Can Someone Explain Non-English Text in This Image?

In summary, the conversation discusses the use of polar coordinates with local unit vectors and the concept of rotation with angular velocity. The red boxes in the provided image are explained as a vector identity and an expression for the change in a rotating point. The conversation also touches on the use of scalar product and the clarification of the typing format.
  • #1
Hi best regard to all

This is my first post so forgive me in any mistakes.

If some one can explain to me those parts marked in red rectangles? It taught it was more convenient to post picture than typing. It's from a book that is not in English so I cut out parts with words. Many thanks to who ever have time to help me."
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  • #2

For the first red box, you need to use the expression from the previous line.
For the second red box, its simply a vector identity that is true for any general vector.
  • #3

Hi CICCI_2011! Welcome to PF! :smile:

What you're looking at, are polar coordinates with local unit vectors.

If you have a body at a certain point, you can define a local cartesian coordinate system at that point.
One axis is in the direction of the point, the other axis is in the direction of the angle.
One of the corresponding unit vectors is named [itex]\vec\rho_0[/itex] in your text.
(Actually I'm used to naming it [itex]\hat r[/itex].)

When time passes, this point rotates with the angular velocity.
So a little time [itex]dt[/itex] later, [itex]\vec\rho_0[/itex] will point in a different direction.
The vector change is [itex]\vec\omega \times \vec\rho_0 dt[/itex].

There's for instance a wiki reference here:
  • #4

Thank you all very much for your response I really appreciate that.

I think I understand know.For first box This stands dP/dt=ω×P because P is rotating due to ω then dP/dt is perpendicular to ω and P so we can write dP/dt=ω×P.

For second box its vector identity like you wrote. Is it "Scalar product" (ω·P) and (ω·ω):

ω×(ω×P)=ω(ω·P)-P·(ω·ω)=ω|ω|·|P |cosα-P|ω|·|ω |cosα=
=ω·ω·P cosα-ω²·P=...

|ω|·|P |cosα=ω·P cosα


|ω|·|ω |cosα=ω·ω·1=ω² where angle between ω,ω is 0º cosα=cos0º=1

If not then what is it?

Sorry for this kind of typing but I can't change even color don know why.

You all helped a lot.
  • #5

Yes. That looks right! :smile:
  • #6

Thanks for your help and time, It's all clear now.

Best regards

FAQ: Can Someone Explain Non-English Text in This Image?

1. What is non-English text translation?

Non-English text translation is the process of translating text from one language to another. This can be done manually by a human translator or with the help of technology such as machine translation.

2. Why is non-English text translation important?

Non-English text translation is important because it allows for communication and understanding between individuals who speak different languages. It also helps businesses and organizations reach a wider audience and expand their global presence.

3. What are the challenges of non-English text translation?

One of the main challenges of non-English text translation is accurately conveying the meaning and tone of the original text in the translated version. This can be difficult due to differences in grammar, syntax, and cultural nuances between languages.

4. How can non-English text translation be improved?

Non-English text translation can be improved by using advanced translation technology, such as neural machine translation, which is able to learn and improve over time. It is also important to have human translators review and edit the translated text for accuracy and cultural sensitivity.

5. What are the ethical considerations of non-English text translation?

There are several ethical considerations to take into account when translating non-English text. These include respecting the original author's rights and intentions, avoiding biased or offensive language, and ensuring the accuracy of the translation. It is also important to consider the impact of the translated text on the target audience and their cultural beliefs and values.

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