreme left" posters on this board. And, if you think I am extreme left, you don't know teh meaning of the term.
  • #18
Yes, you are right, there are a few more extreme lefties than you. But IIRC, my paraphrasing of you is very accurate, in that thread there was no talk of Gore or anything, you said it quite plain and frankly, as if fact. I think it was more like: If a Repugnican lies, no one says a thing, but if a Democrat lies, everyone throws a fit, even when it's true. And then Russ, Zantra, or zoobyshoe, I don't know who, maybe none of them, shortened it up and said: 'Uh huh Zero, TRUE LIES.' or something to that effect.
BTW, I know this is getting far off topic, but it is my thread, so I will continue with pointing out the fact that you said that no one says anything when a Repugnican lies, however, by saying that you have contradicted yourself! I never hear the end of the accusations of Bush lying, there is a ton of media coverage of it! They just never blatantly say that he did, because we DON'T know. I personally do believe that he was a bit too trigger happy and had bad intel. But in the interest of full disclosure I should mention that I've not really given the conspiracy theories a chance, though I have been thinking of reading a few I see now and then on the internet. Maybe you have a few to share?
  • #19
Originally posted by Jonathan
Yes, you are right, there are a few more extreme lefties than you. But IIRC, my paraphrasing of you is very accurate, in that thread there was no talk of Gore or anything, you said it quite plain and frankly, as if fact. I think it was more like: If a Repugnican lies, no one says a thing, but if a Democrat lies, everyone throws a fit, even when it's true. And then Russ, Zantra, or zoobyshoe, I don't know who, maybe none of them, shortened it up and said: 'Uh huh Zero, TRUE LIES.' or something to that effect.
BTW, I know this is getting far off topic, but it is my thread, so I will continue with pointing out the fact that you said that no one says anything when a Repugnican lies, however, by saying that you have contradicted yourself! I never hear the end of the accusations of Bush lying, there is a ton of media coverage of it! They just never blatantly say that he did, because we DON'T know. I personally do believe that he was a bit too trigger happy and had bad intel. But in the interest of full disclosure I should mention that I've not really given the conspiracy theories a chance, though I have been thinking of reading a few I see now and then on the internet. Maybe you have a few to share?
Are you turning into a right-wing whaco for our benefit?
  • #20
Originally posted by FZ+
Actually, we are in a pretty unrepresentative period. Look back in the archives a bit, to say during/before the Iraq conflict, especially posts by Alias and some others, and there's plenty of flaming from both sides. I think that high level activity is subsiding a bit now, possibly (ducks) as the real hard rights are rather embarrased to be completely wrong. (Look out for posts proclaiming Iraq to lead to a domino effect in other Arab states, or talking about Iran/Korea/France as being "next", or placing rather high wagers on how quickly WMDs will be found...)
Nope, it's just that Zero is deleting any posts he
doesn't like - in his case, those of any normal
free thinking individual.

Live long and prosper.
  • #21
Originally posted by drag
Nope, it's just that Zero is deleting any posts he
doesn't like - in his case, those of any normal
free thinking individual.

Live long and prosper.
I'm a free thinker, you are a free thinker...except when you suggest that the solution for a problem is genocide, in which case your posts are deleted.
  • #22
Originally posted by Mattius_
Rationality and right-wingers don't mix... These forums sponsor rationality(they are science forums). Also, the traditional right winger cannot survive on the internet. The internet is full of youth, which are generally liberal.

Now this isn't to say that some liberals arent irrational, I can attest to the fact that many liberals from all parts of the liberal spectrum are far from pragmatic.

Some rather broad generalisations here isn't there? So Right wingers can't be rational? And youth is generally liberal? Rubbish!

What you probably mean is 'I don't like right wing thought, and I'm rational and correct so they can't be' and 'My young friends are like me too'!

Margaret Thatcher was called 'right wing' and she was certainly not irrational! You might have disagreed with her (although she won three general elections, so many did) but irrational?? No way.
  • #23
And as for Liberal youth... Have you met many? I teach kids and Liberal is not a word you would use about them!

