Really CNN? You might want to screen that first

  • Thread starter Saladsamurai
  • Start date
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In summary, the conversation started with someone sharing a link to a video with potentially offensive language. Some people found it funny, while others found it inappropriate. The discussion then turned to whether or not the word should be censored or apologized for, and the use of offensive language in general. The conversation became heated and off-topic, with personal attacks and disagreements about appropriate behavior. The summary ends with one person suggesting to just walk away from a heated debate.
  • #1
Physics news on
  • #2
ahahaha :smile:
  • #3
I don't see why they should apologize.
  • #4
Mu naught said:
I don't see why they should apologize.

Oh really? Please elaborate.
  • #5
Ahahahah oh god. That is so wrong.
  • #6
Ya so like I was watching the live feed at cnn of the oil spill stuff and it switched over to cnn news... Omg it's so bad seemed like every story they did was about as good as the one here.
  • #7
Cyrus said:
Ahahahah oh god. That is so wrong.

On so many levels. :smile: I mean, maybe it's alright to automatically think 'Ice Cube' when you see an old African-American lady bumpin' down the street in an old 70's coupe; but I know enough to keep it to myself (and my immediate friends). Broadcasting it to the world is a little risky. Surely someone will be offended.
  • #8
Wake me up when its played during Al Sharpton speeches.
  • #9
Oh, that is priceless on so many levels.
  • #10
Saladsamurai said:
Oh really? Please elaborate.

Because they didn't write the song, and if you turn on the radio to any hip-hop station you'll hear the world "nigga" at least 10-20 times in an hour. Who is supposed to be offended by this?
  • #11
Yeah, dude, its one thing to imply it, but another to actually post it here..
  • #12
Mu naught said:
Because they didn't write the song, and if you turn on the radio to any hip-hop station you'll hear the world "nigga" at least 10-20 times in an hour. Who is supposed to be offended by this?

That's right, they didn't write the song. They made a conscious decision that a) this song best describes the person for whom they are playing it and b) that the lyrics are equally appropriate.

My point was that clearly they did not do the latter very well.
  • #13
Fascinating. I'm not one for censorship, and it would be interesting to see in which context the lyrics were. I realize that it's an incredibly loaded term, but if it wasn't used in a very provoking sense (promoting genocide or whatnot) I honestly don't see the problem.
  • #14
Saladsamurai said:
That's right, they didn't write the song. They made a conscious decision that a) this song best describes the person for whom they are playing it and b) that the lyrics are equally appropriate.

My point was that clearly they did not do the latter very well.

I would have to disagree on a. I highly doubt they chose the song because it 'best describes the lady'. They chose it because it was funny as hell. An elderly lady (of any colour... plus this one is over 100) getting into her old coupe with rap music playing in the background? Pretty funny stuff...

On b) I agree they probably should have thought ahead of time the lyrics but it was live right? Maybe they just forgot or probably they had no idea what they were playing they just played some old school rap from youtube and with their luck it turned out to contain the word 'nigga' in the very short clip they played of it. Should they have apologized? Probably since it's a news station and no type of 'swearing' should be allowed. Should they apologize to the black community for being racist? No.
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  • #15

Hold yourself to a higher standard.
  • #16
cronxeh said:

Hold yourself to a higher standard.


I really am starting to dislike the amount of posts that contain no explanation.
  • #17
It didn't require one...
  • #18
zomgwtf said:

I really am starting to dislike the amount of posts that contain no explanation.

I have to agree with magpies, I think cronxeh made his point very well. You're not in high school, at least try to make your point without pitiful attempts at being inflammatory. So, hold yourself to a standard that is appropriate to the setting, and not your local bar at happy hour.
  • #19
Geigerclick said:
I have to agree with magpies, I think cronxeh made his point very well. You're not in high school, at least try to make your point without pitiful attempts at being inflammatory. So, hold yourself to a standard that is appropriate to the setting, and not your local bar at happy hour.

Ohh because I said '**** no nigga'? Yet it's ok for persons in other threads to poke fun at homosexuality? Righhhhttt...

I would say it's hardly something 'wrong' to say. But I guess that in part has to do with the local area I grew up with and lived my entire life.

Could have easily PM'd me or just pointed out they thought that was inappropriate and I could have deleted it, simple.
  • #20
zomgwtf said:
Ohh because I said '**** no nigga'? Yet it's ok for persons in other threads to poke fun at homosexuality? Righhhhttt...

I would say it's hardly something 'wrong' to say. But I guess that in part has to do with the local area I grew up with and lived my entire life.

Could have easily PM'd me or just pointed out they thought that was inappropriate and I could have deleted it, simple.

He could have, he didn't. I am just explaining what the clear message was that you seemed to want spelled out. For the rest, I am not getting into some cross-thread argument.
  • #21
cronxeh said:

Hold yourself to a higher standard.

You've described everyone on this forum as "geeks". I'm offended and I want an apology.
  • #22
Can this thread NOT turn into a petty pissing match, pretty please?
  • #23
Have you seen what this thread is about?
  • #24
Geigerclick said:
Can this thread NOT turn into a petty pissing match, pretty please?

You've started it by claiming anyone who doesn't agree with you is "pitiful" and needs to "hold themselves to a higher standard".
  • #25
Mu naught said:
You've started it by claiming anyone who doesn't agree with you is "pitiful" and needs to "hold themselves to a higher standard".

I did not say that, it was cronxeh, although I did concur. I don't see how that required that you derail this thread further.
By the way, if you ever find yourself saying, "you started it", you should take a long moment to consider your position. That's right up there with, "she hit me first!"

