Is There a Way to Keep the Bedroom Off Limits During an Open House?

  • Thread starter JamesU
  • Start date
In summary, the smilies moved again! :mad:Yeah, it's too silent!Shame you fell asleep drunk at my party. :tongue:
  • #1
Gold Member
creepy... :bugeye:

the smilies moved again! :mad:
Physics news on
  • #2
Yeah, it's too silent!
  • #3
Shame you fell asleep drunk at my party. :-p

  • #4
yomamma said:
creepy... :bugeye:

the smilies moved again! :mad:

May be Lisa has a bad hand. :biggrin:
  • #5

  • #6
wolram said:
May be Lisa has a bad hand. :biggrin:
Too tired to argue with you! :zzz:
  • #7
yomamma said:

Again! :confused: :confused: :confused:
  • #8
Lisa! said:
Too tired to argue with you! :zzz:

That makes even more sense
  • #9
I've never seen GD so silent...

Funny, I've never heard it so dark. :biggrin:
  • #10
Ivan Seeking said:
Funny, I've never heard it so dark. :biggrin:

And I've never, urm, smelt it so, urrrm, Oh never mind!

Bandwagon? Yes please!
  • #11
Ivan Seeking said:
Funny, I've never heard it so dark. :biggrin:

Gosh, I spend half of one day away, and the place completely empties out. I think everyone's off reading their Harry Potter books (or tracking down golden mouse ears :rolleyes:). I've been driving around half the day trying to find things to do with myself on a Sunday evening. I had an open house for my house today, and someone was interested enough to want to come back 2 hours later with their agent, so I had to disappear for another hour to give them space to look around. I really hope I get an offer after driving around for an hour after all the stores were already closed and I wasn't hungry enough for going out to dinner. I found a shortcut to a nice park though...for all the good it does me now. :rolleyes:
  • #12
Moonbear said:

Gosh, I spend half of one day away, and the place completely empties out. I think everyone's off reading their Harry Potter books (or tracking down golden mouse ears :rolleyes:). I've been driving around half the day trying to find things to do with myself on a Sunday evening. I had an open house for my house today, and someone was interested enough to want to come back 2 hours later with their agent, so I had to disappear for another hour to give them space to look around. I really hope I get an offer after driving around for an hour after all the stores were already closed and I wasn't hungry enough for going out to dinner. I found a shortcut to a nice park though...for all the good it does me now. :rolleyes:
Oooh, hope you end up with an offer!

Have you found a new place yet?

The spawn of Evo just rented a new apartment. They gave her a brand new 27" TV and a $150 gift certificate to Target. Dang, I'm going to go rent a few apartments and get all of my destroyed appliances replaced. :-p
  • #13
So boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooring!:devil: :devil: :devil: :devil:
  • #14
Try again tomorrow -- my sister said that she'll be finished Harry Potter by tonight (it 10am here at the mo). But then the only thread with some "action" will be discussing Harry Potter and since you all posting here, I guess you haven't read it so you'll have nothing to discuss...hmm... :confused:
  • #15
Moonbear said:
I've been driving around half the day trying to find things to do with myself on a Sunday evening.
There are several things that I would like to do with you on a Sunday evening, or a Monday evening, or at any hour of any day... (Any chance that you can put the bedroom off limits for the open house? :-p )

FAQ: Is There a Way to Keep the Bedroom Off Limits During an Open House?

1. What does "GD" refer to in this statement?

"GD" likely refers to the popular music group "Grateful Dead".

2. Why is the speaker surprised by GD's silence?

The speaker is likely surprised because GD is known for their lively and energetic performances, so it is unusual for them to be quiet or inactive.

3. Has this happened before with GD?

It is uncertain if this has happened before with GD, as it depends on the context of the statement. However, it is possible that there have been instances where GD was less active or quiet during performances.

4. Is there a reason for GD's silence?

The reason for GD's silence could vary. It could be due to technical difficulties, illness, or a conscious decision by the band.

5. Will GD continue to be silent?

It is impossible to say for certain if GD will continue to be silent. However, it is likely that they will eventually return to their usual energetic performances.

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