  • #24
The key phrase in this thread is "right-wing wacko" not "right-wing". There are some very intelligent, rational members of the right-wing (they are generally evil , Grover Norquest anyone?). Nowadays it seems that the most vocal members of the right-wring are wackos (Coulter, Rush, Hannity, etc.), but that does not mean most members of the right-wing are wackos. My parents are right-wing, I do not consider them wackos. They are misled about many things (my dad actually believes in supply side economics, the laughing stock of both the academic left and academic right) and they are very religious (Mormon).

The interesting thing that I have found with my parents is that they are actually very reasonable. Most of the "crazy" and "wrong" (IMO) things they do spawn not from being irrational, but from taking the word of right-wing pundits about issues. An example being Gay marriage. My parents, even though they think homosexuality is morally wrong, say that they would vote for and support giving homosexual couples the same rights as married heterosexuals, they just don't want it called marriage. The right-wing has sold many initiatives to them outlawing gay "civil unions" by calling them "gay marriages". So, unless my sister or I correct them, they end up voting on initiatives that they don't really support because of the spin the right-wing puts on them - because they watch fox news and listen to conservative radio, they have inaccurate ideas about what legistlation actually does and says. A perfect issue nowadays is the "partial-birth abortion ban". Again, my parents are pro-life, but they do not believe that outlawing abortion is the right thing for this country to do. The "partial birth abortion ban" was passed with FULL knowledge that it was unconstitutional - the right-wing WANTS it to be stricken down so they can create an issue about it. The funny thing is that a "partial birth abortion ban" that wouldn't have been unconstitional (it defined the procedure much more clearly and had a health exception) was VOTED DOWN by the same people who passed the unconstitutional ban! Thanksgiving is going to be interesting...
  • #25
Originally posted by Zero
Not anything...I remember deleting some posts of your referring to Mexican immigrants as 'greasy wetbacks', that one got deleted pretty quickly.

LMFAO. You must be kidding. I suppose It would be indecent of me to start a flame war in a hijacked thread but jesus dude, are you so corrupt as to deny last month's post deletion on the 9/11 environmental report cover-up thread? I won't even mention the 5 other examples of (non-justified) deletions that have occurred to myself alone.

BTW, I mentioned "wetbacks". Any moron would know that down here, the term is used to differentiate illegal immigrants from nationals in the same way the term "Cheeseheads" is used to differentiate wisconsonians from the rest of us. Get your yankee PC sh*t off my back already.

Where did you get the idea that you were moderate? That weird online quiz thing we all did?

Yep. You seemed pretty content with your Ghandi status.

Perhaps it was flawed...hmmm.
  • #26
Originally posted by Ganshauk
LMFAO. You must be kidding. I suppose It would be indecent of me to start a flame war in a hijacked thread but jesus dude, are you so corrupt as to deny last month's post deletion on the 9/11 environmental report cover-up thread? I won't even mention the 5 other examples of (non-justified) deletions that have occurred to myself alone.

BTW, I mentioned "wetbacks". Any moron would know that down here, the term is used to differentiate illegal immigrants from nationals in the same way the term "Cheeseheads" is used to differentiate wisconsonians from the rest of us. Get your yankee PC sh*t off my back already.

Yep. You seemed pretty content with your Ghandi status.

Perhaps it was flawed...hmmm.
I wonder if you could take the hostility down about 3 notches? Negative attitudes are no way to debate an issue, you know...and neither is defending a racist statement.

Good try though!
  • #27
BTW, I mentioned "wetbacks". Any moron would know that down here, the term is used to differentiate illegal immigrants from nationals in the same way the term "Cheeseheads" is used to differentiate wisconsonians from the rest of us. Get your yankee PC sh*t off my back already.

