Where Are the Intelligent, Easy-Going Men for Seniors?

In summary: Egads, just for fun I checked out match.com's site for seniors. AAARRRGGGHHHH! Why do they all look like Larry the Cable guy?I selected men from 5'5 to 7'11"", agnostic/atheist, between 50-65 years old, intelligent, body type slim, average, or a few extra pounds, for pen pal, friendship or casual relationship.Results - ZERO.So they lowered my search age to 40 and searched the entire US. Got a few hits but :eek:.Where are the easy going, intelligent men that don't look like neanderthals standing next to corvettes?
  • #36
Evo said:
Egads, just for fun I checked out match.com's site for seniors. AAARRRGGGHHHH! Why do they all look like Larry the Cable guy?

...Where are the easy going, intelligent men that don't look like neanderthals standing next to corvettes?

Hmm...how do you feel about ninjas Evo?



True story: I tried eharmony myself. And do you know what they told me, after hours of painstakingly answering their surveys, and filling in vital information? That I fit into a low percentage of persons, they felt they'd rather be honest with, that they couldn't help. :rolleyes:

Laughed at my computer screen for about 10 minutes. I basically described someone I knew.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #37
I am seriously considering becoming a volunteer proof reader for the Guttenberg project. But that's done on my home computer and I would never actually meet anyone.

Wow, this is the first time I've met another person who knows about the Guttenberg project. I used to be a proofreader, and it was very interesting to read old books from every conceivable subject. Definitely try it out, whether or not it's suitable for dating.
  • #38
ideasrule said:
Wow, this is the first time I've met another person who knows about the Guttenberg project. I used to be a proofreader, and it was very interesting to read old books from every conceivable subject. Definitely try it out, whether or not it's suitable for dating.
I love ancient manuscripts, so I often visit their site to see what's old that's new.

Oh dear, I just checked a site I belong to that I haven't visited for awhile and have 527 new messages from people. And my profile says not to bother contacting me.
  • #39
Evo said:
I love ancient manuscripts, so I often visit their site to see what's old that's new.

Oh dear, I just checked a site I belong to that I haven't visited for awhile and have 527 new messages from people. And my profile says not to bother contacting me.

Sorry 'bout that. You can ignore the first 526. I was feeling impatient and may have resent a few too many times.
  • #40
ViewsofMars said:
Never been to Kansas. Sorry to learn about your hips but I assume you can walk. If that is the case then you can become a docent or take some classes at the Deanna Rose Children's Farmstead and the Overland park Arboretum and Botanical Gardens in Kansas. You might even donate some of your time selling items in their gift shop or help to plan an event. Once you are a docent (volunteer) then you are invited to private functions with their Trustees and Fellows of the garden. You can meet a lot of fine people at those events too. Trustees and Fellows of Botanical Gardens travel the world and they are people who are extremely nice. Who knows, you may meet a nice gentleman there. :smile:

I think there are great opportunities available to you. Just call the number and see if you can volunteer or even take a class there.


It's just a baby step toward a rewarding future.
Thank you for the links! I was about to sign up when I started having pain in my hips, especially if I walk or bend forward. I'm not much good at working on a outdoors project, which is what I wanted.
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  • #41
I'd go out with you... :smile:

Except that I don't fit your criteria, just like almost 7 billion other people! :wink:

You're kind of picky, aren't you! :biggrin:
  • #42
I like Serena said:
I'd go out with you... :smile:

Except that I don't fit your criteria, just like almost 7 billion other people! :wink:

You're kind of picky, aren't you! :biggrin:

Now, now, let's not discourage Evo...
Let's mathematically calculate how many partner there are for a given person: See http://mathfail.com/2009/09/how-many-girls-are-there-for-me.html

I guess there would be about 10000 guys in the world that are potential dating material for Evo. So there's still hope left. The only question is how to meet them...
  • #43
Evo said:
I selected men from 5'5 to 7'11"", agnostic/atheist, between 50-65 years old, intelligent, body type slim, average, or a few extra pounds, for pen pal, friendship or casual relationship.

Where are the easy going, intelligent men that don't look like neanderthals standing next to corvettes?

I like Serena said:
I'd go out with you... :smile:

Except that I don't fit your criteria, just like almost 7 billion other people! :wink:

You're kind of picky, aren't you! :biggrin:
Wait, what part do you not fit? Maybe it's negotiable. :wink:
  • #44
Evo said:
Wait, what part do you not fit?

