Humorous anecdote: My Last Two Dollars and My Last Good Nerve.

  • Thread starter CaptainQuasar
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In summary, a woman at a cafe is debating between skim milk and two percent milk for her latte when she suddenly turns to a stranger and comments on feeling fat. The stranger responds with a witty comeback, causing a few heads to turn in surprise.
  • #1
Humorous anecdote: “My Last Two Dollars and My Last Good Nerve.”

From" :

The woman is now weighing the pros and cons of having skim milk versus two percent milk in her latte, and she says, “God, I don't know, I just feel so, like, fat today. I feel like such a big fat cow.”

Then she turns to me, and she says, GET THIS, “How do you stand it every day?”

…several heads in the cafe pop up because nobody can believe this woman actually said this to a total stranger…

But the gods of snark are smiling upon me today. I reply, straightfaced, “You know, it's normally not too bad, but today I'm having one of those days where I feel like a shallow dumb b▒▒▒▒. How do you stand it every day?”

The force is strong in this one.
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Physics news on
  • #2
Oh snap!

Someone congratulate that woman!
  • #3

I am always amazed at the power of humor to diffuse tense situations and bring people together. In this anecdote, the speaker cleverly uses sarcasm to respond to a rude and insensitive comment from a stranger. It is a reminder that even in everyday interactions, we can use humor to challenge societal norms and question harmful beliefs. But on a more serious note, it is also a reminder to be mindful of the impact our words can have on others and to practice empathy and kindness in our daily interactions.

FAQ: Humorous anecdote: My Last Two Dollars and My Last Good Nerve.

1. How did you come up with the idea for this humorous anecdote?

The idea for this humorous anecdote came from a real-life experience where I found myself in a similar situation with only two dollars left in my wallet and feeling like I was at my last good nerve. I thought it would be funny to exaggerate the situation and turn it into a humorous story.

2. Is there a deeper meaning or message behind this anecdote?

Yes, while the story may seem silly and lighthearted, it actually touches on the relatable feeling of being at your wit's end and having to find humor in difficult situations. It also highlights the importance of finding joy in small things, like a good cup of coffee, even when things may not be going as planned.

3. How do you craft a humorous anecdote that resonates with people?

Crafting a humorous anecdote takes a combination of creativity, observation, and understanding of human emotions. It's important to find a relatable topic and exaggerate it in a way that is both humorous and thought-provoking. It also helps to use specific details and vivid descriptions to make the story more engaging.

4. Can you share any tips for using humor in storytelling?

One tip for using humor in storytelling is to know your audience and what type of humor they may find funny. It's also important to avoid jokes or topics that may be offensive or insensitive. Another tip is to use timing and delivery to enhance the humor in your story, and to practice your story in front of others to gauge their reactions and make improvements.

5. Have you received any interesting responses to this anecdote?

Yes, I have received a variety of responses to this anecdote, from people sharing their own similar experiences to others simply finding it amusing and relatable. One interesting response was from someone who said the story made them rethink their own moments of feeling at their last good nerve and to find humor in those situations instead of getting frustrated.
