How Has Danger's Journey Touched Lives in Online Communities?

In summary, Danger appreciates all the support he has received from friends on the We love you Danger thread. He is grateful for the lessons learned on the PF forum, and is still investigating possible medical options.
  • #1
Staff Emeritus
Science Advisor
The "We love you Danger" thread

I wanted to be the first to start a thread to tell Danger how much I love him and care about him and how getting to know him has changed (for the better) how I look at things in life.

Danger, I still remember when you showed up in GD a few years ago. You caught my attention right away. For some reason I pictured you as a dark haired, dressed in black, Goth type with a lip and nose piercing. :-p

In case anyone is not aware, when asked how long he has left to live.
Danger said:
Undetermined at this point. Four months ago, my doctor gave me 6 months. So far, I'm defying the odds. I honestly think that I can squeeze out another year or so.

We're not letting you go. As someone once said about PF, as in the song, "you can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave".
Physics news on
  • #3

Big it up to the D man.
  • #4

OH WOW! Wow! Wow! Wow!
We LOVE you Danger
. :!)
  • #5

One of the first things I have learned was to never trust doctors.

I am not sure if group hug is a good idea when you have troubles catching your breath, but I guess high five should be OK :approve:
  • #6

Hang in there Dan! Out-live the sawbones.
  • #7

Borek said:
One of the first things I have learned was to never trust doctors.

I am not sure if group hug is a good idea when you have troubles catching your breath, but I guess high five should be OK :approve:

Can't catch a breath!?
We talked to Danger yesterday and I could not get a word in edgewise! :smile:
And if you think he is wonderful, funny and smart here, you should try the real Danger. :!)
Group Hug... GIT HIM!
  • #8

Lacy33 said:
Can't catch a breath!?
We talked to Danger yesterday and I could not get a word in edgewise! :smile:

So perhaps he was misdiagnosed, I told you I don't trust doctors.
  • #9

Many prayers for you my friend.
  • #10

We're all pulling for you, Dan!
  • #11

Borek said:
So perhaps he was misdiagnosed, I told you I don't trust doctors.

And no you can't trust doctors.
He is packing for another safari. Not to mention he dropped the cell phone twice on me while he was chasing Juliette the housekeeper up and down the stairs. :-p Oui, oui!
  • #12

Thinking of you, Danger. Give 'em hell!
  • #13

As I said

Andre said:
Danger said:
Undetermined at this point. Four months ago, my doctor gave me 6 months. So far, I'm defying the odds. I honestly think that I can squeeze out another year or so.

You're doing a great job, Dan. Please let us know how we can help you achieving that goal and maybe even more?

Hang in there, pal
  • #14

Live well Danger. When you're at death's door, let us know what we can do to help pull you through.
  • #15

I love you meeann. In a completely manly, heterosexual way.
  • #16

Words all most fail me, but i am sure if you look to the world in a positive way you will
live a lot longer.
  • #17

Jimmy Snyder said:
Live well Danger. When you're at death's door, let us know what we can do to help pull you through.

:smile: this is so perfect. I am going to use this until I get arrested.
  • #18

DaveC426913 said:
I love you meeann. In a completely manly, heterosexual way.

Wadda Hunk O Man!
  • #19


Friends, I appreciate this expression of sentiment very much, but it's undeserved. As I've admitted in the past, I'm a total jerk; I just try to hide it when I'm around people that I like.
While I've accepted that the end isn't too far off, that doesn't mean that I'm going to curl up my toes and go quietly. As Moonbear suggested a few months ago, I will investigate the possibility of a lung transplant so long as such doesn't deprive a more worthy recipient. It's not as if I contribute anything to society, but if they're just lying there waiting to enter a biohazard bucket...
PF is pretty much the best thing that has ever happened to me. I was surprised to be accepted here, let alone liked and even respected. I've learned more here, about people as much as science, than I did in my entire life prior to joining.
Evo... I don't even have proper words. Your memory of my first appearance here is diametrically opposed to mine. I was terrified of you, and honestly didn't think that you were even aware of my existence. Here you were, this gorgeous all-powerful Brainiac ensconced upon a pedestal that I couldn't have reached with a jet-pack. The first time that you posted a response to me in a thread, I was so thrilled that I damned near had an intestinal mishap. Now, I consider you to be one of my absolute best friends (included with those who I interact with in person as opposed to electronically). Also Astro, Moonie, SOS when she was around, Lacy... and apparently, judging by this thread, a lot more that I wasn't even aware of. (Bad phraseology there; I was of course aware of their existence, but didn't realize that they liked me.)
Lacy... our communications over the past couple of months have made me regret that I'm am neither allowed into the USA or capable of sexual activities.
  • #20

Aw Jeeze. I didn't know.

