Probability distribution of function of continuous random variables

In summary, a probability distribution of a function of continuous random variables is a representation of the possible outcomes of a random variable and the likelihood of each outcome occurring. It is calculated by first determining the probability density function (PDF) of the continuous random variables, then using that to calculate the cumulative distribution function (CDF) and finally taking the derivative to find the probability distribution function. Common examples of continuous random variables include height, weight, time, temperature, and income. This type of distribution is used in various real-world applications, such as finance, engineering, and statistics, to model and analyze phenomena and make predictions. It differs from a discrete probability distribution, which is used for variables with specific and separate values, in that it is represented by a
  • #1
I hope someone can help me understand functions of random variables:

If X~Uniform(A,B), A < X < B
Y~Normal(0,1), -inf < Y < inf
and Z = X + Y

- what is the pdf of Z?
- how can I calculate a probability like P(Z < 3)?
- what is the conditional probability P(Z<z | X = x)?
- what is the conditional pdf of Z given X = x?

Any hint will be appreciated. Thank you.
Physics news on
  • #2
What have u tried for 1?

-- AI
  • #3

The probability distribution of a function of continuous random variables can be found using the transformation method. In this case, we have two random variables X and Y, and we are interested in finding the probability distribution of their sum, Z = X + Y.

To find the pdf of Z, we can use the following formula:

fZ(z) = ∫fX(x)fY(z-x)dx

Where fX(x) and fY(y) are the pdfs of X and Y respectively. In this case, fX(x) = 1/(B-A) and fY(y) = 1/(√(2π))e^(-y^2/2).

Substituting these values into the formula, we get:

fZ(z) = ∫1/(B-A) * 1/(√(2π))e^(-(z-x)^2/2)dx

To calculate a probability like P(Z < 3), we can use the pdf of Z and integrate from -∞ to 3. This will give us the area under the curve from -∞ to 3, which represents the probability of Z being less than 3.

To calculate the conditional probability P(Z < z | X = x), we can use the conditional probability formula:

P(Z < z | X = x) = P(Z < z, X = x) / P(X = x)

We can find the joint probability P(Z < z, X = x) by using the joint pdf of X and Y, which is given by fX(x)fY(y). We can then integrate over the range of y from -∞ to z-x and divide by P(X = x), which can be found by integrating fX(x) over the range of X.

The conditional pdf of Z given X = x can be found by using the conditional probability formula and differentiating with respect to z. This will give us the conditional pdf of Z given X = x, which represents the probability distribution of Z when X takes on a specific value x.

I hope this helps in understanding the concept of functions of random variables. Remember to always check the ranges of the random variables and use the appropriate pdfs when finding probabilities or conditional probabilities.

FAQ: Probability distribution of function of continuous random variables

1. What is a probability distribution of a function of continuous random variables?

A probability distribution of a function of continuous random variables is a representation of the possible outcomes of a random variable and the likelihood of each outcome occurring. It describes the probability of a particular event or set of events happening based on the values of the continuous random variables.

2. How is a probability distribution of a function of continuous random variables calculated?

The probability distribution of a function of continuous random variables is calculated by first determining the probability density function (PDF) of the continuous random variables. The PDF is then used to calculate the cumulative distribution function (CDF), which gives the probability of the random variable being less than or equal to a certain value. The probability distribution function is then calculated by taking the derivative of the CDF.

3. What are some common examples of continuous random variables?

Some common examples of continuous random variables include height, weight, time, temperature, and income. These variables can take on any value within a certain range, making them continuous rather than discrete.

4. How is the probability distribution of a function of continuous random variables used in real-world applications?

The probability distribution of a function of continuous random variables is widely used in fields such as statistics, finance, and engineering. It is used to model and analyze real-world phenomena, such as stock prices, weather patterns, and population growth. It also allows for the prediction of future outcomes based on the probability of certain events occurring.

5. What is the difference between a discrete and continuous probability distribution?

A discrete probability distribution is used for variables that can only take on specific, separate values, such as the number of children in a family. A continuous probability distribution is used for variables that can take on any value within a certain range, such as the height of a person. While a discrete probability distribution is represented by a probability mass function, a continuous probability distribution is represented by a probability density function.

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