Reviewing physics I in my physics II class and having trouble

In summary, the roadrunner launches itself at a speed of 20.48577875 m/s across the gorge. In contrast, Wiley Coyote launches himself at a speed of 14.2 m/s across the gorge, but falls short by 0.8 m.
  • #1
1)Wiley Coyote is chasing the roadrunner yet again. While running down the road, they come to a deep gorge, 15 m straight across and 78 m deep. The roadrunner launches itself across the gorge at a launch angle of 12 degrees above the horizontal, and lands with 2.4 m to spare. The acceleration of gravity is 9.81 m/s^2. What was the roadrunner's launch speed? Ignore air resistance. Answer in units of m/s.

2)Wiley Coyote launches himself across the gorge with the same initial speed, but at a lower launch angle. To his horror, he is short of the other lip by 0.8 m and falls into the gorge. What was Wiley Coyote's launch angle? Answer in units of degrees.

Ok, so I figured out #1. I got 20.48577875 m/s. My problem is on #2. I realized that his horizontal displacement would be 14.2 m and thus I had the equation 14.2=[Vcos(theta)][t] where V is the answer to #1. I solved that for t so I had t=14.2/[Vcos(theta)]. I then substituted that into (.5)(9.8)t^2 - [Vsin(theta)][t] - 78=0. I solved that for theta, but the value I found for theta was 83.9462306297 degrees. That can't be the right answer since Wiley launched himself at a "lower launch angle" than the roadrunner (whose launch angle was 12 degrees). I think that maybe this is one of those times where I would subtract the value of theta I found above from 90 degrees and that would give me my answer, but I'm just not sure. Your help would be extremely appreciated.
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  • #2
FizzixIzFun said:
My problem is on #2. I realized that his horizontal displacement would be 14.2 m and thus I had the equation 14.2=[Vcos(theta)][t] where V is the answer to #1. I solved that for t so I had t=14.2/[Vcos(theta)]. I then substituted that into (.5)(9.8)t^2 - [Vsin(theta)][t] - 78=0.
What's that "- 78" for? I assume that at time t the Coyote is at its original height (just 0.8 m short horizontally), not at the bottom of the gorge.
  • #3
78 is the depth of the gorge so that you can figure out the amount of time it takes him to get from the point where he jumps to the point where he lands. it's from the kinematic x=x(initial) +V(initial)t + .5at^2
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  • #4
FizzixIzFun said:
78 is the depth of the gorge ...
Yes, but why are you using it in your equation? I assume that being "short of the other lip by 0.8 m" means that he returns to the starting level (y = 0, not y = -78) at x = 15 - 0.8.

(He doesn't land at the bottom of the gorge, he slams into the side!)
  • #5
Ok, I'm lost. What should I do? Why doesn't he hit the bottom of the gorge?
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  • #6
I thought I told you what to do? :-p

To understand what's going on, draw a picture. Like any other projectile, the coyote takes a parabolic path. To just miss making it to the other side means that he hits the wall of the gorge.

In order for him to hit the bottom (at x = 14.2), he would have to jump off at a much higher angle (as you figured out!). But that's not what happens. Instead, he just misses the edge, falling short by 0.8 m.

What if he overshot the distance by 0.8m instead of falling short? In that case he would have landed on the other side at a distance of x = 15.8 m from the start instead of at x = 14.2 m. (And his y coordinate when he landed would have been y = 0.) Make sense?

Big hint: Coordinates at start of motion: x = 0; y = 0. What are the coordinates at the point where he just passes the other edge? x = 14.2 m; y = 0!

(Note: I assume that "falling short" by 0.8 m means falling short horizontally by 0.8 m. But it could also mean falling short vertically by 0.8 m.)
  • #7
Oh, I see. I need to use R=([V^2]sin(2[theta])) / g. So it would look like 14.2 = ([V^2]sin(2[theta])) / 9.81 where V is the answer to #1 and I would solve for theta. Right?
  • #8
Sure, you could use the range formula to solve this. But your original method in your first post was just fine--except for the "-78".

Solve it both ways!

FAQ: Reviewing physics I in my physics II class and having trouble

1. How can I review physics I concepts to prepare for my physics II class?

One way to review physics I concepts is to go back through your notes and textbook from your physics I class. You can also find review materials online, such as practice problems or review videos. Another helpful strategy is to work through problems from the previous class, as well as problems from your physics II class that relate to the same concept.

2. What are some common areas of difficulty for students when transitioning from physics I to physics II?

Some common areas of difficulty when transitioning from physics I to physics II include understanding and applying vector operations, grasping the concept of electric and magnetic fields, and understanding the relationships between different physical quantities in more complex scenarios.

3. How can I overcome these difficulties and succeed in my physics II class?

To overcome these difficulties, it is important to practice regularly and seek help when needed. Make sure to attend class and ask your professor or classmates for clarification on any confusing concepts. Additionally, studying with a group or finding a tutor can be helpful in reinforcing your understanding of the material.

4. What are some tips for effectively reviewing physics I in preparation for my physics II class?

Some tips for effectively reviewing physics I include organizing your notes and materials, creating study guides or flashcards, and practicing with a variety of problems. It can also be helpful to work through problems with a study group or tutor to solidify your understanding.

5. How can I stay motivated and focused while reviewing physics I for my physics II class?

One way to stay motivated and focused is to set specific goals for your review, such as completing a certain number of practice problems each day. It can also be helpful to remind yourself of the importance of understanding physics I concepts in order to succeed in physics II. Additionally, taking breaks and finding a study environment that works for you can help maintain motivation and focus.