As for me, I don't fit any of your criteria :biggrin:

atheist -> nope
between 50/65 -> nope
intelligent -> nope
laidback -> depends on the situation, usually yes...
  • #45
micromass said:
As for me, I don't fit any of your criteria :biggrin:

atheist -> nope
between 50/65 -> nope
intelligent -> nope
laidback -> depends on the situation, usually yes...
Yeah, but you're still my Supreme Onion. :!) And you're very intelligent.
  • #46
Evo said:
Wait, what part do you not fit? Maybe it's negotiable. :wink:

Well let's see... I can see that you consider me too young.
I wouldn't put "intelligent" in my profile.
And I'm not free for a relationship.

But I could be your pen pal...
Oh wait! I guess I already am, in a way! :wink:
  • #47
I like Serena said:
Well let's see... I can see that you consider me too young.
I wouldn't put "intelligent" in my profile.
And I'm not free for a relationship.

But I could be your pen pal...
Oh wait! I guess I already am, in a way! :wink:
I lied about the age thing, I like younger men. <cough>

All of the good men are taken. My best male friends are all married, except one, but he's not interested in talking much.

  • #48
Evo said:
I lied about the age thing, I like younger men. <cough>

All of the good men are taken. My best male friends are all married, except one, but he's not interested in talking much.


What about this, Evo? http://www.sciconnect.com/ I checked out some profiles for your age range and they seem to be exactly what you want! :smile:
  • #49
I don't like to get married but I also don't want to be alone when I'm over 50. :frown:
  • #50
micromass said:
What about this, Evo? http://www.sciconnect.com/ I checked out some profiles for your age range and they seem to be exactly what you want! :smile:
Oooh, Supreme Onion, you have done well!
  • #52
Pengwuino said:
Damn nerds.


They have a statistics page with notes :rolleyes:

Here, penguin, dating on the south pole: http://www.youfreedating.com/dating-women-south-pole-city1.html
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  • #53
micromass said:
Here, penguin, dating on the south pole: http://www.youfreedating.com/dating-women-south-pole-city1.html

Sounds like a winner

hell and how are u dong s wll o i am erica nd i am 30yrs of age ith no kids an i am looking formy love as well ok
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  • #55
I think SciConnect will work for Evo.
  • #56
Astronuc said:
I think SciConnect will work for Evo.

I agree Astro, I dug deeper, Evo, click http://www.sciconnect.com/photos.shtml" and from the men's photos, from sheer looks alone, see if any of these guys suit you (or if none, say nada).

Rhody... matchmaker, matchmaker, make me a match, catch me a catch... :redface: :smile:

P.S. Just to check them out, I clicked on the join link, it says these people are actively seeking others, so be careful what you wish for, lol. 65$ for a year and 30$ for three months.
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  • #57
Pengwuino said:
Sounds like a winner

*wonders what formy love is :confused:*
  • #58
lisab said:
*wonders what formy love is :confused:*

Lisa scores one, Jimmy = 54, Lisa = 23 and climbing, Note: numbers are ages as well, hehe...

Rhody... :redface:

P.S. Evo is hard at work with her choice(s), I am sure she report back, soon, well, then again, maybe not...
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  • #59
Unfortunately to look at what's available at the SciConnect site, I'd have to join up. So far the examples just don't do it for me. Although these people are definitely of higher overall quality and more open minded than at other sites.
  • #60
Evo said:
Unfortunately to look at what's available at the SciConnect site, I'd have to join up. So far the examples just don't do it for me. Although these people are definitely of higher overall quality and more open minded than at other sites.

Keep this in mind, though: there are probably legions of geeks who meet your criteria, but only lurk on that site, hoping to find their EvoGoddess. If you join, you might pique the interest of one of them :wink:.
  • #61
lisab said:
Keep this in mind, though: there are probably legions of geeks who meet your criteria, but only lurk on that site, hoping to find their EvoGoddess. If you join, you might pique the interest of one of them :wink:.
Oooh, I didn't think of that!
  • #62
Evo said:
Thank you for the links! I was about to sign up when I started having pain in my hips, especially if I walk or bend forward. I'm not much good at working on a outdoors project, which is what I wanted.