Just like how in the part South Carolina I used to live the word "cool person" is used to differentiate blacks from non-blacks... Please! What kind of an argument is that? There are two possibilities here: 1. You use a racist term. 2. You use a term that is not racist in your part of Texas but is racist is almost every other part of the country. I do not know your posts well, I will not assume that you knowingly use racist terms, so I think that you fall under possibility 2. This doesn't change much, if anything, about how the moderators should deal with posts containing the word "wetback" in them. My friends and I use the f-word in a variety of different ways and do not find it offensive. However, if we did use the f-word in front of our parents or a teacher, we would not be surprised if we got in trouble. The situations are similar: One group of people does not find a term offensive but has to respect the fact that other groups of people do. This isn't that hard. The lesson is simple. The moderators have a duty to censor highly offensive material - just because it is not offensive to you, does not mean that it isn't offensive to pretty much everyone else, very offensive. How is this "yankee PC sh*t"? Would it be "yankee PC sh*t" if the moderators deleted or edited a post calling black people "niggers" or Jewish people "kikes" or Chinese people "chinks"? That is how the majority of people view the term "wetback". Please...
  • #28
Greetings !
Originally posted by Ganshauk
LMFAO. You must be kidding. I suppose It would be indecent of me to start a flame war in a hijacked thread but jesus dude, are you so corrupt as to deny last month's post deletion on the 9/11 environmental report cover-up thread? I won't even mention the 5 other examples of (non-justified) deletions that have occurred to myself alone.
Well, one thing is certain as far as I'm concerned -
say a single word about Palestinian terrorists and
Israel's self-defence and your posts end up in the bin.
Originally posted by Zero
I wonder if you could take the hostility down about 3 notches?
Negative attitudes are no way to debate an issue, you know...and neither is defending a racist statement.
Yeah Zero, that's exactly what we're trying to tell
you and help you act like, but you don't seem to listen.
Maybe you should try, for example, some French political
forums - you'll fit right in between the brainwashed Muslim
immigrants and the Nazi supporters.

Anyway, I'm through with the politics forum for now.
I'm getting a strong feeling of disgust any time I visit
it recently and I envite all the normal people here to do the
same (practicly everyone but a single "you know who").

Live long and prosper.
  • #29
Originally posted by Zero
I'm a free thinker, you are a free thinker...except when you suggest that the solution for a problem is genocide, in which case your posts are deleted.
LOL, ripe! I seem to remember being disgusted with your genocidal posts...but since they echo the A.N.S.W.E.R. element..that type of geocide is acceptable for you?
  • #30
Originally posted by kat
LOL, ripe! I seem to remember being disgusted with your genocidal posts...but since they echo the A.N.S.W.E.R. element..that type of geocide is acceptable for you?
You are cute...and completely wrong. Try again when you learn how to read objectively.
  • #31
Originally posted by drag
Greetings !

Well, one thing is certain as far as I'm concerned -
say a single word about Palestinian terrorists and
Israel's self-defence and your posts end up in the bin.

Yeah Zero, that's exactly what we're trying to tell
you and help you act like, but you don't seem to listen.
Maybe you should try, for example, some French political
forums - you'll fit right in between the brainwashed Muslim
immigrants and the Nazi supporters.

Anyway, I'm through with the politics forum for now.
I'm getting a strong feeling of disgust any time I visit
it recently and I envite all the normal people here to do the
same (practicly everyone but a single "you know who").

Live long and prosper.
See, you have to insult me, the French, Muslims, and anyone who doesn't agree with...pretty much in every post. Bye drag...you won't be missed at all.
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FAQ: Why are there no right-wing-wacko threads?

1. Why do you think there are no right-wing-wacko threads on this forum?

There could be several reasons for this. It could be that the majority of users on this forum have left-leaning political views and therefore, there is a lack of interest in discussing right-wing ideologies. It could also be that the forum moderators actively discourage or remove right-wing content. Additionally, it could simply be a matter of the demographics of the forum's user base.

2. Is it possible that right-wing-wacko threads are being censored on this forum?

Without any evidence or confirmation from the forum moderators, it is impossible to say for certain whether right-wing-wacko threads are being censored. However, it is important to remember that forums have their own rules and guidelines, and it is up to the moderators to enforce them. If a right-wing thread violates these rules, then it may be removed.

3. Are there any other forums where I can find right-wing-wacko threads?

Yes, there are many online forums and discussion boards where you can find discussions about right-wing ideologies. It is important to do your own research and find a forum that aligns with your beliefs and values.

4. Are there any potential consequences for starting a right-wing-wacko thread on this forum?

Again, this would depend on the forum's rules and guidelines. If the forum has a strict policy against hate speech or discriminatory language, then starting a right-wing-wacko thread could result in a warning or ban from the forum. It is always important to read and follow the rules of any online community.

5. How can we promote more diversity of political views on this forum?

One way to promote diversity of political views on a forum is to actively engage in discussions with those who hold different beliefs. This can help create a more inclusive and open-minded community. Additionally, the forum moderators can also take steps to ensure that all views are welcome and that discussions remain respectful and civil.

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