The Gravitational Dance: Calculating Fred & Betty's KE

In summary, the potential energy of the two asteroid system Betty-Fred is 9.587E-6 J and the total kinetic energy just before they collide is also 9.587E-6 J. Using conservation of momentum, the kinetic energy of asteroid Fred just before they collide is also 9.587E-6 J.
  • #1
Deep in space, two small asteroids wind up stationary, 1.7 km apart. Asteroid Fred has a mass of 14900 kg and Asteroid Betty has a mass of 16400 kg.
a) Assuming the zero of gravitational potential energy to be when the asteroids are in contact, what is the potential energy of the two asteriod system Betty-Fred?
b) Betty and Fred start moving towards each other due to their mutual graviatation attraction. What is the total kinetic energy of the two asteriod system just before their collide?
c) What is the kinetic energy of asteroid Fred just before their collide?

For a and b, its going to be the same answer. By using the U=Gm1m2/r equation, its giong to be the same energy. I mean, the potential energy gets converted entirely to kinetic energy. so the answer was 9.587E-6 J

now for part c, I am stuck. HOw do I go about breaking up that total Kinetic energy into two parts, which will ultimately help me find the answer for Fred?
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  • #2
Here's a clue:

Remember that since no external force is working on it, momentum for this system must be conserved. And since they start out stationary, the total momentum is always ... what?
  • #3

To find the kinetic energy of asteroid Fred just before they collide, we can use the conservation of energy principle. Since the total kinetic energy of the system is equal to the potential energy at the beginning, we can equate the two equations:

KE of system = PE of system

1/2mv^2 + 1/2mv^2 = Gm1m2/r

Simplifying, we get:

mv^2 = Gm1m2/r

Plugging in the values for mass and distance, we get:

14900v^2 = (6.67E-11)(14900)(16400)/(1.7E3)

Solving for v, we get:

v = 0.0078 m/s

Now, to find the kinetic energy of asteroid Fred, we can use the equation:

KE = 1/2mv^2

Plugging in the mass of Fred and the calculated velocity, we get:

KE = 1/2(14900)(0.0078)^2 = 0.457 J

Therefore, the kinetic energy of asteroid Fred just before they collide is 0.457 J.

FAQ: The Gravitational Dance: Calculating Fred & Betty's KE

1. What is the "Gravitational Dance" and how does it relate to calculating Fred and Betty's KE?

The "Gravitational Dance" refers to the interaction between two objects with mass, such as Fred and Betty. This dance is governed by the law of gravity, which states that objects with mass attract each other. The calculation of Fred and Betty's KE (kinetic energy) is related to this dance because it takes into account their masses and the distance between them.

2. How is KE calculated for Fred and Betty?

The formula for calculating KE is KE = 1/2 * m * v^2, where m is the mass of the object and v is its velocity. To calculate Fred and Betty's KE, we would need to know their masses and their velocities relative to each other. This can be calculated using the formula for gravitational potential energy (GPE) and the conservation of energy principle.

3. What factors affect the "Gravitational Dance" between Fred and Betty?

The "Gravitational Dance" is primarily affected by the masses of Fred and Betty and the distance between them. The greater the masses of the objects, the stronger their gravitational attraction will be. Similarly, the closer they are to each other, the stronger their attraction will be. Other factors that can affect the dance include the presence of other objects with mass in the vicinity and the rotation or movement of the objects themselves.

4. How does the "Gravitational Dance" impact Fred and Betty's motion?

The "Gravitational Dance" has a significant impact on Fred and Betty's motion as it is the force that is responsible for keeping them in orbit around each other. The gravitational force between them affects their velocities, causing them to constantly accelerate towards each other, but also maintaining their orbital motion. This dance is what keeps them in a stable orbit around each other.

5. Can the "Gravitational Dance" be applied to other objects in space?

Yes, the "Gravitational Dance" is a fundamental force in the universe and applies to all objects with mass. It is responsible for the motion of planets around the sun, moons around planets, and even the formation of galaxies. It is a universal law that governs the behavior of all objects in space and is crucial in understanding the dynamics of the universe.

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