Ok. Your health comes first!:smile: I hope you have seen your doctor. Sounds serious. As far as you looking for a mate on the Internet, I have my reservations. Two of my friends did that and ended up putting the guy on DON'T DATE HIM GIRL! (lol!) I can't stop laughing... Best wishes on your jouney. Hope you fair well.
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  • #63
Evo said:
Where are the easy going, intelligent men that don't look like neanderthals standing next to corvettes?

If they were easy going, intelligent, and didn't look like neanderthals, they wouldn't need to stand next to a Corvette. The Corvette is just to divert attention.

It's tough to find a date when

so much depends

a red wheel

glazed with rain

beside the white
  • #64
lisab said:
*wonders what formy love is :confused:*

The best kind of love
  • #65
I like Serena said:
I'd go out with you... :smile:

Except that I don't fit your criteria, just like almost 7 billion other people! :wink:

You're kind of picky, aren't you! :biggrin:

Evo, you seem like an interesting person. I'd go out with you too...:smile:

(Before anybody becomes too disturbed, I'm just kidding. I think I'm as far from fitting Evo's criteria as anybody can possibly be.)
  • #66
ideasrule said:
Evo, you seem like an interesting person. I'd go out with you too...:smile:

(Before anybody becomes too disturbed, I'm just kidding. I think I'm as far from fitting Evo's criteria as anybody can possibly be.)
I'd probably go out with Evo, too (arm's length relationship to start) if I were not happily married. Unfortunately, the Supreme Lard looks to be a high-maintenance partner, so it would not work at all for me.

I could fall for our new neighbor, though. She spent all afternoon yesterday grubbing the garden-site that I tilled for them and she had dirt all over her. When she'd gotten the sod and roots out, I ran the tractor back up there and tilled that spot two more times, so she'd have nice soft, aerated soil to hoe up and plant their peppers, tomatoes, etc.
  • #67
turbo-1 said:
I could fall for our new neighbor, though. She spent all afternoon yesterday grubbing the garden-site that I tilled for them and she had dirt all over her. When she'd gotten the sod and roots out, I ran the tractor back up there and tilled that spot two more times, so she'd have nice soft, aerated soil to hoe up and plant their peppers, tomatoes, etc.

Man, that is just burgeoning with euphamistic imagery.
  • #68
turbo-1 said:
I could fall for our new neighbor, though. She spent all afternoon yesterday grubbing the garden-site that I tilled for them and she had dirt all over her. When she'd gotten the sod and roots out, I ran the tractor back up there and tilled that spot two more times, so she'd have nice soft, aerated soil to hoe up and plant their peppers, tomatoes, etc.

DaveC426913 said:
Man, that is just burgeoning with euphamistic imagery.


You dared to go (and then post about) what I was thinking as well. I am glad it wasn't just me who took Turbo's comments that way.

Rhody... :rolleyes:
  • #69
Evo said:
... I've been on this forum for 8 years and only a couple of men have approached me. :frown:

It's because you're just.that.pretty. and guys are afraid of you. I'm not... but alas, the poem and invitation to be my long distance Valentine I sent five or so years ago didn't quite cut the mustard. Thank you for letting me down easy.

I've had instances where eharmony took it upon themselves to loosen my standards for me after I insisted that being fit and within 50 miles were non-negotiable in a potential match.

Stay away from plentyoffish. I received mean natured replies after I had enough of the dregs and changed my opening paragraph to read in part "...if you talk with your mouth full, have ever been called brassy or sassy... click the back button now. I'm not your guy." In an attempt to add a little levity I went back and added, "...you will be worshipped if you can do any of the following... be sweet, calculate the volume of an irregular solid using the slice method... find a Messier Object... build and or use your own home made telescope (or fake it really good)... tie a passable Clouser or Wooly Booger, divide by zero." There were a few more but I've forgotten them. Also, I don't drink but apparently everyone in my dating pool does and its annoying. Getting drunk and being the LOUD center of attention on a meet and greet just doesn't cut it for me.

Evo, you're more than welcome to move back to Texas. Austin will wecome you with open arms.
  • #70
Echo 6 Sierra said:
It's because you're just.that.pretty. and guys are afraid of you. I'm not... but alas, the poem and invitation to be my long distance Valentine I sent five or so years ago didn't quite cut the mustard. Thank you for letting me down easy.

I was rooting for you, Echo. You were my favorite.