What Causes Drag? Overview & Explanation

  • Thread starter flash9286
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In summary, drag is caused by the interaction between an object and the fluid it is moving through. As the object moves, it pushes into the fluid and deflects it, causing the fluid to impart a force on the object in the opposite direction. This is known as Newton's 3rd law. Depending on the shape of the object, various effects such as Coanda and "void" can cause an acceleration of air, resulting in drag. In the case of a bus, the majority of the drag occurs at the back of the bus, while in the case of a sphere, it occurs behind and in front of the sphere. A modified tear drop shape is designed to reduce drag by minimizing the need for forwards acceleration of air.
  • #1
Sorry if this is a stupid question but can someone give me a quick conceptual overview of what causes drag.

I was thinking that it is caused by the object moving through the fluid collides with the fluid particles and by Newton's 3rd law the fluid particles impart a force on the object in opposition to the direction the object is moving. But I have no idea if this is actually right and googling didn't help.

Thanks in advance.
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  • #2
Your intuition is correct, more or less. At the surface of an object, the fluid (air/liquid) is still, effectively attached to the surface. As an object moves through a fluid it pushes into the fluid and the fluid is deflected around the object. The object looses momentum to the surrounding fluid.
  • #3
Depending on the shape of the object, Coanda and "void" effects cause acceleration of air which causes drag.

Imagine a bus at speed. At the front of the bus the air can separate and flow around the bus, but there is still forwards acceleration at the front of the bus. The back of the bus introduces a moving low pressure void as it passes through a volume of air, and this accelerates air forwards. In the case of the bus, most of the acceleration of air occurs at the back of the bus.

In the case of a sphere, the air separates and flows around the front half of the sphere, but because of friction between the air and surface of the sphere, and friction within the air itsleft (viscosity), and initially void effect during increases in speed, the air continues to curve part way around the back half of the sphere before the flow becomes detached and transitions into turbulent flow. The turbulent flow creates eddies and these may reattach to the back half of the sphere because of "void" effect. In the case of a sphere, more of the drag occurs behind than in front of the sphere.

A modified tear drop shape reduces drag, by gradually introducing the "void" at the "rear" of the shape that requires much less forwards acceleration of air.

FAQ: What Causes Drag? Overview & Explanation

1. What is drag?

Drag is a force that acts in the opposite direction of an object's motion through a fluid (such as air or water), slowing down the object's movement.

2. What causes drag?

Drag is caused by the interaction between an object and the fluid it is moving through. This can be due to factors such as the shape and size of the object, the speed of the object, and the properties of the fluid.

3. How does drag affect an object's movement?

Drag can significantly impact an object's movement by slowing it down and reducing its speed. This can also cause the object to use more energy to maintain its movement.

4. What are the different types of drag?

There are three main types of drag: pressure drag, friction drag, and induced drag. Pressure drag is caused by differences in air pressure around the object, friction drag is caused by the surface of the object interacting with the fluid, and induced drag is caused by the creation of vortices as a result of the object's movement.

5. How can drag be reduced?

There are several ways to reduce drag, including using streamlined shapes to minimize pressure drag, smoothing out surfaces to reduce friction drag, and using techniques such as wingtip devices to decrease induced drag. Additionally, reducing the speed of an object can also help reduce drag.

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