Jumping on a trampoline and energy conserved/ not conserved

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of energy conservation while jumping on a trampoline. The different systems of the person and the trampoline are analyzed in terms of energy conservation, with the conclusion that the system of the person and the trampoline together conserves energy due to the absence of external forces. The concept of energy conservation is then applied to different forms of energy in the system, such as kinetic energy, potential energy, and spring energy.
  • #1

Homework Statement

So I am jumping on a trampoline and need to look at the different systems and which ones are conserving energy and which ones are not conserving energy. Time-initial= when I am at the lowest point of the trampoline, and Time-final= when I am 1/2 on my way down.
Systems :
me+ trampoline

Homework Equations

Work= difference in energy

The Attempt at a Solution

As me as the system I do not conserve energy because I change potential energy.
Trampoline changes potential so it also does not conserve energy
Me and Tramp would be energy conserved because there is no outside force acting on the system.
Me + Earth would be energy not conserved because I change energy causing the whole system to change.

So where I've gone wrong and not sure where.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
The way to look at it is to consider all the ways energy is stored in the system (you+ trampoline).
Kinetic energy - when you are moving
Potential energy - how high you are above the ground
Spring energy - how stretched the trampoline is

At each point in the bounce consider which combination of these has the energy.
  • #3

I would like to provide a more thorough explanation and clarification on the concept of energy conservation in this scenario.

Firstly, it is important to understand that energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be transferred from one form to another. This is known as the law of conservation of energy. With this in mind, let's look at the different systems involved in this scenario.

1. Me as the system: When I am jumping on the trampoline, my body is constantly changing between potential energy (when I am at the highest point) and kinetic energy (when I am at the lowest point). This means that my body is not conserving energy, but rather converting it from one form to another.

2. Trampoline as the system: The trampoline also changes between potential and kinetic energy as it stretches and compresses with my jumps. However, the trampoline itself does not lose or gain any energy, it simply transfers it from one form to another. Therefore, the trampoline does conserve energy.

3. Me + Earth as the system: In this system, the trampoline is considered as a part of the Earth's system. When I jump on the trampoline, the Earth exerts a force on me, causing me to move up and down. This means that the energy is transferred between me and the Earth, and the total energy of the system remains constant. Therefore, this system also conserves energy.

4. Me + Trampoline as the system: In this system, both me and the trampoline are exerting forces on each other. As I jump, I push down on the trampoline, causing it to stretch and store energy. When the trampoline pushes back, it propels me upwards, converting the stored energy back into kinetic energy. This means that the total energy in this system is conserved.

In conclusion, energy is conserved in all the systems involved in jumping on a trampoline. The only difference is how the energy is being transferred and converted between different forms. I hope this explanation helps to clarify any confusion and provides a more accurate understanding of energy conservation in this scenario.

FAQ: Jumping on a trampoline and energy conserved/ not conserved

1. How does jumping on a trampoline conserve energy?

Jumping on a trampoline conserves energy through the conversion of potential energy into kinetic energy. When you jump on a trampoline, you are exerting a force against the surface, which stores potential energy in the trampoline's springs. As you bounce back up, the potential energy is released and converted into kinetic energy, which propels you into the air.

2. Is energy conserved when jumping on a trampoline?

Yes, energy is conserved when jumping on a trampoline. According to the law of conservation of energy, energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed from one form to another. In the case of jumping on a trampoline, the potential energy of your body is transformed into kinetic energy and back again, resulting in a conservation of energy.

3. What types of energy are involved in jumping on a trampoline?

When jumping on a trampoline, both potential and kinetic energy are involved. The potential energy is stored in the trampoline's springs and the kinetic energy is the energy of motion as you bounce on the surface. Additionally, there may be small amounts of thermal energy produced due to friction between the trampoline and your body.

4. Does jumping on a trampoline use less energy than other forms of exercise?

It depends on the intensity and duration of your trampoline jumping. Jumping on a trampoline can be a great form of cardiovascular exercise, but it may not burn as many calories as other forms of exercise such as running or cycling. However, it can still be an effective way to burn energy and improve balance and coordination.

5. Can jumping on a trampoline lead to energy loss over time?

No, jumping on a trampoline does not lead to energy loss. As mentioned earlier, energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed. Therefore, the energy used in jumping on a trampoline is not lost, but rather transformed into different forms. However, over time, trampoline jumping can lead to fatigue and a decrease in energy levels, but this is due to the body's natural processes and not a loss of energy.

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