About aerial dish used in communication

In summary, the dish is used to intensify weak signals by focusing them, with reflection being the suitable wave property to describe this phenomenon. The strongest signal can be received when the antenna is placed at the principle focus of the dish. A larger dish diameter results in more energy being received and focused into the antenna, resulting in a stronger signal. Your answers are mostly correct, with the exception of the wording in answer 4, which could be improved.
  • #1
Johnny Leong
1. What is the function of the dish?
Ans: It is to focus the weak signals so that to intensify them.

2. What wave property is suitable to describe the phenomenon happened in the dish?
Ans: Reflection.

3. If an antenna is to be placed in front of the dish, where it should be placed to get the strongest signal?
Ans: It should be placed at the principle focus of the dish.

4. If the dish diameter is larger, what would happen to the signal received?
Ans: The weak signals can be focus more. The signal received is more concentrated and stronger.

Are my answers correct? Please give me some comments.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
All except for answer 4, which is worded a little weakly.

The curvature of the dish determines the the focal point. The diameter of the dish determines how much energy is received (the signal is being broadcast to a much larger area than just the dish). So, more energy is received into the dish, resulting in more energy being focused into the antenna sitting at the focal point.

Just about what you said.
  • #3

Your answers are correct! The function of an aerial dish is to focus weak signals, which is achieved through the wave property of reflection. Placing an antenna at the principle focus of the dish will result in the strongest signal, and a larger dish diameter allows for a more concentrated and stronger signal to be received. Great job!

FAQ: About aerial dish used in communication

1. What is an aerial dish used for in communication?

An aerial dish, also known as a satellite dish, is a parabolic-shaped antenna that is used to transmit and receive electromagnetic waves in the form of radio or satellite signals. It is a vital component in communication systems that allow for the transmission of information over long distances.

2. How does an aerial dish work?

An aerial dish works by receiving radio or satellite signals from a specific location or satellite in space. The parabolic shape of the dish helps to focus the incoming signals onto a smaller area, which is then picked up by the feedhorn located at the focal point. The feedhorn then converts the signals into electrical currents, which are then sent to a receiver for processing.

3. What are the advantages of using an aerial dish in communication?

There are several advantages to using an aerial dish in communication. Firstly, it allows for long-distance communication, which would not be possible with traditional antennas. Additionally, aerial dishes have a higher signal gain, meaning they can pick up weaker signals and produce a stronger output. They are also less susceptible to interference from other signals, making them more reliable for communication.

4. Are there different types of aerial dishes?

Yes, there are different types of aerial dishes that are used for different purposes. Some common types include parabolic dishes, helical dishes, and flat-panel dishes. The type of dish used depends on the specific communication needs and the frequency of the signals being transmitted.

5. Can aerial dishes be used for both sending and receiving signals?

Yes, aerial dishes can be used for both sending and receiving signals. The same dish can be used to transmit and receive signals, as long as it is connected to the appropriate equipment. This is why aerial dishes are often used in two-way communication systems, such as satellite TV and internet connections.
