Recursive defintion of the product notation

In summary: This is because the empty sum is defined as 0, similar to how the empty product is defined as 1. This definition is useful because it allows for a simpler and more consistent way to define products and sums, without having to deal with special cases. For example, if we want to find the product of all the elements in an empty set, it is easier to just define it as 1, rather than having to create a special case for it. Similarly, if we want to find the sum of all the elements in a set, it is easier to define the empty sum as 0, rather than having to create a special case for it. This definition also helps with consistency when dealing with mathematical operations involving products and sums.
  • #1
I'm asked to define recursively (definition by induction) [itex]\prod_{k=1}^{n}a_k[/itex]

Well, I wrote down the following:

[tex]\prod_{k=1}^{1}a_k = a_1[/tex]

Assuming [itex]\prod_{k=1}^{n}a_k[/itex] has been defined for some [itex]n\geq1[/itex],

[tex]\prod_{k=1}^{n+1}a_k = a_{n+1}\prod_{k=1}^{n}a_k[/tex]

A similar method was used to define the summation notation in the text, so I used it here.

But the answer given at the back is

[tex]\prod_{k=1}^{0}a_k = 1; \prod_{k=1}^{n+1}a_k = a_{n+1}\prod_{k=1}^{n}a_k[/tex]

I don't understand why the index goes from 1 to 0, and why they have defined it to be 1. Please clarify this.
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  • #2
A little background - in Quantum mechanics a massless particle is needed to carry a force, the photon carries the electric force and W and Z particles carry the forces that hold atoms together.
It is a somewhat pedantic point. When the upper limit goes from n=0 to n=1 (induction step), you need 1 for the n=0 product to get a1 for the n=1 product.
  • #3
The reason they define the product starting from k=1 to 0 is to define the empty product to be 1. This is a useful definition, as it avoids many special cases. It is clearly an equivalent definition to yours for all upper bounds greater than 0, since their inductive step is the same and by their definition,

[tex]\prod_{k = 1}^1 a_k = a_1 \prod_{k = 1}^0 a_k = a_1 \cdot 1 = a_1.[/tex]
  • #4
Thanks for the replies. Could you give me a simple example where this definition will be useful? Also, why was not the summation notation defined to be [itex]\sum_{1}^{0} = 0[/itex]? [As implied in my first post, [itex]a_1[/itex] was defined as the sum from 1 to 1.]
  • #5
In summation notation sum from 1 to 0 is considered 0.

FAQ: Recursive defintion of the product notation

What is a recursive definition of the product notation?

A recursive definition of the product notation is a way of defining a product as a repeated multiplication of numbers in a specific order. It involves breaking down the product into smaller and smaller factors until a base case is reached.

How is a recursive definition of the product notation different from a traditional product notation?

The traditional product notation involves explicitly writing out all the factors in a product and then multiplying them together. In contrast, a recursive definition breaks down the product into smaller factors and operates on them in a step-by-step manner.

What is a base case in a recursive definition of the product notation?

A base case is the simplest form of the product that can be evaluated without using recursion. It is the starting point for the recursive process and is necessary to prevent an infinite loop.

What are the advantages of using a recursive definition of the product notation?

One advantage is that it can be used to define complex products without having to explicitly write out all the factors. It also allows for a more efficient computation of products by breaking them down into smaller subproblems.

Are there any limitations to using a recursive definition of the product notation?

Yes, recursive definitions can be difficult to understand and can lead to errors if not implemented correctly. They also may not be the most efficient method for computing products in all cases.

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