Physics vs Math for Premed: Which to Choose?

  • Thread starter jairopena
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In summary, an expert summarizer writes that they are considering earning an additional degree in either physics or mathematics in order to satisfy prerequisites for applying to medical school. They recommend that if you want to pursue this option, you should be prepared to dedicate a lot of your time to studying, as it is a very time- consuming subject.
  • #1
Hi all.

I'm writing because i need some guidance for an additional major prior to applying for med school.

First, some background information. I currently have a BBA in information systems, and am employed full time in the army.

Now that I'm a bit older, and have some expirience under my belt, i decided to apply for med school in the next three years, when my commitment is up. However, since I'm a business major, i don't have the prereqs, to apply for med school.

In order to satisfy the prereqs, i can either attend a post-bacc program and take only what i need, or earn an additional bachelors degree. I've decided to earn an additional degree in either physics (preferably applied) or mathematics, since for a post-bacc, i would have to earn about 30 credits anyway. Also if for any reason I'm unable to attend med school, i can continue to study (master's , or work with computers (which i enjoy a lot, but not as much as helping people, hence med school).

My constraints are that i work full time and am married. I also need to finish the degree in 3x years.

While I'm leaning more towards physics (applied or pure), I'm concerned that it may be as lab intensive as engineering or chemistry . Can the same be said for math?

Any advice is appreciated.
Physics news on
  • #2
I would say that generally both pure physics and pure math are not very lab intensive, while applied physics and applied math are because they are usually run through the engineering school. I've heard that physics majors score pretty well on the MCAT, which is sort of surprising to me because none of the people I graduated with were planning on going to medical school, nor did I ever hear of anyone with that sort of ambition. Studying physics takes up so much of your time that unless you want to have no life, it's tough to study on anything else concurrently.
  • #3
Thanks for the info.

FAQ: Physics vs Math for Premed: Which to Choose?

1. What is the difference between Physics and Math for Premed?

Physics is the study of matter, energy, and their interactions, while Math is the study of numbers, quantities, and shapes. Both subjects are important for premed students as they provide a strong foundation in problem-solving and critical thinking skills.

2. Which subject is more important for premed students, Physics or Math?

Both Physics and Math are equally important for premed students. Physics helps students understand the fundamental laws of nature and how they apply to the human body, while Math provides the necessary skills to analyze and interpret data in the medical field.

3. Can I choose to only study one subject, Physics or Math, for premed?

It is not recommended to only study one subject, as both Physics and Math play a crucial role in the medical field. Having a strong foundation in both subjects will better prepare you for medical school and future medical practice.

4. Which subject is more challenging, Physics or Math?

This can vary depending on the individual. Some students may find Physics more challenging due to its complex concepts and mathematical applications, while others may struggle with the abstract concepts and formulas in Math. It is important to allocate enough time and effort to both subjects in order to succeed.

5. Can I take both Physics and Math as electives for premed?

Yes, it is highly recommended to take both Physics and Math as electives for premed. Not only will this provide a strong foundation for medical school, but it will also demonstrate your ability to excel in diverse subjects and your dedication to a well-rounded education.

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