Proton, electron and coordinates

In summary, a proton and electron are initially at coordinates (0,0) and (d,h) respectively, with a uniform electric field E turned on at time t=0. Neglecting their interaction, the y-coordinates of the two particles will be equal at equal times. The correct answer to where they will meet is (a) at about y=d/2000 due to the inverse relationship between their displacements and masses.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A proton sits at coordinates (x,y) = (0,0), and an electron at (d,h), where d>>h. At time t=0, a uniform electric field E of unknown magnitude but pointing in the positive y direction is turned on. Assuming that d is large enough that the proton-electron interaction is negligible, the y coordinates of the two particles will be equal (at equal time)

a) at about y=d/2000;
b)at an undetermined value since E is unknown;
c)at about y=d/43;
d)nowhere: they move in opposite directions

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

The correct answer is a) but I don't know why. I have no idea how the answer connects d, a x-coordinate, with the final y-coordinate.

This is my attempt::

Since the E is the same and the q is the same, the 2 Forces must be the same
(mass of electron)(acceleration of electron)=(mass of proton)(acceleration of the proton)
(acceleration of electron)=1833(acceleration of proton)

S=(0.5)(acceleration of electron)t^2+(0.5)(acceleration of proton)t^2
of course, S=h-0 or S=h, and (acceleration of electron)=1833(acceleration of proton)
I have no idea how to go from there...please help
Thanks a lot
Physics news on
  • #2
21385 said:
The correct answer is a) but I don't know why. I have no idea how the answer connects d, a x-coordinate, with the final y-coordinate.
It makes no sense. I suspect a typo: The answers show "d" where they should show "h".
  • #3
Thanks, Doc Al
I got the problem, and it is y=h/1834
  • #4
this is quite easy actually. Since the time elapsed is the same, the ratio between their displacements should be the inverse of that between their mass which is about 2000(very rough approximation:-p ). So we get y=h/2001 so (a)

FAQ: Proton, electron and coordinates

1. What is a proton?

A proton is a subatomic particle with a positive charge and a mass of approximately 1 atomic mass unit. It is found in the nucleus of an atom and is essential for the stability of the atom.

2. What is an electron?

An electron is a subatomic particle with a negative charge and a mass of approximately 1/1836 atomic mass units. It orbits around the nucleus of an atom and is involved in chemical reactions and electricity.

3. How do protons and electrons interact?

Protons and electrons interact through electromagnetic forces. The positive charge of a proton is attracted to the negative charge of an electron, keeping the electron in orbit around the nucleus.

4. What are coordinates in relation to protons and electrons?

Coordinates are a way of describing the position of a particle, such as a proton or electron, in space. They are typically given in terms of x, y, and z axes and are used to locate particles within an atom or in other systems.

5. How do protons and electrons differ in terms of mass and charge?

Protons and electrons differ in both mass and charge. Protons have a positive charge and a mass that is approximately 1836 times greater than that of an electron. This difference in mass and charge is what allows for the attraction between the two particles.