Live well. All of you. All of us.
  • #21

Danger said:
As I've admitted in the past, I'm a total jerk; I just try to hide it when I'm around people that I like.

Funny, I pretty much have lived my entire life that way :biggrin:
  • #22

- gorgeous all-powerful Brainiac

Can we get her business cards?
  • #23

To hell with the doctors. Keep going strong Danger. Just let someone know the next time you go on another video game excursion. :-p
  • #24

Greg, man...
You're another that I always thought of as an "untouchable" until the past couple of years. You don't post much, and the first few that I read were all administrative in nature. You have certainly turned out, however, to have a really cool sense of humour and a weird streak that I appreciate.
I think that I can safely say that I speak for everyone here when I tell you that you are a true hero. PF has probably done more to promote science as a "mind-set" than any other activity in modern times. I hope that you are as proud of yourself as you deserve to be.

I should also once again acknowledge that I wouldn't be here at all if it weren't for Brewnog befriending me and encouraging me to hang out for a bit.
  • #25

Greg Bernhardt said:
Funny, I pretty much have lived my entire life that way :biggrin:

Sounds like we may need "Well Camouflaged Jerk" badge. I'll be honored to wear it with both of you :devil:
  • #26

Danger said:
I hope that you are as proud of yourself as you deserve to be.

I'm just proud to be a part of it. Somehow we managed to assemble/attract the best staff and member base in history :smile: o:)
  • #27

Danger said:
Lacy... our communications over the past couple of months have made me regret that I'm am neither allowed into the USA or capable of sexual activities.

  • #28

Lacy33 said:

Don't make me toss this thread into the Relationships forum :biggrin:
  • #29

Danger said:
Greg, man...
You're another that I always thought of as an "untouchable" until the past couple of years.

Yeah I know, Greg is pretty special. ...
Well that is after I called him a brat and few other choice things and he informed me he would personally ban me from PF... :frown: Um, after you get over that little bump he is the greatest. :smile:
PF was my first experience with the internet and then Greg introduced us/me to Facebook where I have found most all my old (and I mean old) friends.
  • #30


I don't know you as well as I'd like to, but I've always valued your input. I love your sense of humor! I have a great deal of respect for your humility, but I believe you minimize your contributions. I've learned a lot from your posts, and I hope that you feel appreciated. :smile:
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  • #31

Greg Bernhardt said:
Don't make me toss this thread into the Relationships forum :biggrin:

No! I don't even KNOW this man. :biggrin: I'm a happily married woman o:)... I just didn't think he was going to say how he felt about... um, ... wait it will come to me... Just wait... I'll get back to you. :shy:
  • #32

Lacy33 said:
No! I don't even KNOW this man. :biggrin: I'm a happily married woman o:)... I just didn't think he was going to say how he felt about... um, ... wait it will come to me... Just wait... I'll get back to you. :shy:

:smile: :smile: :smile:

I love the way your eyes bug out when you're shocked. :biggrin:
  • #33

Dan, I'm very sorry to hear that your health problems have progressed so far. Hopefully you will pull a Stephen Hawking and best the predictions by decades. :smile:
  • #34

Ivan Seeking said:
Dan, I'm very sorry to hear that your health problems have progressed so far. Hopefully you will pull a Stephen Hawking and best the predictions by decades. :smile:

Me too, me too Ivaaan... IVAN! My health is not so bad, but I'm real goofy and walk in front of cars and stuff. Yeah! Thanks for the blessings.
Now I am going to walk out front a MAC truck, I LOVE YOU DANGER! :smile:
  • #35

One of the first things I posted that was directed at Danger was: "That's Averagesupernova to you buster!" in response to his shortening my username. Of course I was joking and Danger took it as such. Just about all members of this forum could do well to be more like Danger.

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