Speaking of higher standards, isn't that what this thread is about magpies? CNN failed to live up to a reasonable standard of decent judgment. The issue of whether or not this is right or wrong is academic, the judgment was faulty given the standard they set.
  • #26
No I think this thread is about if CNN is morally obligated to apologize for the clip. If CNN had standards they wouldn't have Larry King interviewing American Idol contestants while people are dying in Iraq still.

That being said, how have I derailed this thread? You made personal attacks on someone who was only discussing the issue surrounding the clip. Please come off that righteous pedestal of yours if you want to discuss this...
  • #27
I think that if anything, CNN should apologize for being a terrible news station.
  • #28
Mu naught said:
No I think this thread is about if CNN is morally obligated to apologize for the clip. If CNN had standards they wouldn't have Larry King interviewing American Idol contestants while people are dying in Iraq still.

That being said, how have I derailed this thread? You made personal attacks on someone who was only discussing the issue surrounding the clip. Please come off that righteous pedestal of yours if you want to discuss this...

You do realize that I wasn't referring to YOU disrupting this thread? I was wondering what the hell you were talking about earlier, but I was talking to zomgwtf, not you. Again, if you feel the need to start a fight, send me a PM. I'm probably going to ignore it, but that's the place for attention-seeking behavior. You can be outraged as you wish, but at least get the point that I only responded to you after you replied to a post directed at someone OTHER than you.
  • #29
At least her car stands out. A 103-year-old driver would seem to be a rolling hazard on the road. Drivers get safer as they get older, with the safest drivers on the road being the 60 to 69 year olds. After age 70, drivers tend to get more and more dangerous. There aren't enough 100+ year old drivers on the road to warrant their own category, but if you project out the trend...

Or is that taking the thread off on a tangent?
  • #30
Meh, come on now. It was a bad choice of song, but so? The real beef here is why CNN, which was once a serious and respected news channel (yeah I know, 20 years ago), is broadcasting such a ridiculous puff piece. They're in this ridiculous race-to-the-bottom against Fox "News" et al, and it's just crazy.

I mean, Rick Sanchez? Seriously? The guy thinks Iceland is "too cold for volcanoes", asks what 22 meters is "in English" and thinks Hawaii is off the coast of South America! CNN couldn't recruit a single journalist who.. knows something? Even their ostensibly more 'heavy hitting' journalists are ridiculous.. one of the last times I tuned in, Wolf Blitzer was standing and interviewing another CNN journalist on some video-wall (which in-itself is pretty silly) about the latest news on Michael Jackson's death! (which also tells you how seldom I ever flip pas that channel).

There isn't a single American news channel worth watching anymore. BBC World, Deutsche Welle, Al-Jazeera.. They're all better by far. (And most cynically of all: CNN International is less dumbed-down as well!)
  • #31
Ya Al-Jazeera does real news.
  • #32
magpies said:
Ya Al-Jazeera does real news.

Consuming media from a variety of sources will make you a better informed person. Al-Jazeera will give you an Arab perspective, something you won't get in Western media.
  • #33
No I ment that you won't see fake bs storys on Al-Jazeera... Go to cnn and its all britney spears.
  • #34
alxm said:
There isn't a single American news channel worth watching anymore. BBC World, Deutsche Welle, Al-Jazeera.. They're all better by far. (And most cynically of all: CNN International is less dumbed-down as well!)

Aah, that's the key. American audiences like their news dumbed down.

And I agree with magpies about Al-Jazeera. They spun off of the BBC when the BBC cut their Arabic language news staff in response to censorship from the co-owner Saudi government. They switched their base to Qatar in 1996 and for years were considered the only Arabic language news channel independent of government censorship. They were the only group providing info from Afghanistan prior to 9/11, giving them the opportunity to build a respected reputation with other news groups.

American opinion changed rather abruptly after 9/11 when it broadcast videos in which Osama bin Laden and Sulaiman Abu Ghaith defended and justified the attacks. It's also broadcast several videos of kidnap victims pleading for their life. Some have felt that having an avenue to get videos such as those aired helps to encourage terrorist activity.
  • #35
magpies said:
No I ment that you won't see fake bs storys on Al-Jazeera... Go to cnn and its all britney spears.

Sorry for misunderstanding! I thought you were being sarcastic :redface:.

FAQ: Really CNN? You might want to screen that first

1. What does "Really CNN? You might want to screen that first" mean?

"Really CNN? You might want to screen that first" is a phrase that is often used to express frustration or disbelief at something that has been reported or shared by CNN. It implies that the information may not be accurate or well-researched and that CNN should have fact-checked it before sharing it with the public.

2. Why do people question the credibility of CNN?

Some people question the credibility of CNN because of their perceived bias in reporting and their tendency to sensationalize news stories. Additionally, there have been instances where CNN has made mistakes or reported false information, leading to doubts about their reliability.

3. Is CNN a reliable source of news?

CNN is generally considered a reliable source of news, as they have a large team of experienced journalists and follow standard journalistic practices. However, like any news outlet, they may make mistakes or have biases, so it is important for readers to fact-check and consume news from multiple sources.

4. How does CNN screen their news stories?

CNN has a team of fact-checkers and editors who review news stories before they are published or aired. They also have a set of standards and practices that their journalists must follow to ensure accuracy and fairness in reporting. However, mistakes can still occur, and CNN has a system in place to correct and retract any misinformation.

5. What can I do if I see something questionable on CNN?

If you see something on CNN that you believe is inaccurate or biased, you can reach out to their public editor or use their online form to submit a complaint. You can also fact-check the information yourself and share your findings with others to promote accurate and responsible reporting.

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